Mycenae - the Lion GateThe Lion Gate at Mycenae. This early citadel was extensively excavated in the mid 19th century by Schliemann, who dug the Royal shaft graves, finding many treasures
Tholos Tomb / MycenaeSchliemann dubbed this majestic building the Treasury of Atreus but the capstone-topped ashlar corbelled masonry is actually that of a Tholos tomb
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. Charles V Palace. Its construction was ordered by the emperor Charles V due to the need for a place that met all the comforts of the time for the emperor and his family
The Beth Shean Gate lintel inscribed with Ramesses IIIThe Beth Shean Gate lintel inscribed with the name of Ramesses III. 12th Century BC. Limestone. Rockefeller Archaeological Museum. Jerusalem, Israel. Date: 2014
Gothic Art. France. Paris. Notre Dame. Portal of the Virgin (c. 1220). Detail depicting the Death of the Virgin. Mary lies on her deathbed surrounded by Jesus and the Twelve Apostles
Nyankhre false door stela. EgyptNyankhre false door stela. 2450 BC. Limestone's small false door from the mastaba of the hairdresser's superintendent of the Palace Niankhre
14th Century Arch Architecture Art Catalan Catalonia14th, century, arch, Architecture, art, catalan, Catalonia, Cathedral, of, Saint, Mary, Catholic, catholicism, Christ, christian, christianism, christianity, dead, decorated, Detail, door, figure
Mayan Ruins - Chichen Itza, Yucatan, MexicoMayan Ruins at Chichen Itza - a large pre-Columbian city built by the Maya people of the Terminal Classic period. The archaeological site is located in Tinum Municipality, Yucatan State, Mexico
Lintel from a Torah Niche. Synagogue at Nabratein, Upper Galilee. 3rd century CE. Rockefeller Archaeological Museum. Jerusalem. Israel
Pre-Columbian art. Lintel 15 from Yaxchilan, Late Classic MaPre-Columbian art. Central America. Maya. Lintel 15 from Yaxchilan, Late Classic Maya. 8th century. British Museum, London
Lion Gate. S. Xiv Bc. Greece. Peloponnese. ArcadiaLion Gate. s.XIV BC. GREECE. PELOPONNESE. ARCADIA. Mycenae. Gate of the second stage (1350-1330 BC) located in the north of the wall with lions over the lintel. Mycenaean art. Architecture
Old Arch - Hicks Court, off the Digey, St Ives, Cornwall Date: circa 1910s
Othellos Tower - Famagusta, Republic of Northern Cyprus Date: circa 1930s
Man and daughter - Doorway of Old House - Quimper, France - Rue du Gueodet.. Now Les Caratides Bar Restaurant Date: circa 1910
Stonehenge, Wlitshire, England. Date: 1910s
The lion Gate - Mycenae, GreeceThe lion Gate - Mycenae - located about 90 kilometres southwest of Athens, in the north-eastern Peloponnese. Date: circa 1910s
Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Medieval. Lintels. Reliefs. 12th century. Last Supper. Rockefeller Archaeological Museum. Jerusalem. Israel
Damascus, Syria - Door of the Museum - Arabic ArchitectureDamascus, Syria - Door of the Museum - Islamic/Arabic Architectural styles in evidence. Date: circa 1910s
The Ornate door of a mosque, Cairo, Egypt Date: circa 1908
Greek art. Funerary stele depicting a potter. Early 6th centGreek art. Archaic period. Funerary stele depicting a potter. Early 6th century B.C. Polychromed. National Archaeological Museum. Athens
Pre-Columbian art. Lintel 17 from Yaxchilan, Late Classic MaPre-Columbian art. Central America. Maya. Lintel 17 from Yaxchilan, Late Classic Maya. 8th century. British Museum, London
Greek script. Lintel with inscription of Emperor Justinian. Marble. 538 A.C. Miletus. Market Gate. Pergamon Museum. Berlin. Germany
False door of Bateti. EgyptLimestone false door of Bateti. The figure inside the niche depicts the deceased out of his grave to receive their offerings. 2400 BC. 5th Dynasty. Old Kingdom. British Museum. London. United Kingdom
Lion Gate. s. XIV BC. GREECE. Mycenae. Gate of theLion Gate. s.XIV BC. GREECE. Mycenae. Gate of the second stage (1350-1330 BC) located in the north of the wall. Lions over the lintel. Detail. Mycenaean art. Architecture
Turkey - The ruins of the ancient Library at Ephesus, including fine carved corinthian capitals and lintels Date: 1908
YaxchilᮠLintel 53. 766. Late Classic periodYaxchilᮠ Lintel 53. 766. Late Classic period. Ritual scene with the governor Jaguar Shield, wearing quetzal feathers. Maya art. Relief on rock. MEXICO. Mexico City
India, Bihar, Patna: Historical Museum, antique lintel. Date: 2011
Skikda (Philippeville), Algeria - French BarracksSkikda (Philippeville), Algeria - The French Barracks
The Lintel of the Tomb of AyIllustration showing the carvings found on the lintel of the Tomb of Ay at El Amarua, near Cairo in Egypt, 1909
Chamber at MycenaeA rock-cut side chamber leading from the tholos tomb, dubbed the Treasury of Atreus by Schliemann
Nile Dam ConstructionNILE DAM Stone porters transporting a granite lintel weighing three tons to be used in the construction of the Nile dam
Hampton Court - A London alleyway / passageLondon alley " Hampton Court". Photograph by Norman Synge Waller Budd
Interior of Tholos TombA tholos tomb at Mycenae, dubbed the Treasury of Atreus by Schliemann. The stonework is known as corbelling, with successive courses laid inward
Second Treasury MycenaeThe Second Treasury at Mycenae. The building is in fact a Tholos tomb, with a ashlar walls and corbelling over the door to decrease weight on the lintel stone