Leopard, cougar, lynx and cats
Leopard, Panthera pardus a, cougar, Puma concolor b, lynx, Lynx lynx c, wild cat, Felis catus d, and house cat, Felis catus domesticus e
Examples of heraldic terms describing a coat of arms. Includes herse, losanges, billettes, carreaux, lion, leopard, testes, griffon, sanglier, hure, cerf, mouton, rustres, etc
Leopard moth, sallow kitten and prominent moths
Wood leopard moth, Zeuzera pyrina, sallow kitten, Furcula furcula, iron prominent, Notodonta dromedarius, pebble prominent, Notodonta ziczac, and lesser swallow prominent, Pheosia gnoma
Sunda pangolin, leopard, horse fly and scorpion fly
Sunda pangolin, Manis javanica, critically endangered 1, leopard, Panthera pardus 4, horse fly, Tabanus rostratus 3, scorpion fly, Panorpa communis 3