Norway - Kautokeino - Sami People
Man in the Kitchen C1905Letting your husband loose in the kitchen can be very risky; here, a pot boils over, eggshells litter the floor, and the cat laps spilt milk
Siamese Cat Gets CreamA spoilt Siamese kitten sits in its wicker basket and laps up the cream from the top of a milk bottle!
A family of the Sami People from Finnmark, NorwayA family of the Sami People (Saami) from Finnmark - a county in the extreme northeastern part of Norway Date: circa 1901
Arthur in Avalon Date: 1881
Group of nurses and children outdoorsGroup of eight nurses outdoors, three sitting on bench with two small children and a baby on their laps. Date: circa 1910
Sami Family, Norway. Date: circa 1908
Two Saami Men smoking their pipes - Norway. Date: circa 1910s
Sami People - Norway - with antlers and dogs Date: 1930
Norway - Sami People Date: circa 1910s
Sami People - Norway - with Reindeer and small wooden sledSami (Saami) People - Norway - with Reindeer and small wooden sled. Date: circa 1909
Lace-Making in the town of Bruges, Belgium 1907Mid-aged women working in their homes in Fladers on pillow lace-making. Working lots of hours for not much pay from seven in the morning till ten at night
Hermann Lang on the twelve-cylinder Mercedes-BenzHermann Lang on the twelve-cylinder, 490 bhp
19th century Swedish clothing19th century fashion illustration depicts depicts Traditional costumes at Lapplandia, Sweden. Date: 1827
Islands in the Baltic Sea, near Stockholm, SwedenView from Tourist Station, Saltoluokta, Lapland, Sweden Date: 1927
Sami family, Arctic area of SapmiSami couple, baby and dog outside their home. They are from the Arctic area of Sapmi, which covers northern parts of Scandinavia and Russia. Date: late 19th century
A Saami man - NorwayA Saami man - carrying his wordly possessions - Norway Date: circa 1909
Norway - Finnish family living in GrotliA Finnish family (possibly of the Sami People) living in Grotli, a village in Oppland, a county of Norway. Date: circa 1906
Sami Family, Sweden Date: circa 1905
To the right hon able Lord Viscount Kingsborough, ... this pTo the right hon able Lord Viscount Kingsborough
Sami People - Sweden Date: circa 1910s
Inuit milking Reindeer, NewfoundlandLaps (blanket term at the time for the indigenous Inuit people) milking reindeer at the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen Station, near St
Sami Father and Son Date: circa 1920
Suburban Sunday in the back gardenA suburban Sunday in the back garden. Mother and son keep cool with bottles of drink, while the dog laps up a glass of Caribbean lemonade. Dad, overheated, gives himself a break from mowing the lawn
Norway - Sami Family in their tentSami People from Norway inside their tent
Suburban Sunday 1970SA sensible boy cools down with a bottle of shandy and his dog laps up a glass of Caribbean lemonade. Meanwhile, Dad, with his shirt off, struggles on in the heat with his lawnmower
Gipsy Boys & DogTwo scruffy little gipsy boys, one wearing an old school blazer and both wearing wellies. One of the boys strokes a dogs head and it laps up the affection
Cat Laps up Spilt MilkPussy laps up the spilt milk
Social / Childrens TeaFour children have their tea, while mother serves and the cat laps milk from a bowl
Daughter StirsMother watches as one of her daughters stirs something in a bowl, while her other daughter spoon in hand waits her turn and the kitten laps its milk