Matilda of Tuscany, 1046-1115
Franciscan monk, 14th century
Costume of an Italian noble man, 14th century
Young Italian man in military costume, 14th century
Italian archer or longbowman, 14th century
Cangrande or Can Francesco della Scala, lord of Verona
Costume of a nobleman of Siena, Italy, 14th century
Costume of a young woman of Florence, 14th century
Costume of a young Italian man, 14th century
Bernabo Visconti, Lord of Milan, 14th century
Costume of a common woman, 14th century
Costume of a valet, 14th century
Knights in full armor, first half of the 16th centuryKing Edward III of England, 14th century
French noble man, 14th century
French knight on horseback for a tournament, 14th century
Marriage ceremony, 13th century
Costume of an Italian noble woman, 14th centuryEnglish woman in the fashion of April 1796.. English woman in the fashion of April 1796. She wears a bonnet with ribbons, high-waisted printed dress, long green stole, and fur muff
A young man receiving a knighthood, 14th century
Cansignorio della Scala, lord of Verona, 1340-1375
French noblewoman kneeling in prayer, 14th century
Magistrates of the court in Siena, Italy, 14th century
French noble kneeling in prayer, 14th centuryArchduke Albert of Austria (1559-1621), in breastplate, trunk hose and cream stockings.. Handcolored illustration by E. Lechevallier-Chevignard, lithographed by A. Didier, L. Flameng, F
Costume of a young French man, 14th century
The Balia or government tribunal in Siena, 14th century
Piazza del Campo, Siena, Italy, 14th century
Engagement ceremony, 13th century
Noble woman playing jeu de paume (real tennis), 14th century
Noble woman of Siena, 14th century
Palace of the Podesta (Mayor), Florence, 14th century
Soldier with small shield, sword and plumed helmet, 14th century
Italian nobleman in cape with ermine border, 14th century
Venetian gondola, 14th century
Noblewoman of Milan, 14th century
Noble woman of Florence, 14th century
Young man of Florence, 14th century
Nobleman of Milan, 14th century
Italian military costume, 14th century
Mastino II della Scala, lord of Verona, 1308-1351
Coronation of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan
Professional funeral weeper, 14th century
Woman of Siena, 14th century
Funeral of a bishop, 14th century
Costume of the Pope or supreme pontiff, 14th centuryMilitary costume of a Tuscan gentleman, 15th century
Doctor of law reading books at a lectern, 14th century
Young Italian woman in turban, 14th century
Carthusian monk, Order of Saint Bruno, 14th century
Sbirro or famiglio, Italian police agent with lantern, 14th century
Saint Marks Basilica, Venice, 11th century
Petrarchs Laura, from a portrait by Simone Martini, 14th century
Francesco Petrarca or Petrarch, Italian poet, 1304-1374
Young Italian women, 14th century
Celebrating a mass, 14th century
Benedictine monk, 14th century
Archbishop, 14th century.. Handcolored illustration drawn and lithographed by Paul Mercuri with text by Camille Bonnard from Historical Costumes from the 12th to 15th Centuries, Levy Fils, Paris, 1860
Alexandre Vitelleschi, imperial knight and count palatine
Noblewoman of Florence, 14th century
Courtyard of the Basilica of Sant Ambrogio Milan, 13th century
Italian merchants and judicial notary, 14th century
Pope Alexander III presenting the Doge of Venice with a sword
Italian guild artisans and a judicial notary, 14th century
Lanfranco Septala, Augustine monk, 1243
Costume of a matron of Florence, 15th centuryEnglish woman in the fashion of March 1796.. English woman in the fashion of March 1796
Scene from an elegant carnival, Italy, 15th century
Young French man, 13th century
Military costume, 13th century
Italian foot soldier with pike and shield, 15th century
Costume of a secular lawyer to the church, 15th century