Koniggratz Battle 1866BATTLE OF KOENIGGRATZ (also known as Sadowa) The Prussian victory, though hard- won, leads to Austrian collapse, victory for Prussia, and the creation of the German Empire
BATTLE OF KOENIGGRATZ (also known as Sadowa) The Prussian victory, though hard- won, leads to Austrian collapse, victory for Prussia, and the creation of the German Empire Date: 3 July 1866
Bismarck / Rohling / Page 24Bismarck at the Battle of Koniggratz
Koeniggratz - VictoryBATTLE OF KOENIGGRATZ (aka Sadowa) - the victorious kaiser congratulates his men Date: 3 July 1866
Koeniggratz - BayonetsBATTLE OF KOENIGGRATZ (aka Sadowa) - bayonet charge by the Prussian infantry Date: 3 July 1866
Koeniggratz - RetreatBATTLE OF KOENIGGRATZ (aka Sadowa) - the defeated Austrians retreat
Bismarck / Rohling / Page 23Bismarck at the Battle of Koniggratz
Battle of KoniggratzBATTLE OF KONIGGRATZ The first Prussian Regiment of Guards storms Chlum in the course of this decisive Prussian victory
Bismarck / Rohling / Page 25After the Battle of Koniggratz, Bismarck is found sleeping in the street