Funeral rites and apotheosis of Julius Caesar, 44 BCFuneral rites and apotheosis of Roman general Gaius Julius Caesar, 44 BC. Caesar's body is lifted onto a bed in front of the Temple of Concordia Sacra in Rome and a shrine to Venus
Samuel Wesley, English divine and poet, 1662-1735Samuel Wesley, English clergyman, divine and poet, 1662-1735. Writer of controversial prose, and book of poetry, Maggots. In laurel wreath, cravatte, doublet, with quill pen and books
Roman Emperor Trajan in laurel wreath, 53-117. Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus (Caesar), governor of Germany under Nerva. Trajanus
Jupiter, chief Olympian god of the Roman pantheonJupiter in laurel wreath, chief Olympian god of the Roman pantheon; god of the sky, husband of Hera/Juno. Zeus in Greek mythology. Iupiter
Moschus, ancient Greek bucolic poetMoschus in laurel wreath, ancient Greek bucolic poet and student of the Alexandrian grammarian Aristarchus of Samothrace. Born at Syracuse and flourished about 150 BC
Apollo Archegetes in laurel wreath
Hercules, Roman equivalent of the Greek divine hero HeraclesHercules in laurel wreath. Roman equivalent of the Greek divine hero Heracles, son of Jupiter and the mortal Alcmene
Constantine I, Roman emperorProfile portrait of Constantine I, c. 272-337, or Constantine the Great, Roman emperor from 306 to 337. Constantinus M. Constativusa VC
Publius Vergilius Maro, Latin poet in laurel wreath. Virgil or Vergil, 70 BC - 19 BC, ancient Roman poet of the Augustan period, author of the Eclogues, the Georgics and the epic Aeneid
Title page from Deorum et Heroum, 1715Title page in red and black with vignette of a herald crowning a bust with a laurel wreath, twins, Mercury and Minerva with owl
Fetial priest or fetialis, ancient Rome. In laurel wreath, toga, and cloak, holding a spear. A statue on a column and aqueduct in the background. Pretre Feciale chez les Romains
Emperor in military uniform, ancient Rome. Wearing laurel wreath, ornate breastplate, paludamentum cloak, tunic, short trousers or sagulum gregale, and caligae hobnail boots holding a sword
Death as victor riding on horseback over corpses. A skeleton in laurel wreath holding a flag rides his horse over the dead on a barricade of doors and barrels
Model for a ridicule or small drawstring bag. In painted taffeta a la giraffe, with classical scenes of women with embroidered screens, sheep, laurel wreath, etc. Copperplate engraving by D
Portrait of Matthew Prior, 1664-1721, English poet and diplomat. Copperplate engraving by Charles Grignion after a drawing by John Roberts of a bust by Antoine Coysevox in Westminster Abbey
Apollo, god of music and dance, and his attributesFragment of the face of Apollo, god of music and dance, Apollo Musicus holding a lyre from a cameo in Stosch's collection, figure of Apollo with bow from a cameo in the Marlborough Collection
Bust of a young male athlete crowned with victory laurels. From a carnelian gem by the Greek sculptor Allion. Allione
Philetaerus, Athenian comedy writer of the 4th century BC. In laurel wreath. According to Pausanias, his mother was Amica Tibicina of Paphlagonia. According to Strabo, he was a eunuch from Teos
Gold Medal Certificate for the California Perfume Company, 1915Gold Medal Certificate for the California Perfume Company from the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
The Poet and the Rose. A poet in laurel wreath and Roman robes plucks a rose for poetic inspiration. The garden has a fountain, statuary, vase and flower beds
Bust of bearded Hercules with laurel wreath. In nicolo. Hercole laureato. In nich'lo
Roman emperor ElagabalusElagabalus, c. 204 - 222, Heliogabalus or Antoninus, Roman emperor from 218 to 222, while he was still a teenager. Bust in profile with laurel wreath. In carnelian. Elagabalo. In corniola
Roman emperor CaracallaMarcus Aurelius Antoninus or Caracalla, 188 - 217, Roman emperor from 198 to 217. Elder son of Emperor Septimius Severus and Empress Julia Domna. In carnelian. Caracalla. In corniola
Bust of Roman emperor Antoninus PiusBust of Antoninus Pius or Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Pius, 86 - 161, Roman emperor from 138 to 161. Wearing laurel wreath. In variegated agate. Antonino. In agata varia
Bust of Galba, Roman EmperorBust of Galba, born Servius Sulpicius Galba, 3 BC - AD 69. Sixth Roman emperor, ruling from AD 68 to 69. Wearing a laurel wreath. In sapphire. Galba. In Zaffiro
Bust of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus or Caligula, third Roman emperor, 12-41 AD. In laurel wreath. In carnelian. C. Caligula. In corniola
Bust of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, second Roman emperorTiberius Caesar Augustus, second Roman emperor, 42 BC - AD 37. Succeeded his stepfather, first Roman emperor Augustus. In laurel wreath. Tiberio. In cameo
Bust of bearded Hercules with laurel wreath. In tricolor nicolo. Hercole laureato. In nicholo di tre colori
Bust of Caesar Augustus or Octavian, first Roman Emperor, 63 BC - 14 AD. Wearing a laurel wreath. Gem in hyacinth topaz found in the ruins of Catania in Sicily. Augusto. In hiacinto
Bust in profile of Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman general and statesman, 100 BC - 44 BC. Wearing laurel wreath, with star and lituus crook. In carnelian. C. Giulio Cesare. In corniola
Bust in profile of Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman general and statesman, 100 BC - 44 BC. Wearing a laurel wreath interwoven with palm fronds, breastplate, lituus crook. In ovate chalcedony
Bust of a young Hercules, clean shaven with laurel wreath. In black agate. Hercole giovane. In agata nera
Bust of a young athlete crowned with laurel wreath. By the Greek artist Allion. In carnelian. Allione. In corniola
Bust profile of Augustus in carnelian. In laurel wreath. Caesar Augustus, 63 BC - 14 AD, also known as Octavian, first Roman emperor. Augusto in corniola
Bust profile of Julius Caesar in carnelian. Gaius Julius Caesar, 100-44 BC, Roman general, statesman, emperor and dictator. In laurel wreath, chlamys with clasp. Giulio Cesare in corniola
Bust profile of a poetess in cornelianBust profile of a poetess in laurel wreath in cornelian. Or a priestess laureate. Poetessa in corniola
Bust of an unknown Classical bearded poet. In laurel wreath. Possibly Virgil. In carnelian. Poeta incognito. In corniola
Winged Cupids playing games and sports, in amber paste. Cupids wrestling and boxing, playing with hoops. One Cupid holds a laurel wreath and palm frond. Genii Giuoco in ambra pasta
Bust of Apollo, Greek god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, . In profile with laurel wreath and long hair. In nicolo. Apollo
Triumphal eagle with laurel wreath on a column. Standard of a Roman legion known as Aquila Lucano. With two cornucopia, globe and dolphins. In cornelian. Aquila trionfale. In corniola
Triumphal eagle with a laurel wreath. A standard or signum of a Roman legion. In nicolo. Aquila Trionfale. In niccolo
Roman Emperor Vespasian and wife Flavia Domitilla MajorRoman Emperor Vespasian, 9-79 AD, in laurel wreath and wife Flavia Domitilla Major, died before 69 AD. Domitilla dressed as Ceres, holding ears of wheat. In emerald plasma. Vespasiano e Domitilia
Sacrifice by the Roman emperor Caligula. The emperor with laurel wreath, and his sisters Julia Drusilla, Julia Livilla, making an offering to a sacred flame decorated with a phallic emblem