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Labiatae Collection

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Ocimum sanctum, holy basil

Ocimum sanctum, holy basil
An illustration of leaves and branches of holy basil (Ocimum sanctum), also known at Tulsi. By James Kerr (1738-1782). Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Melissa officinalis, lemon balm

Melissa officinalis, lemon balm
A painting from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Chrysolina menthastri, mint leaf beetle eating a mint leaf

Chrysolina menthastri, mint leaf beetle eating a mint leaf
A bronze-green rounded leaf beetle feeding on a mint leaf. These beetles are common in the U.K and favour damp waterside habitats

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Lavandula angustifolia, common lavender

Lavandula angustifolia, common lavender
Illustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Lavandula pinnata, lavender

Lavandula pinnata, lavender
Illustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Mentha arvensis, mint

Mentha arvensis, mint
Illustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Salvia nutans, nodding sage

Salvia nutans, nodding sage
Watercolour on vellum, c. mid-17th century by Madeleine Basseporte (1701-1780). Held in the Library and Archives

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Downy Woundwort, Stachys germanica

Downy Woundwort, Stachys germanica
Plate 83/11, illustration of Downy Woundwort from Deutschlands Flora (1841) by Jacob Sturm (1771-1848). Date: 1841

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Teucrium abutiloides

Teucrium abutiloides
Illustration from Plantarum rariorum Horti Csarei Schoenbrunnensis descriptiones et icones, 1797/98, by Nikolaus Joseph Jacquin. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Gazania splendens, gazania and Callicarpa purpurea, purple b

Gazania splendens, gazania and Callicarpa purpurea, purple b
Plate 29 from The Illustrated Bouquet (1857-64) by Edward Geroge Henderson. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Labiatae

Plate 112 from The Chief Natural Orders of Plants (1849). Illustrated and described by Elizabeth Twining (1805-1889)

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Hyssopus officinalis, hyssop

Hyssopus officinalis, hyssop
Illustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Salvia barrelieri, meadow clary

Salvia barrelieri, meadow clary
Illustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Lavandula abrotanoides, lavender

Lavandula abrotanoides, lavender
Illustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Mentha arvensis, peppermint

Mentha arvensis, peppermint
Illustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Gmelina macrophylla

Gmelina macrophylla
Finished watercolour by unknown artist from an original outline drawing by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage across the Pacific, 1768-1771

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Brazoria truncata

Brazoria truncata
Illustration by Asa Gray (1810 - 1888)

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Premna serratifolia L. aloalo

Premna serratifolia L. aloalo
Collected by Robert Brown on Goods Island, Torres Strait, Northern Australia, 2nd November 1802. During the voyage of HMS Investigator, Captained by Matthew Flinders

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Lavandula santolinaefolia, lavender

Lavandula santolinaefolia, lavender
Illustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Rosmarinus rigidus, rosemary

Rosmarinus rigidus, rosemary
Illustration from Icones ad Floram Europae (1867) by Alexis Jordan. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Perilla frutescens, beef steak plant

Perilla frutescens, beef steak plant
Plate from Thesaurus Zeylanicus (1737) by J. Burman, of Type Specimens of plants named by Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778)

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Collinsonia canadensis, horse weed

Collinsonia canadensis, horse weed
A hand written description of horse weed from Flora Nov Eboracensis, part of the the Banks Collection. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Limonium recurvum, sea lavendar

Limonium recurvum, sea lavendar
Illustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Leonotis leonurus, Lions tail

Leonotis leonurus, Lions tail
A specimen of Lions tail (Leonotis leonurus) from George Cliffords herbarium

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Clinopodium vulgare, wild basil

Clinopodium vulgare, wild basil
Pen and ink illustration by Jane Colden, 1740-50 s. Original artwork held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageLabiatae Collection: Oreoscoptes montanus, sage thrasher, Ixarius naevius, varied

Oreoscoptes montanus, sage thrasher, Ixarius naevius, varied
Plate 369 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1835-38), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London

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