A fop grabs a lady's hand in a kissing game, 18th centuryA fop grabs a lady's hand in the kissing game of Pied de Boeuf (cow foot), 18th century.. They are surrounded by children in a glade
Fop and beauty playing a kissing game, 17th centuryFrench aristocrats playing the kissing game of Pied de Boeuf (cow foot), 17th century. A fop grabs the hand of a beauty. After an engraving by Nicolas de Larmessin, chez P. Houllie, rue St. Jacques
Medieval girls playing the game of Open the Doors, 1587, where girls form arches with their arms for others to dance under. Others play the kissing game Sure or Suze, and play at being the queen
Gentlemen and ladies playing the kissing game The Clock. A woman asks the time and is kissed according to the hour on the clock. La Pendule
Gentlemen and ladies playing the kissing game, Cradle of Love. Couples link hands and form arches to trap others as they beneath. Freedom is granted with a kiss. Le Berceau d'Amour
Gentlemen and ladies playing a kissing game, 1800sGentlemen and ladies playing a kissing game. A penitent holds a candle while his guide goes around kissing women at the party. Jeu de Societe. Le Chevalier a la triste Figure
Gentlemen and ladies playing the Bridge of LoveA man and woman embrace and kiss while seated on another gentleman's back. Scene from the kissing game, The bridge of love. Le Pont d'Amour
Various party games popular during the Napoleonic Era. Kissing games including the Convent Porter, Bridge of Love, Sultan, Base of the Candlestick
Party goers playing the Convent Porter gameParty goers playing the kissing game, Convent Porter. A Regency dandy guards the door to a closet where men and women take turns to secretly kiss. Le Portier de la Couvent. Jeu de Societe
Fashionable people playing the game of the Candlestick BaseFashionable people playing the parlour game of the Candlestick Base. For a forfeit, one fool kisses a candlestick base which drips hot wax on a woman on a sofa