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Keulemans Collection

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Tui (young and adult)

Tui (young and adult)
Tui, Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae (young and adult). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.1 Plate 10 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: New Zealand Fantail (Melanistic var. on left)

New Zealand Fantail (Melanistic var. on left)
New Zealand Fantail Piwakawaka, Rhipidura fuliginosa (Melanistic variety on left). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.1 Plate 8 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Strigops habroptilus, kakapo

Strigops habroptilus, kakapo
Watercolour by John Gerrard Keulemans (c. 1887-1905), from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A history of the Birds of New Zealand (1887-88)

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Huia (male and female)

Huia (male and female)
Huia, Heteralocha acutirostris (male and female). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.1 Plate 2 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: New Zealand Pigeon Kereru

New Zealand Pigeon Kereru, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.2 plate 25 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: South Island Takahe, Porphyrio hochestetteri

South Island Takahe, Porphyrio hochestetteri. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.2 Plate 33 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Paradise Shelduck Putangitangi

Paradise Shelduck Putangitangi, Tadorna variegata (female and male). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.3 Plate 44 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: New Zealand Kingfisher (young and adult)

New Zealand Kingfisher (young and adult)
New Zealand Kingfisher Kotare, Todiramphus sanctus vagnas (young and adult). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.1 Plate 13 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Various Cyanoramphus parakeets

Various Cyanoramphus parakeets
Yellow-crowned Parakeet Kakariki, Canoramphus. Red-crowned Parakeet Kakariki, Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae. Orange-fronted Paraket Kakariki, Cyanoramphus malherbi

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Australasian Bittern Matuku Hrepo

Australasian Bittern Matuku Hrepo, Botaurus poiciloptilus. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.3 Plate 38 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: New Zealand Quail Koreke (male and female)

New Zealand Quail Koreke (male and female)
New Zealand Quail Koreke, Coturnix novaeseelandiae (male and female). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.2 Plate 24 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Kea, Nestor notabilis

Kea, Nestor notabilis. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.2 Plate 18 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Pukeko, Porphyrio melanotus melanotus

Pukeko, Porphyrio melanotus melanotus (partial albino on left). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.2 Plate 32 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Yellow Eyed Penguin and Snares Crested Penguin

Yellow Eyed Penguin and Snares Crested Penguin
Yellow Eyed Penguin or Hoiho, Megadyptes, and Snares Crested Penguin, Eudyptes robustus

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Little Spotted Kiwi or Kiwi Pukupuku

Little Spotted Kiwi or Kiwi Pukupuku, Apteryx owenii. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.3 Plate 49 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Kaka, Nestor meridionalis

Kaka, Nestor meridionalis. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.4 Plate 63 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Mandrillus sphinx, Mandrill

Mandrillus sphinx, Mandrill
Watercolour and bodycolour by John Keulemans, 1907 Date: 1907

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Stitchbird Hihi (female and male)

Stitchbird Hihi (female and male)
Stitchbird Hihi, Notiomystis cincta (female and male). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.1 Plate 11 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Northern cassowary by JG Keulemans

Northern cassowary by JG Keulemans
Hand-coloured lithograph of cassowary head by JG Keulemans (c. 1898), based on the live animals at Walter Rothschilds Museum at Tring

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Dwarf cassowary by JG Keulemans

Dwarf cassowary by JG Keulemans
Hand-coloured lithograph of cassowary head by JG Keulemans (c. 1898), based on the live animals at Walter Rothschilds Museum at Tring

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Blue Duck Whio & New Zealand Scaup Papango

Blue Duck Whio & New Zealand Scaup Papango
Blue Duck or Whio, Hymenolaimus malocohynchos, and New Zealand Scaup or Papango, Aythya novaeseelandiae

Background imageKeulemans Collection: North Island Brown Kiwi, Apteryx mantelli

North Island Brown Kiwi, Apteryx mantelli. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.3 Plate 48 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Southern cassowary by JG Keulemans

Southern cassowary by JG Keulemans
Hand-coloured lithograph of cassowary head by JG Keulemans (c. 1898), based on the live animals at Walter Rothschilds Museum at Tring

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Northern cassowary by JG Keulemans

Northern cassowary by JG Keulemans
Hand-coloured lithograph of cassowary head by JG Keulemans (c. 1898), based on the live animals at Walter Rothschilds Museum at Tring

Background imageKeulemans Collection: South Island Saddleback Tieke

South Island Saddleback Tieke, Philesturnus carunculatus (young and adult). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.1 Plate 3 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Fernbird Matata New Zealand Pipit Pihoihoi

Fernbird Matata New Zealand Pipit Pihoihoi
Fernbird Matata, Bowdleria punctata. New Zealand Pipit Pihoihoi, Anthus novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Silvereye Tauhou, Bellbird Korimako

Silvereye Tauhou, Bellbird Korimako
Silvereye Tauhou, Zosterops lateralis lateralis. Bellbird Korimako, Anthornis melanura melanura (male and female)

Background imageKeulemans Collection: New Zealand Falcon Karearea (adult & young)

New Zealand Falcon Karearea (adult & young)
New Zealand Falcon Karearea, Falco novaeseelandiae (adult an young). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.2 Plate 23 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Red-necked Avocet and Pied Stilt Poaka

Red-necked Avocet and Pied Stilt Poaka
Red-necked Avocet, Recurvirostra novaehollandiae. Pied Stilt Poaka, Himantopus leucocephalus. Black Stilt Kaki, Himantopus novazelandiae

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Pied Shag Karuhiruhi, Chatham Island Shag

Pied Shag Karuhiruhi, Chatham Island Shag
Pied Shag Karuhiruhi, Phalacrocorax varius varius. Chatham Island Shag, Leucocarbo onslowi

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Auckland Island Teal (male) and Brown Teal

Auckland Island Teal (male) and Brown Teal
Auckland Island Teal, Anas aucklandica (male). Brown Teal or Pateke, Anas chlorotis

Background imageKeulemans Collection: North Island Laughing Owl Whekau

North Island Laughing Owl Whekau
Norh Island Laughing Owl or Whekau, Sceloglaux albifacies rufifacies. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol 4 Plate 52. Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Lyall Wren, Traversia lyalli

Lyall Wren, Traversia lyalli. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.4 Plate 56 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Antipodes Island Parakeet

Antipodes Island Parakeet, Cyanoramphus unicolor. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.4 Plate 56, Vol.4 Plate 55 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: North Island Kokako, Callaeas wilsoni

North Island Kokako, Callaeas wilsoni. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.1 Plate 1 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: South Island & North Island Piopio

South Island & North Island Piopio
South Island Piopio, Turnagra capensis. North Island Piopio, Turnagara tanagra. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.1 Plate 4 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Various Petroica species of New Zealand

Various Petroica species of New Zealand
South Island Tomtit Ngirungiru, Petroica (Petroica) macrophala macrocephala (male). North Island Tomtit Miromiro, Petroica (Petroica) macrocephala toitoi (male)

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Yellowhead, Whitehead, Brown Creeper

Yellowhead, Whitehead, Brown Creeper
Yellowhead Mohua, Mohoua ochrocephala. Whitehead Popokotea, Mohoua albicilla. Brown Creeper Pipipi, Mohoua novaeseelandiae

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Rifleman, Bush Wren & Rock Wren

Rifleman, Bush Wren & Rock Wren
Rifleman Tititipounamu, Acanthisitta chloris (female and male). Bush Wren Matuhituhi, Zenicus longipes. Rock Wren Piwauwau, Xenicus gilviventris

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Long-tailed Cuckoo and Grey Warbler

Long-tailed Cuckoo and Grey Warbler
Long-tailed Cuckoo Koekoea, Eudynamys taitensis (adult and young). Grey Warbler Riroriro, Gregone igata

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Kaka, Nestor meridionalis (variety on left)

Kaka, Nestor meridionalis (variety on left). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.1 Plate 17 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Shining Cuckoo (adult & young in Warbler nest)

Shining Cuckoo (adult & young in Warbler nest)
Shining Cuckoo Pipiwharauroa, Chrysococcyx lucidus lucidus (adult with young in Grey Warbler nest). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Morepork Ruru, Laughing Owl Whekau

Morepork Ruru, Laughing Owl Whekau
Morepork Ruru, Ninox novaeseelandiae. Laughing Owl Whekau, Sceloglaux albifacies. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.2 Plate 20 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Swamp Harrier Kahu (young and adult)

Swamp Harrier Kahu (young and adult)
Swamp Harrier Kahu, Circus approximans (young and adult). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.2 Plate 22 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Banded Dotterel, New Zealand Dotterel

Banded Dotterel, New Zealand Dotterel
Banded Dotterel Pohowera, Chanradrius bicinctus bicinctus (male). New Zealand Dotterel Tuturiwhatu, Charadrius obscurus (male)

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Shore Plover Tuturuatu, Wrybill Ngutu Pare

Shore Plover Tuturuatu, Wrybill Ngutu Pare
Shore Plover Tuturuatu, Thinornis novaeseelandiae. Wrybill Ngutu Pare, Anarchynchus frontalis

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Snares Island Snipe and Bar-Tailed Godwit

Snares Island Snipe and Bar-Tailed Godwit
Snares Island Snipe Tutukiwi, Coenocorypha huegeli. Bar-tailed Godwit Kuaka, Limosa lapponica

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Black-Billed Gull and Red-Billed Gull

Black-Billed Gull and Red-Billed Gull
Black-Billed Gull Tarapuka, Larus bulleri. Red-Billed Gull Tarapunga, Larus novaehollandiae scopulinus

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Black-Fronted and White-Fronted Terns

Black-Fronted and White-Fronted Terns
Black Fronted Tern Tarapirohe, Chlidonias albostriatus. White Fronted Tern Tara, Sterna striata

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Spottless Crake and Bandd Rail

Spottless Crake and Bandd Rail
Spottless Crake Puweto, Porzana tabuensis tabuensis. Bandd Rail Moho Pereru, Gallirallus philippensis assimilis

Background imageKeulemans Collection: North Island Weka and Western Weka

North Island Weka and Western Weka
North Island Weka, Gallirallus australis greyi. Western Weka, Gallirallus australis australis

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Western Weka and Buff Weka

Western Weka and Buff Weka
Western Weka, Gallirallus australis australis. Buff Weka, Gallirallus australis hectori

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Reef Heron Matuku Moana, White Heron Kotuku

Reef Heron Matuku Moana, White Heron Kotuku
Reef Heron Matuku Moana, Egretta sacra sacra. White Heron Kotuku, Ardea modesta. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.3 Plate 37 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Spotted shag Kawau Tikitiki, Pitt Island Shag

Spotted shag Kawau Tikitiki, Pitt Island Shag
Spotted shag Kawau Tikitiki, Stictocarbo punctatus punctatus. Pitt Island Shag, Stictocarbo featherstoni

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Northern Royal Albatros, Antipodean Albatros

Northern Royal Albatros, Antipodean Albatros
Northern Royal Albatros Toroa, Diomedea sanfordi. Antipodean Albatros Toroa, Diomedea antipodensis

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Mottled Petrel Korure, Bullers Shearwater

Mottled Petrel Korure, Bullers Shearwater
Mottled Petrel Korure, Pterodroma inexpectata. Bullers Shearwater, Puffinus bulleri

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Polynesian Megapode (young and adult)

Polynesian Megapode (young and adult)
Polynesian Megapode, Megapodius pritchardi (young and adult). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.4 Plate 62 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Chatham Island Rail or Matirakahu

Chatham Island Rail or Matirakahu, Cabalus modestus (adult and young). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.4 Plate 57 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: White-naped Petrel, Pterodroma cervicalis

White-naped Petrel, Pterodroma cervicalis. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.4 Plate 58 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: New Zealand Merganser (young and adult)

New Zealand Merganser (young and adult)
New Zealand Merganser, Mergus australis (young and adult). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.4 Plate 53 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Great Spotted Kiwi Roa, Apteryx hstii

Great Spotted Kiwi Roa, Apteryx hstii
Great Spotted Kiwi or Roa, Apteryx hstii. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.4 Plate 54 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Australasian Shoveler Kuruwhengi

Australasian Shoveler Kuruwhengi
Australasian Shoveler or Kuruwhengi, Anas rhynchotis. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.3 Plate 45 Date: 1888

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Black Robin and Chatham Island Warbler

Black Robin and Chatham Island Warbler
Black Robin, Petroica (Miro) traversi and Chatham Island Warbler, Gerygone albofrontata. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.4 Plate 59

Background imageKeulemans Collection: European Goldfinch

European Goldfinch
Illustration of a European Goldfinch by John Keulemans (1842-1912)

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Ara tricolor, Hispaniolan macaw

Ara tricolor, Hispaniolan macaw
Plate 10, painting by John Gerrard Keulemans (1842-1912) published in Lord Lionel Walter Rothschilds Extinct birds, (1907)

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Psittacus erithacus, grey parrot

Psittacus erithacus, grey parrot
An illustration from John Gerrard Keulemans A Natural History of Cage Birds, (1871)

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Cassowary Head

Cassowary Head
Illustrattion of a Cassowary Head by John Keulemans (1842-1912)

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Pica pica, common magpie

Pica pica, common magpie
Watercolour by John Gerrard Keulemans (c. 1896)

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Phalacrocorax perspicillatus, spectacled cormorant

Phalacrocorax perspicillatus, spectacled cormorant
Watercolour of by John Gerrard Keulemans (c. 1905)

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Thalassarche bulleri, Bullers albatross, T. salvini, Salvin

Thalassarche bulleri, Bullers albatross, T. salvini, Salvin
Watercolour by John Gerrard Keulemans (c. 1887-1905)

Background imageKeulemans Collection: Eudyptes robustus, snares penguin, E. pachyrhynchus, Fiordla

Eudyptes robustus, snares penguin, E. pachyrhynchus, Fiordla
Watercolour by John Gerrard Keulemans (c. 1887-1905)

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