Cartoon, French soldier and his mother, WW1Cartoon, French soldier and his mother, taking a borzoi and a lapdog for a walk. He says that people will think she is his fiancee
Pekingese dog, by Harry RountreePekingese dog, original etching by Harry Rountree (see 12270549 for reverse image). Date: circa 1930
Music cover, Little Blossom, ballad by Stephen Glover. 19th century
Studio portrait, man with two Pekingese dogsStudio portrait, a French man in a black suit holds a Pekingese dog under each arm. Date: circa 1915
Studio portrait, man with Pekingese dog, FranceStudio portrait, a man with his two Pekingese dogs on a cushion, photo by Vrondy, Paris. Date: circa 1920
Little white dog on a chair on a cutout New Year cardLittle white dog sitting on a chair on a cutout New Year card. Date: circa 1890s
Two dogs, Jack and Nell, on a cutout Christmas cardTwo dogs, Jack and Nell, with a pink rose on a cutout Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s
Lapdog in a handbagUnusual Friends - lapdog in a handbag. 1950s
Little dog on a chair in a gardenUnusual Friends - little dog on a chair in a garden. 1950s
Pekingese dog and tabby kittenUnusual Friends - Pekingese dog and tabby kitten. 1950s
Two dogs, Jack and Nell, on a cutout Christmas cardTwo dogs, Jack and Nell, with a pink rose on a cutout New Year card (back). (2 of 2) Date: circa 1890s
Pekingese puppy in a garden. Date: circa 1920s
Elderly woman on a bench with her dog. Date: circa 1900s
Woman with Pekingese dog in a park Date: circa 1920s
Woman with three Pekingese puppies in a garden. Date: circa 1920s
Stuffed dogs, Walter Potter Museum, LondonThree stuffed dogs sitting in a furnished room at the Walter Potter Museum, Jamaica Inn, London. Sadly the museum was sold off and disbanded in 2003. Date: 1960s
Stuffed dog, Walter Potter Museum, LondonA stuffed dog sitting at a writing desk in a furnished room at the Walter Potter Museum, Jamaica Inn, London. Sadly the museum was sold off and disbanded in 2003. Date: 1960s
Two little dogs in the snow on a New Year cardTwo little dogs sheltering under an umbrella in the snow on a New Year card. Date: circa 1890s
Little dog with knitting on a Christmas and New Year cardLittle dog playing with knitting on a Christmas and New Year card. circa 1890s
Three dogs on a Christmas card, playing with a woven mat. Date: circa 1890s
Two dogs, large and small, on a Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s
Illustration by Cecil Aldin, The Black Puppy Book. A cute little lapdog puppy called Darling, sitting on a red cushion. Date: 1909
Three women in deckchairs with a dogThree women sitting in deckchairs in a garden, one of them with a Pekingese dog on her lap. Date: circa 1930s
Girl holding a dog in a garden. Date: circa 1920s
Girl with three dogs in a garden. Date: circa 1920s
Woman and girl with dog outside a house, BelgiumA woman and a girl with a little dog outside a house, Belgium. circa 1910s
Woman with Pekingese dog in a gardenWoman holding up a Pekingese dog in a garden. circa 1920s
Studio portrait, woman with Pekingese dog, photo by Edwarde, Southampton. Date: circa 1920s
Studio portrait, woman with dog, GermanyStudio portrait, woman with a little dog on her lap, photo by Atelier Rheinschloss, Friedenau, Berlin, Germany. Date: circa 1930s
Woman and boy with a dog in a garden. Date: circa 1910s
Studio portrait, young woman with Pekingese dogStudio portrait, young woman with a Pekingese dog. Date: circa 1900s
Woman with Pekingese dogs and puppies in a garden, photo by Edwards & Son, Worthing. circa 1920s
Young woman with Pekingese dog in a gardenYoung woman with a Pekingese dog in a garden. Date: circa 1910s
Woman with Pekingese dog outside a houseWoman holding a Pekingese dog outside a house. Date: circa 1930s
Woman with a dog in a garden, ItalyWoman with a little dog in a garden, Italy. Date: circa 1910s
Little girl with King Charles spanielLittle girl giving medicine to her King Charles spaniel -- Open Your Mouth. Date: circa 1900s
Studio portrait, couple with dogStudio portrait, couple with a small black lapdog, photo by Everard Winter of Harlesden, NW London. Date: circa 1920s
Family group with dog, Llandrindod, WalesFamily group of seven with a dog at Llandrindod, Wales. Date: circa 1900s
Family with three dogs and a servantFamily of four in a back garden with three lapdogs and a servant. Date: circa 1910s
Woman and Pekingese dogWoman in nurses or servants uniform, holding up a treat for a Pekingese dog. Date: circa 1913
Studio portrait, young woman with two dogsStudio portrait, young woman with two little dogs, taken by Seymour Cousens of St Leonards on Sea, Sussex. Date: circa 1910s
Family group with dog in a gardenFamily group (four women and a man) with a Pekingese dog in a garden. Date: circa 1920s
Two girls and a dog, Westgate on Sea, KentTwo girls and a Pekingese dog at Westgate on Sea, Kent. Date: circa 1920s
Studio portrait, man with Pekingese dogStudio portrait, man sitting on a bench with a Pekingese dog, photo by Daniels, SW London. Date: circa 1910s
Studio portrait, family of three with two dogs, photo by E Tranter, Cape Hill, Smethwick. Date: circa 1920s
Cartoon, Convalescent leave, WW1Cartoon, Convalescent leave, showing two girls chatting to a little boy dressed as a soldier who has a bandage on his knee