Smooth newt, male, female and larvae, Lissotriton vulgaris (as common newt, Lacerta vulgaris, common water newt, Lacerta palustris, Lacerta punctata)
Ephemera danica, mayfly larvaThe larval stage of a mayfly lasts about a year, and is spent entirely underwater. When it hatches as an adult in the spring, usually May, it is only very short-lived
Apatura iris, purple emperorPlate 20 from Illustrations of British Butterflies and their Larvae (1892) by Theo Johnson. Cropped image of illustration
Bluebottle maggotsNumerous bluebottle fly maggots or larvae feeding on carrion
Varieties of butterflies, moths, etcVarieties of butterflies, swallowtails, moths, hawkmoths, and their caterpillars, larvae, pupae, etc. Handcoloured lithograph by C
Varieties of butterflies, moths, etcVarieties of butterflies, moths, and their caterpillars, larvae, pupae, etc. Handcoloured lithograph by C
Stag beetlesMale and female stag beetles with pupa. Date: 1865
Ruby tiger moth and peach blossom mothRuby tiger moth, Phragmatobia fuliginosa 1-5, and peach blossom moth, Thyatira batis 6-8
Fish development from spawn and juvenile anatomyFish spawn on vegetation, fish growth from egg to larvae to fingerling, and anatomy of a juvenile fish
Red cracker butterfly and palm nut grubsRed cracker butterfly, Hamadryas amphinome (copied from Maria Sibylla Merian), and palm nut grubs, larvae of the South American palm weevil, Rhynchophorus palmarum
Polyommatus icarus, common blue butterflyPlate 46 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed (1892) by Theo Johnson
Cordylobia anthropophaga, tumbu fly larvaeLarvae of the tumbu fly or putzi fly common in East and Central Africa. Photographed by Martin Hall
Mucuna with insects in different life stagesHand-coloured engraving based on Maria Sibylla Merian watercolour. From Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium, 1726 edition. Date: 1726
Sketchbooks of Lepidoptera, Margaret FountaineVarious larvae and pupae watercolours with descriptions, 1933-35 Date: 1933
Antlion larva on a paper sheet (Deutoleon lineatus). Tuva, Russia
Termite colonyAn opened queen cell of Macrotermes showing the queen surrounded by the smaller king and various castes of workers, soldiers and white larvae
Dermatobia hominis, botfly larva2nd instar larva of the botfly (Dermatobia hominis). Collected from a cow, Brazil. Photographed by Martin Hall
Gasterophilus, horse botflyThe larva of the horse botfly (Gasterophilus) which upon hatching migrate internally where they grow and attach themselves to the stomach wall of horses. Photographed by Martin Hall
Palaemonetes varians, ditch shrimp larvaLarva of the ditch shrimp in stage five of development, just prior to metamorphosis
Owlet moth caterpillar - in a bush at night feeding on bush foliage (Noctuidae sp.). Karakum desert - Turkmenistan - Spring - April
Apateon pedestris, amphibian larvaA seven-centimetre-long larval amphibian
Tenthredinidae, Tenthredo, Symphyta
Polygonia c-album, commaFrom Illustrations of British Butterflies: with occasional figures of the larva, pupa, and food-plant (1878) by Theo Johnson
Vanessa atlanta, red admiralFrom Illustrations of British Butterflies: with occasional figures of the larva, pupa, and food-plant (1878) by Theo Johnson
Gonepteryx rhamni, brimstonePlate 2 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed, by Theo Johnson, 1892
Lampromyia sp. flyLarvae of this family Vermilionidae behave like ant-lions, they make a funnel in the sand and wait at the bottom for other invertebrates to fall in. Specimen held at the Natural History Museum, London
Oestridae, botfly larvaScanning electron microscope image of a botfly larva
Brachycerous flyThe family Nemestrinidae comprises almost 300 species of brachycerous flies. Larvae of this family are parasitoids of Orthoptera and scarabeus beetle larvae
Eristalis tenax, drone-fly larvaeEristalis tenax is one of quite a large group of closely related hover-flies which have rat-tailed maggots, i.e. larvae with an elongated breathing tube at the end of their bodies. E
Argynnis lathonia, Queen of Spain fritillaryFrom Illustrations of British Butterflies: with occasional figures of the larva, pupa, and food-plant (1878) by Theo Johnson
Cyaniris semiargus, mazarine bluePlate 42 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed (1892) by Theo Johnson
Anthocharis cardamines, orange tipPlate 10 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed, by Theo Johnson, 1892
Lysandra coridon, chalk-hill blueFrom Illustrations of British Butterflies: with occasional figures of the larva, pupa, and food-plant (1878) by Theo Johnson
Cynthia cardui, painted ladyPlate 21 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed, by Theo Johnson, 1892
Colias hyale, pale clouded yellowPlate 4 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed, by Theo Johnson, 1892
Lacewing larva in amberLacewing larva preserved in Baltic amber. This specimen dates from the Upper Eocene
Blowfly larvaeMature maggots or larvae of the bluebottle blowfly (Calliphora)
Two species of beetle, with larvae on a Mexican or prickly poppy. Plate 24 from Metamorphosis Insectorum (1705) by Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717)
Chiggers, larvae of trombiculid mitesLizards have pockets within their skin where chiggers accumulate. These pockets offer ideal living conditions. Each pocket has thick walls that repair quickly
Burnet mothPlate 2 from 298 water-colour drawings of insects and larvae (1622) by C. Flegel
Deilephila elpenor, elephant hawk moth caterpillarsTwo elephant hawk moth caterpillars by H. Hengstenburgh. From Collection of Drawings by Dutch Artists, 17th-19th centuries. Held in the Entomology Library at the Natural History Museum, London
ButterfliesPlate 86 from 298 water-colour drawings of insects and larva (1622) by C. Flegel. Held in the Entomology Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Saturnia pyripavonia, emperor mothPlate 1 from 298 water-colour drawings of insects and larvae, Frankfurdt 1622 by C. Flegel
Argynnis aglaja, dark green fritillaryFrom Illustrations of British Butterflies: with occasional figures of the larva, pupa, and food-plant (1878) by Theo Johnson
Cockroach in amber
Maniola jurtina, meadow brownPlate 15 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed, by Theo Johnson, 1892
Maculinea arion, large bluePlate 43 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed (1892) by Theo Johnson
Aglais urticae, small tortoiseshellPlate 26 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed, by Theo Johnson, 1892
Larvae and Pupae by Margaret FountainePlate 70 from Vol. III Larvae and Pupae from West Africa, Canary Islands, West Indies, South America and United States. 1926-31
Argynnis adippe, high brown fritillaryPlate 29 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed, by Theo Johnson, 1892
Chrysophanus dispar, large copperFrom Illustrations of British Butterflies: with occasional figures of the larva, pupa, and food-plant (1878) by Theo Johnson
Erebia aethiops, scotch argus butterfly
Quercus bract in baltic amberA bract from the male flower of an oak tree in Baltic amber. Specimen dates from the Upper Eocene
Bombyliidae specimensBee-flies from around the world, clockwise from top left: Systropus, Bombylius, Cephalopdromia and Ligyra. Adults are flower feeders, the larvae are parasitoids of other insects
Surinaamsche Insecten, Insects of SurinamPlate 57 from Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium of te Verandering der Surinaamsche Insecten by Maria Sibylla Merian
Lepidoptera larvae from Queensland, AustraliaLepidoptera larvae illustrations from Manuscript notebook, vol.2 1910-1926 by Margaret Elizabeth Fountaine
Oestrus ovis, ship nasal botfly larvaA ship nasal botfly larva, a cause of myiasis extracted from a human eye in Kuwait. Photographed by Martin Hall
Cuterebra, rodent botfly3rd instar or stage of the rodent botfly found on a spiny rat (Proechimys sp.) in French Guiana. Photographed by Martin Hall
Myiasis causing flies3rd instar larvae. Photographed by Martin Hall
Gyrostigma rhinocerontis, botfly maggotA adult rhino botfly maggot (Gyrostigma rhinocerontis) extracted from a white rhino, Merseyside. Photographed by Martin Hall
Sawfly larvae devouring a leafA group of sawfly larvae devouring a leaf as featured on page 71 of Megabugs by Miranda MacQuitty; Natural History Museum publication, 1995
Antheraea sp. Emperor moth caterpillarsCaterpillars of the Emperor moth. Painting by Pieter de Bevere from the Loten Collection dated (1754-57) held at the Natural History Museum, London
Grub of a house long-horn beetleThe grub of a house long-horn beetle boring into and feeding on wood. Infestations of the larvae can cause great damage to household furniture
aRDWOLFA stuffed Aardwolf, similar to a hyena, native to southern and eastern Africa, which feeds mainly on termites and insect larvae. Yellowish grey fur with black stripes. Date: 1930s
Clothes MothThe clothes moth (tinea pelleonella) and its larvae