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Lempire Collection

Background imageLempire Collection: Islamic portrayal of Adam and Eve

Islamic portrayal of Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve from a Persian manuscript. They are shown in Oriental robes singing to the tree of life in Paradise, halos and flames shooting from their heads. Adamo id Eva

Background imageLempire Collection: Muslim boys in the days before their circumcision, 1790

Muslim boys in the days before their circumcision, 1790
Muslim boys in the days before their circumcision, and goats destined for sacrifice. Figli Musulman. Animali pei sacrifici. 18th century

Background imageLempire Collection: Soldat De L'Empire

Soldat De L'Empire
A scrapbook sketch of an empire soldier on horseback, travelling along a dirt road in the countryside. Date: circa 1901

Background imageLempire Collection: Gate to the seraglio, Topkapi Palace, Istanbul, 18th century

Gate to the seraglio, Topkapi Palace, Istanbul, 18th century
Gate to the seraglio, Topkapi Palace, Istanbul. Porta del serraglio

Background imageLempire Collection: Muslim women entertaining themelves in their private

Muslim women entertaining themelves in their private quarters. Woman smoking hookah pipes, spinning yarn, embroidering, etc. Appartement d une dame Mahometane avec le tandour

Background imageLempire Collection: Final scene of a Dervish dance, Rifai order

Final scene of a Dervish dance, Rifai order. Penitents in ecstasy grasp red-hot scimitars and have their wounds treated by the sheikh. Followers of Shaikh Ahmed er-Rifai

Background imageLempire Collection: Private quarters of an Ottoman official

Private quarters of an Ottoman official. Officials in robes sit on a divan in a large carpeted room. Appartement d un ministre de la Porte

Background imageLempire Collection: Dance of the dervishes, Kadri order

Dance of the dervishes, Kadri order. Ballo dei Dervisch Cadry

Background imageLempire Collection: Dance of the whirling Dervishes

Dance of the whirling Dervishes of Mawlawi Tawagozi. Sufi Dervishes in tall hats dance in a circle to accompaniment by musicians on drums, psaltery and sistrum. Ballo dei Dervisch Mewlewi

Background imageLempire Collection: Two Sufi Dervish devotees at prayer

Two Sufi Dervish devotees at prayer
Two Dervish penitents performing prayer rituals in a Dervish lodge. One with his hair tied to the ceiling with a cord, and another with band around hands and knees holding prayer beads

Background imageLempire Collection: Interior of the shrine to Osman I, Bursa, Turkey

Interior of the shrine to Osman I, Bursa, Turkey
Interior of the shrine to Osman I or Osman Gazi, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, with tomb or Turbe, Bursa, Turkey. Cappella sepolcrale di Osman I

Background imageLempire Collection: Exterior of the shrine to Sultan Mustafa III, Istanbul

Exterior of the shrine to Sultan Mustafa III, Istanbul
Exterior of the shrine or Turbe to Sultan Mustafa III, Istanbul. Externo della cappella sepolcrale di Moustapha III. Sultan III Mustafa Turbesi

Background imageLempire Collection: Library of Grand Vizier Koca Raga?p Pasha

Library of Grand Vizier Koca Raga?p Pasha
Library of Grand Vizier Koca Mehmet Raga?p Pasha, Ottoman statesman (1698 ??1763). Scholars in turbans reading books at low tables on carpets. Biblioteca del Gran Visir Raghib Pascha

Background imageLempire Collection: Public library of Sultan Abdul Hamid I, 1787

Public library of Sultan Abdul Hamid I, 1787
Public library of Abdul Hamid I, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, 1773-1789. Scholars in turbans reading books and scrolls in a carpeted libary surrounded by bookcases. Biblioteca di Abdul-Hamid

Background imageLempire Collection: View of the Laleli Mosque or Tulip Mosque, Istanbul

View of the Laleli Mosque or Tulip Mosque, Istanbul. Built by Sultan Mustafa III in the 18th century with large dome and two minarets. Moschea Lalely

Background imageLempire Collection: Muslim chapel in a seraglio

Muslim chapel in a seraglio. Two gentlemen of the chamber stay in the chapel for two entire days twice a week to honor the birth of Muhammed

Background imageLempire Collection: Sultan Ahmed Mosque or the Blue Mosque, Istanbul

Sultan Ahmed Mosque or the Blue Mosque, Istanbul
View of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque or the Blue Mosque, Istanbul. Built in the 17th century with five domes, six minarets and eight secondary domes. Moschea Sultan-Ahmed

Background imageLempire Collection: Mourners in a Muslim cemetery

Mourners in a Muslim cemetery
Rites of passage in the Muslim cemetery of Eyup, Istanbul. Mourners in turban and robes praying before gravestones. Cimitero

Background imageLempire Collection: Tomb of the Grand Vizier, Koca Mehmet Raga?p Pasha

Tomb of the Grand Vizier, Koca Mehmet Raga?p Pasha, Ottoman statesman, 1698-1763. Tomba

Background imageLempire Collection: Muezzin performing the call to prayer or adhan

Muezzin performing the call to prayer or adhan
Muezzin in turban and robes performing the call to prayer or adhan. Muezzin particolare

Background imageLempire Collection: Muslim man praying at a roadside prayer site

Muslim man praying at a roadside prayer site
Open-air raised praying site; such sites existed on all big commercial routes in the Ottoman Empire. Muslim man kneeling on a prayer mat in front of a carved stone indicating Mecca

Background imageLempire Collection: Muezzin in a minaret performing the call to prayer

Muezzin in a minaret performing the call to prayer
Muezzin in a minaret of a mosque performing the call to prayer or adhan. Muezzin pubblico

Background imageLempire Collection: A Muslim man performing his ablutions before prayer

A Muslim man performing his ablutions before prayer, washing his hands in a bowl of water. A servant pours water and another offers a towel. Musulmano che fa abluzione

Background imageLempire Collection: Four great imams

Four great imams: Abu Hanifa 1, Al-Shafi ??i 2, Malik ibn Anas 3 and ibn Hanbal 4. I quattro Iman

Background imageLempire Collection: The first four Caliphs

The first four Caliphs, heirs of Prophet Muhammad, in chronological order: Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (top right), Umar ibn al-Khattab (top left), Uthman ibn Affan (bottom right)

Background imageLempire Collection: Audience with the Grand Vizier in the throne room

Audience with the Grand Vizier in the throne room of Topkapi Palace. Sala del Trono

Background imageLempire Collection: The Grand Viziers audience with ambassadors

The Grand Viziers audience with ambassadors. The Vizier treats his guests to a feast while musicians from the seraglio play military music. La sala d udienza del Gran Visir agli ambasciatori

Background imageLempire Collection: Tombs in the Temple of Bel or Baal, Palmyra, Syria

Tombs in the Temple of Bel or Baal, Palmyra, Syria. Sepolcri di Palmira

Background imageLempire Collection: Prince Grand-Dignitaire de l Empire, Napoleonic era

Prince Grand-Dignitaire de l Empire, Napoleonic era

Background imageLempire Collection: Place des Martyrs at Night - Beirut, Lebanon

Place des Martyrs at Night - Beirut, Lebanon Date: circa 1930s

Background imageLempire Collection: Lagrange, Joseph-Louis comte de lEmpire (1736-1813)

Lagrange, Joseph-Louis comte de lEmpire (1736-1813). French mathematician and astronomer. FRANCE. Paris. National Library

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