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Kinder Collection

Background imageKinder Collection: Mass Trespass of Kinder Scout

Mass Trespass of Kinder Scout
Peak District ramblers in trouble: walking towards Kinder Scout on the occasion of their battle with the gamekeepers

Background imageKinder Collection: Spelt, buckwheat and rice

Spelt, buckwheat and rice
Cereals and grains: spelt or dinkled wheat, Triticum spelta 1, buckwheat, Fagopyrum esculentum 2, and rice, Oryza sativa 3

Background imageKinder Collection: Mass trespass at Kinder Scout

Mass trespass at Kinder Scout
Peak District ramblers in trouble: walking towards Kinder Scout on the occasion of their battle with the gamekeepers

Background imageKinder Collection: Orange, citron, fig and almond

Orange, citron, fig and almond
Fruits including citron, Citrus medica 1, 2, bitter orange, Citrus aurantium 3, sweet or Chinese orange, Citrus sinensis 4, fig, Ficus carica 5, and almond, Prunus amygdalus 6

Background imageKinder Collection: Hydrangea, Hydrangea hortensia

Hydrangea, Hydrangea hortensia. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1802

Background imageKinder Collection: Crab varieties

Crab varieties
Purple land crab, Gecarcinus ruricola 1, hermit crab, Paguristes eremita 2, sea hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus 3, and sand crab, Cancer arenarius 4

Background imageKinder Collection: Fools parsley, hemlock and northern water hemlock

Fools parsley, hemlock and northern water hemlock
Fools parsley, Aethusa cynapium 1, hemlock, Conium maculatum 2, and northern water hemlock, Cicuta virosa 3

Background imageKinder Collection: Cereal grains

Cereal grains
Wheat, Triticum aestivum 1, rye, Secale cereale 2, barley, Hordeum distichon 3, and oats, Avena sativa 4

Background imageKinder Collection: Harpy, griffin, satyr, giant, seahorse and Nereid

Harpy, griffin, satyr, giant, seahorse and Nereid
Mythical creatures: harpy, griffin, satyr, giant or Titan, seahorse and Nereid or Triton

Background imageKinder Collection: Centaur, chimera, Greek sphynx, Egyptian sphinx

Centaur, chimera, Greek sphynx, Egyptian sphinx
Mythical creatures: centaur 1, chimera 2, Greek sphinx 3, Egyptian sphinx 4, gryllus 5 and siren 6

Background imageKinder Collection: Deadly nightshade and black nightshade

Deadly nightshade and black nightshade
Deadly nightshade, Atropa belladonna, and black nightshade, Solanum nigrum (Solanum hortense)

Background imageKinder Collection: Portraits of Khoikhoi and Griqua men, South Africa

Portraits of Khoikhoi and Griqua men, South Africa
Portrait of Stoffel Speelman, a Khoikhoi of Hottentot man 1, and a chief of the Griqua or Kora people with hassagai (spear) and kirri (club) 2

Background imageKinder Collection: Roc, basilisk, phoenix, unicorn, vegetable lamb, and dragon

Roc, basilisk, phoenix, unicorn, vegetable lamb, and dragon
Mythical creatures: roc bird 1, basilisk 2, phoenix 3, unicorn 4, vegetable lamb of Tartary Agnus scythicus or Planta Tartarica Barometz, 5, and dragon 6

Background imageKinder Collection: Roman crowns and wreaths

Roman crowns and wreaths
Crowns of the ancients: radial crowns 1, 2, laurel wreaths 3, 4, civic crown 5, Obsidionalis (for generals who delivered a town under siege) 6

Background imageKinder Collection: Manna ash and sarsaparilla

Manna ash and sarsaparilla
Manna ash, Fraxinus ornus 1, and sarsaparilla, Smilax regelii 2, with root, flower and node

Background imageKinder Collection: Ancient Roman Circus and chariot race

Ancient Roman Circus and chariot race
Ancient Roman Circus or games arena 1, four-horse chariot or quadriga 2, chariot yoke with rams head 3, and bronze medal to honour the victor 4

Background imageKinder Collection: Guava, Brazilian pawpaw, and sapodilla

Guava, Brazilian pawpaw, and sapodilla
Guava tree, Psidium guajava 1, Brazilian pawpaw, Annona muricata 2, and sapodilla, Manilkara zapota 3, with fruit, flower and leaf

Background imageKinder Collection: Cod, whiting, pollock and poor cod

Cod, whiting, pollock and poor cod
Cod, Gadus morhua, vulnerable 1, whiting, Merlangius merlangus 2, coalfish or pollock, Pollachius virens 3, and poor cod, Trisopterus minutus 4

Background imageKinder Collection: Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee, and Nazareth, 1820

Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee, and Nazareth, 1820
View of the town of Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee, and view of the town of Nazareth, 1820

Background imageKinder Collection: Smooth newt, Lissotriton vulgaris

Smooth newt, Lissotriton vulgaris: female 1, male 2, female depositing eggs on an aquatic leaf 3, egg 4, development of the young 5-12

Background imageKinder Collection: British Raj hunters shooting tigers in India

British Raj hunters shooting tigers in India
British colonial hunters mounted on elephants with Indian guides chasing and shooting at a tiger in a river in India

Background imageKinder Collection: Tiger beetles, varied carpet beetle, etc

Tiger beetles, varied carpet beetle, etc
Tiger beetles, Cicindela sinuata 1, Cicindela campestris 2, Cicindela sexguttata 3, Nitidula sanguinolenta 4, varied carpet beetle, Telephore flavipede 5, Anthrenus verbasci 6

Background imageKinder Collection: Prickly saltwort and Iceland moss

Prickly saltwort and Iceland moss
Prickly saltwort, Kali turgida 1, and Iceland moss, Cetraria islandica 2

Background imageKinder Collection: Roughbark lignum-vitae and cascarilla

Roughbark lignum-vitae and cascarilla
Roughbark lignum-vitae, Guaiacum officinale 1, seedpods a, (endangered), and cascarilla, Croton eluteria 2, bark b

Background imageKinder Collection: Puffer, globe and sunfish

Puffer, globe and sunfish
Birdbeak burrfish, Cyclichthys orbicularis 1, sunfish, Mola mola 2, thornback trunkfish, Tetrosomus gibbosus 3, checkered puffer, Sphoeroides testudineus 4, and Fahaka pufferfish or globe fish

Background imageKinder Collection: Tamarind and pistachio nut

Tamarind and pistachio nut
Tamarind, Tamarindus indica, and pistachio nut, Pistacia vera. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1792

Background imageKinder Collection: Garcinia cambogia and turmeric

Garcinia cambogia and turmeric
Brindleberry or garcinia cambogia, Garcinia gummi-gutta, and turmeric, Curcuma longa

Background imageKinder Collection: Starfish or sea star

Starfish or sea star, upperside and underside views of different species

Background imageKinder Collection: Longboat and gondola

Longboat and gondola
Longboat 2 and gondola 3

Background imageKinder Collection: Yacht, 18th century

Yacht, 18th century. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after Christiane Henriette Dorothea Westermayr from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1792

Background imageKinder Collection: Yacht, longboat and gondola

Yacht, longboat and gondola
Yacht 1, longboat 2 and Venetian gondola 3

Background imageKinder Collection: Merchant ship

Merchant ship. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after Christiane Henriette Dorothea Westermayr from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1792

Background imageKinder Collection: Cutter

Cutter. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after Christiane Henriette Dorothea Westermayr from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1792

Background imageKinder Collection: Strychnine tree and ginseng root

Strychnine tree and ginseng root
Strychnine tree, Strychnos nux-vomica 1, with fruit in section a, grain b, flower c, and ginseng, Panax quinquefolius 2, with flower d, root e, dried root f

Background imageKinder Collection: Sea urchins and spines

Sea urchins and spines
Sea urchins, red 1, green 2, 5, yellow 6, brown 3, 4, and spines 7-11. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1792

Background imageKinder Collection: Frigate

Frigate 2. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after Christiane Henriette Dorothea Westermayr from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1792

Background imageKinder Collection: Galley

Galley. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after Christiane Henriette Dorothea Westermayr from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1792

Background imageKinder Collection: Ship of the line

Ship of the line, with section through interior of the hull

Background imageKinder Collection: Vanilla orchid and colocynth

Vanilla orchid and colocynth
Vanilla orchid, Epidendrum vanilla 1, and colocynth or bitter apple, Citrullus colocynthis 2

Background imageKinder Collection: European lobster, edible crab and Atlantic horseshoe crab

European lobster, edible crab and Atlantic horseshoe crab
European lobster, Homarus gammarus 1, edible crab, Cancer pagurus 2, and Atlantic horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, dorsal 3, ventral 4

Background imageKinder Collection: True rhubarb, Rheum rhabarbarum

True rhubarb, Rheum rhabarbarum, roots 1, flower 2, leaf outline 3, stalk exterior 4, stalk section 7, root sections 5, 6

Background imageKinder Collection: South American tapir

South American tapir, Tapirus terrestris 2. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1792

Background imageKinder Collection: Hippopotamus, vulnerable

Hippopotamus, vulnerable
Hippopotamus, Hippopotamus amphibius, vulnerable 1. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1792

Background imageKinder Collection: Anil and dyers madder

Anil and dyers madder
Anil or wild indigo, Indigofera suffruticosa 1, and dyers madder, Rubia tinctorum 2

Background imageKinder Collection: Statue of Zeus at Olympia and the Temple of Artemis

Statue of Zeus at Olympia and the Temple of Artemis
Statue of Zeus at Olympia 2, and the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 3

Background imageKinder Collection: The colossus at Rhodes

The colossus at Rhodes, ancient lighthouse

Background imageKinder Collection: The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus or the Tomb of Mausolus 2, 3, built by five architects Scopas, Bryaxis, Timotheus, Leochares and Pythis

Background imageKinder Collection: The city walls of Babylon

The city walls of Babylon surrounding the hanging gardens and the tower of Babel

Background imageKinder Collection: Sperm whale and narwhal

Sperm whale and narwhal
Sperm whale or cachalot, Physeter macrocephalus, vulnerable 1, and narwhal or narwhale, Monodon monoceros, near threatened 2

Background imageKinder Collection: Hanging gardens of Babylon

Hanging gardens of Babylon
The hanging gardens of Babylon. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1792

Background imageKinder Collection: Great pyramid of Giza

Great pyramid of Giza
The great pyramid of Giza 1, interior chambers 2. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1792

Background imageKinder Collection: Cork oak tree and terebinth tree

Cork oak tree and terebinth tree
Cork oak tree, Quercus suber 1, and terebinth or turpentine tree, Pistacia terebinthus 2

Background imageKinder Collection: Chinese dwarf sparrows and vervain hummingbird

Chinese dwarf sparrows and vervain hummingbird
Chinese dwarf sparrows 1, 2, 3 and vervain hummingbird, Mellisuga minima 4, on a tea bush, Camellia sinensis

Background imageKinder Collection: Earthworm, leech, polypes and tapeworms

Earthworm, leech, polypes and tapeworms
Earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris 1, medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis 2, polype species, Hydra vulgaris, 3, 4, 5, 6, pork tapeworm, Taenia solium 7, and unknown species of tapeworm

Background imageKinder Collection: Cardamon and caper plants

Cardamon and caper plants
Cardamon, Elettaria cardamomum 1, and caper bush, Capparis spinosa 2. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1792

Background imageKinder Collection: Electric eel, torpedo, batfish, cowfish and sargassum fish

Electric eel, torpedo, batfish, cowfish and sargassum fish
Electric eel, Electrophorus electricus 1, eyed electric ray, Torpedo torpedo 2, Brazilian batfish, Ogcocephalus vespertilio 3, longhorn cowfish, Lactoria cornuta 4, and sargassum fish

Background imageKinder Collection: Nutmeg and clove spice trees

Nutmeg and clove spice trees
Mace and nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans, and clove spice tree, Syzygium aromaticum, 2

Background imageKinder Collection: Breadfruit, Artocarpus altilis, with ripe fruit and sections

Breadfruit, Artocarpus altilis, with ripe fruit and sections

Background imageKinder Collection: Great white shark, hammerhead, sawfish and swordfish

Great white shark, hammerhead, sawfish and swordfish
Great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, vulnerable 1, smooth hammerhead, Sphyrna zygaena, vulnerable 2, common sawfish, Pristis pristis, critically endangered 3, and swordfish, Xiphias gladius, 4

Background imageKinder Collection: Metamorphosis of a silkworm

Metamorphosis of a silkworm, from young caterpillar, shedding skin, spinning silk cocoon, chrysalis stage, and emergence as moth

Background imageKinder Collection: Levant cotton and tea plant

Levant cotton and tea plant
Levant cotton plant, Gossypium herbaceum, and tea plant, Camellia sinensis

Background imageKinder Collection: Mahogany and caesalpinia tree

Mahogany and caesalpinia tree
Mahogany tree, Swietenia mahagoni 1, and caesalpinia tree, Caesalpinia violacea 2

Background imageKinder Collection: Tench, ide, gibel carp and Indian humphead

Tench, ide, gibel carp and Indian humphead
Tench, Tinca tinca 1, ide, Leuciscus idus 2, gibel carp, Carassius auratus auratus 3, and Indian humphead, Kurtus indicus 4

Background imageKinder Collection: Queen rose and moss rose

Queen rose and moss rose
Queen rose, Rosa regina rubicans, and moss rose, Rosa muscosa major

Background imageKinder Collection: Classical architecture orders

Classical architecture orders: original 1, Tuscan 2, Doric 3, Ionic 4, Corinthian 5 and Roman or Composite 6

Background imageKinder Collection: Bowhead whale, dolphin and porpoise

Bowhead whale, dolphin and porpoise
Bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus 1, short-beaked common dolphin, Delphinus delphis 2 and porpoise, Phocoena phocoena 3

Background imageKinder Collection: Slow worm, glass lizard and yellowbelly sea snake

Slow worm, glass lizard and yellowbelly sea snake
Slow worm, Anguis fragilis 1, eastern glass lizard, Ophisaurus ventralis 2, yellowbelly sea snake, Hydrophis platurus 3, and Anguis variegata 4

Background imageKinder Collection: Harbour porpoise, beluga and northern bottlenose whale

Harbour porpoise, beluga and northern bottlenose whale
Harbour porpoise, Phocaena phocaena 1, beluga whale, Delphinapterus leucas 2, and northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus 3

Background imageKinder Collection: Indian elephant and sukotyro

Indian elephant and sukotyro
Endangered Indian elephant, Elephas maximus indicus, female suckling her young, 1, and mythical beast sukotyro

Background imageKinder Collection: Austrian copper rose and white virgin rose

Austrian copper rose and white virgin rose
Austrian copper rose, Rosa punicea, and white virgin rose, Rosa truncata virginalis

Background imageKinder Collection: Carpet python, scarlet snake, and red-bellied black snake

Carpet python, scarlet snake, and red-bellied black snake
Carpet python, Morelia spilota 1, scarlet snake, Cemophora coccinea 2, red-bellied black snake, Pseudechis porphyriacus 3, and Coluber ocellatus 4

Background imageKinder Collection: African manatee, harbour seal and harp seal

African manatee, harbour seal and harp seal
African manatee, Trichechus senegalensis, vulnerable 1, harbour seal varieties, Phoca vitulina 2, 3, harp seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus 4

Background imageKinder Collection: Sperm or trump whale, Physeter macrocephalus

Sperm or trump whale, Physeter macrocephalus 1, 2, vulnerable. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuchs Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1802

Background imageKinder Collection: Dead mans rope and kelp

Dead mans rope and kelp
Dead mans rope, Chorda filum 1, and kelp or oarweed, Laminaria digitata 2

Background imageKinder Collection: Intestinal worms

Intestinal worms: Pork tapeworm, Taenia solium 1, a, b, c, and human polycephalus, Polycephalus hominis 2, d, e

Background imageKinder Collection: Seals and sealions

Seals and sealions
Bearded seal, Erignathus barbatus 1, southern sea lion, Otaria flavescens 2, ringed seal, Pusa hispida 3, and Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus 4, critically endangered

Background imageKinder Collection: Andean condor, palm-nut vulture and houbara bustard

Andean condor, palm-nut vulture and houbara bustard
Andean condor, Vultur gryphus 1, palm-nut vulture, Gypohierax angolensis 2, and houbara bustard, Chamydotis undulata 3

Background imageKinder Collection: Red seaweed and sea lettuce

Red seaweed and sea lettuce
Red seaweed, Membranoptera alata 1, and sea lettuce, Fucus tremella var. lactuca 2

Background imageKinder Collection: Fin whale, bottlenose dolphin and bottle-nosed whale

Fin whale, bottlenose dolphin and bottle-nosed whale
Fin whale or rorqual, Balaenoptera physalus, endangered 1, bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus 2, and northern bottle-nosed whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus 3

Background imageKinder Collection: Giant peacock moth, Saturnia pyri

Giant peacock moth, Saturnia pyri
Giant peacock moth or giant emperor moth, Saturnia pyri, with caterpillar and pupa

Background imageKinder Collection: Curiosities of the 18th century

Curiosities of the 18th century
Bird and egg hunters abseiling down cliffs in the Orkney Islands 1, and geysers spouting and the volcano Hekla erupting in Iceland

Background imageKinder Collection: Cinnamon and camphor trees

Cinnamon and camphor trees
True cinnamon, Cinnamomum verum 1, and camphor tree, Cinnamomum camphora 2 Laurus camphora

Background imageKinder Collection: Balloon and parachute pioneers, 18th century

Balloon and parachute pioneers, 18th century
Etienne and Joseph Montgolfiers hot-air balloon 1, and brazier a, Professor Jacques Charless balloon and gondola 2, hydrogen-gas mechanism b, and Jean-Pierre Blanchard with his parachute 3

Background imageKinder Collection: Forest giant owl butterfly, Caligo eurilochus

Forest giant owl butterfly, Caligo eurilochus, upperside 2, and underside 1

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