Tatler cover - Winter Sports & Spring Cruise Number 1959Front cover of The Tatler magazines Winter Sports and Spring Cruise Number for 1959 featuring a girl in snow-appropriate clothes wearing mirrored sunglasses in which are reflected a Cunard cruise
Hurray for the Robinson Ray! by W. Heath RobinsonWe are privileged to publish the first illustration of a Death Ray at its dirty work. the top secret experiment was entirely successful, and as our picture shows
An operation screened live in a medical lectureAn invention by Mr Herbert A. Silver enabling medical students to watch surgery from the lecture theatre. A circle of electric lamps is suspended over the operating table while the image is projected
Lippersheys LensesThe legendary account of the invention of the telescope : Hans Lippersheys apprentices, playing with lenses, happen to hold two of them up together - the rest is history
The Solar Microscope. Date: 18th century
Portable 16mm Camera Date: 1950
Frustrated photographer at trotting races, Mahon, MenorcaA male photographer tries to take a close-up picture of a racehorse in its stable - but the horse pushes its nose into his camera to take a closer look
Lens Making, FranceMaking lenses from a glass sphere which has been blown using compressed air; at a French glassworks Date: 1896
1916 British Army issue telescope with broad arrow, manufactured by T. T. & H. Limited, No. 11801. TEL SIG (Mk.IV), ALSO G.S. together with low and high lenses, in leather case
Kodak Factory 1930SGlass lenses being sorted at the Kodak works in Wealdstone Date: 1930s
Lighthouse lantern, 1886. Detail. Museum of History and Navigation. Riga. Latvia
Martians watching scenes of life on EarthA group of Martians watching scenes of life on Earth through special viewfinders. Date: 1906
John DollondJOHN DOLLOND English optician; improved telescopic lenses Date: 1706 - 1761
Pince nez and blue eyes on a Victorian scrap. Date: circa 1890s
Military spectacles by Dollands, WW1Specialist military spectacles with larger lenses and secure hooks, as supplied by Dollands of Oxford Street. The advertisement claims that many civilians are adopting the style due to its obvious
Dark Room EquipmentCameras and lenses in a dar room. Sophisticated in their day, no doubt, but looking rather dated and cumbersome today! Date: 1960s
Selection of MicroscopesA selection of single microscopes
Telescope discoveryJacob Metzu, lensmaker of Middelburg, discovers principle of telescope when his son plays with lenses. Oddly, his fellow-townsman Lippershey does precisely the same
Pince-Nez SpectaclesNegretti & Zambras spectacles, made with finest Brazilian pebbles or the purest glass, carefully adapted to any sight
Buffon ExperimentBUFFON experiments with lenses, harnessing the heat of the sun to set fire to a distant tree