The Inseparables, Elissa Landi and Pat AherneElissa Landi and Pat Aherne in Whitehall romantic film The Inseparables, directed by Adelqui Millar Date: 1929
A scene from The Constant Nymph at New Theatre, London (1926) with Helen Spencer, Edna Best, Elissi Landi, Cathleen Newbitt and Cecil Parker Date: 1926
A scene (a burlesque on German student life) from An Und Aus, the Herman Haller revue at the Admiralspalast, Berlin 1926 Date: 1926
A scene from Yellow Ticket (1931) with Elissa LandiA scene from Yellow Ticket (Fox Studios / 1931) with Elissa Landi (wearing a Dolly Tree gown) and Lionel Barrymore Date: 1931
Elissa Landi, Italian actress. Date: 1934
NWFP - Caravan on its way to Peshawar from AfghanistanNWFP (North West Frontier Province) - Caravan on its way to Peshawar from Afghanistan in the caravanserai at Landi Kotal. Date: circa 1920s
Lorenco Beretti-LandiLORENCO VERZUSO marques BERETTI-LANDI Spanish diplomat, ambassador to Den Haag. Date: LATE 17TH CENTURY
Elissa Landi (1904 - 1948), Film actress of Austrian extraction, leading lady of the 1930s
Landi Kotal Pass - Khyber PassA view of Landi Kotal - the highest point on the Khyber Pass and a British fort/garrison during their rule of the subcontinent
Landi Kotal - North West Frontier ProvinceWinter view of Landi Kotal - the highest point on the Khyber Pass and a British fort/garrison during their rule of the subcontinent
Elissa Landi / PostcardELISSA LANDI Film actress of Austrian extraction, leading lady of the 1930s