UK Dairy Show - Feeding the goatsFeeding the prize goats at the UK Dairy Show of 1911, held at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington
Israel / Jordan 1902A group of Christians - Orthodox, judging by the priests vestments - receive baptism in the sacred river where Jesus himself was baptised by John Date: 1902
Judging artistic effect before purchasing / W Heath RobinsonIllustration by William Heath Robinson. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/Mary Evans Picture Library
New Woman Poster ?1896The New Woman: a bookish frumpy young woman in plain clothes & monocle sits on a stool surrounded by improving books. She also smokes judging by the cigarette in the corner
Two natives of New South Wales fight a duel : judging by the submission of one to the other, this is some kind of ritual affair Date: 1830s
Tribunal of the King's Bailiff. Engraving. FacsimileTribunal of the King's Bailiff. Facsimile of a woodcut from Praxis Rerum Civilium by Josse Damhoudere. Antwerp, 1557
France. Trial of the Paris Commune. Cases proceedingsFrance. Paris Commune. Popular revolutionary movement that took power in Paris from 18 March to 28 May 1871, as a result of the Franco-Prussian War. Trial of the Paris Commune
Japanese depiction of the Great Judge of Hell - YamaThe Great Judge of Hell
Perseus And The ArtistAn illustration of what is most likely Perseus, the son of Zeus, judging by the image of Pegasus on his helmet, standing beside a female painter smoking a pipe
The Thirteen Days Of Leandre, Recruitment GeneralAn illustration which shows the scene of two men speaking with a military general, who is judging how they look as the basis of recruitment. Date: circa 1901
The Little CriticAn oil painting of a young woman in a studio, holding a canvas portrait painting in her hands, judging the qualities of the art work. Date: circa 1919
ReinforcementsThis lithograph shows a row of seated soldiers, with the closest one standing, judging by the title of this piece, they are waiting for reinforcements to arrive. Date: circa 1919
Houses in VeniceOil painting showing what is most likely a town in Venice, Italy, judging by the green shutters on these houses. Date: circa 1929
Worcester Steeplechase Fair day with carousel & crowdSwings and other attractions, advertising boards including one for High Flying Boats and another for the Grand National Steeplechase Worcester'. Judging by a large puddle it has been raining
Dangerous Moment In A Big Career by H. M. BatemanNervous judge face with the difficult decision of choosing between a room full of screaming babies, proudly presented by their mothers
Interior of the Smithfield Club's Annual Show at the Agricultural Hall Islington, London. Photograph showing after the judging was completed and awards won. Date: late 1890s
ILN cover - Agricultural Meeting, fox houndsFront cover of The Illustrated London News featuring an engraving of an agricultural meeting at Lincoln with the foxhound judging in progress. Date: 1869
SHOPPING FOR BONNETSJudging from Appearance, a canny shop assistant infers that a bonnet being tried on by the wife takes years off her age by mistaking her for her husbands daughter. Date: 1828
Judge with exhibit at poultry show, Staffordshire, EnglandA judge at a poultry show in Staffordshire examines an exhibit while leaning on a cage of turkeys. He wears a hat and has bushy whiskers. The Times Date: 1987
Maj.s Kennedy and Sir Gerald Mildmay - Reading and DistrictMaj.s Kennedy and Sir Gerald Mildmay judging at the Reading and District Horse Show held in Mr Oliver Dixons grounds. Dixon was one of the best known hunter dealers in England at the time. Date: 1927
Sir Albert de Rutzen (1831-1913), Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, at the time of his resignation, not long before he died
Judging a Fancy Dress Competition - HuntingdonJudging a Fancy Dress Competition at a Summer Festival Fair Parade Pageant at Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, England. The two (possible winners) are a pair of mice (with added hand-drawn tails!)
Max Dearly with bathing costume winners, French RivieraFamous French actor Max Dearly, together with his wife, pictured judging a bathing costume competition at Cap d Antibes in 1928. Date: 1928
Sizing up at the Miss California Beauty ContestJudges at the Miss California beauty contest held at Venice, California in the summer of 1939, using a scientific device to assist them in their decision
The Last Judgement - Matthew 25. circa 1688
French Basque - Best Calves CompetitionFrench Basque Region - Best Calves Competition. circa 1910s
Fancy dress costumes at the Artists Fancy Dress ballThe Bystander magazine passes comment on the various fancy dress costumes seen at the Artists Fancy Dress ball at the Albert Hall in February 1911
Lourdes, France - Bureau des constatations (Office of Medical Observations of Lourdes). Checking the validity on a claim of miraculous healing. Date: circa 1908
Jacques Delille - 4Abbe JACQUES DELILLE French writer, One of the Forty of the Academie Francaise - judging by the ornaments in this engraving, he wrote of rustic matters. Date: 1738 - 1813
Enrico DavilaENRICO CATERINO CATERINO Italian historian - and soldier too, judging by the armour hes wearing. Date: 1576 - 1631
Giovanni CrescimbeniGIOVANNI MARIO CRESCIMBENI Italian writer; judging by the ornaments to his portrait, he was also either a musician or a composer of operas. Date: 1663 - 1728
Justus Candidus CautusJUSTUS CANDIDUS CAUTUS Evidently a man of culture, judging by his workplace and the attributes of this intriguing engraving - but we know nothing about him... Date: circa 1746
Boers before the tribunal during the Boer WarIn the Transvaal during the Boer War, Boers have to appear before tribunals who decide if they have defended their homes with too much enthusiasm. Date: 1900
The Judge of the Exhibition of Japanese Spaniels. Date: 1898
Trophy Show - Ch. Silver Rose of Charlsdon (Bull Terrier) - R.H.O. judging Date: 1983
Mr Curnow judging at the Dog Centre Birthday ShowMr Curnow judging a Pekinese (?) at the Dog Centre Birthday Rally exemption show on July 11th, 1971 Date: 1971
Major P. C. G. Haywood judging Golden Retrievers at Crufts. Date: 1936
The March Past - L. K. A. Dog ShowThe March Past - L.K.A. (Ladies Kennel Association) Dog Show Date: 1903
WW1 - A Saving GraceWW1 - An illustration personifying Britain as Little John Bull and Big John Bull
Beresford Dale, Peak District, Derbyshire showing a man-made waterfall with a sluice gate. Judging by the relative clarity of the waterfall. This was on a very fast exposure by the standards of 1906
Belgian machine at Battersbys hatworks - designed to be beltdriven, and apparently recently assembled, judging by the spanner left on its base. Date: 1902
Michel De Saint-MartinMICHEL DE SAINT-MARTIN marquis de Miskou etc. French churchman ? Judging by the papal-style headgear he was either an eccentric or an ecclesiastical pretender. Date: 1614 - 1687
Amelia Opies SittingrmThe sitting room of AMELIA OPIEs dwelling at Norwich. Judging by the number of seats, shes expecting company... Date: CIRCA 1850
Florence HigginsFLORENCE HIGGINS The first female bachelor of music in Britain, but judging by the silence of the internet, she never fulfilled her early promise... Date: circa 1895
Magistrate at Bow Street Magistrates Court, London. Date: 1892
Thames Waterman on Massey Shaw fireboatA Thames Waterman in traditional costume with a fire company badge on his left sleeve, standing on the deck of the LFBs Massey Shaw fireboat
The Veterinary Corps, US Army, teaches men care and treatment of sick animals; horse judging and soundness; horseshoeing; riding; driving; meat and dairy inspection - something very useful
The Queen inspects prizewinning sheepThe Queen and Duke of Edinburgh attended the Royal Agricultural Societys Show at Nottingham. Here, she inspects some Ryeland sheep that have won prizes. Date: 1955
Hippolyte HouckeHIPPOLYTE (?) HOUCKE One of a celebrated dynasty of circus managers : we think this is Hippolyte, judging by the date, but we could be mistaken. Date: CIRCA 1990
SCENE FROM LES FACHEUXScene from LES FACHEUX - judging from appearances, a servant is about to be struck with his masters cane for letting his hat fall on the floor. Date: first performed 1661
Henry Hawkins, 1st Baron Brampton (1817 - 1907). An English judge. "
Scene at Richmond Horse ShowA scene at the Richmond Horse Show in Surrey, with judges examining the horses
Van Horse Parade, Regents Park, LondonThe sixth Van Horse Parade taking place on Easter Monday in Regents Park, Central London. On the far left can be seen the Hon Alex E Parker judging an entry. This annual event was founded in 1904
The Man Who Stole the Prize Marrow by H. M. BatemanHumorous scene showing the interior of a tent at an agricultural show, with plants, vegetables and flowers arranged on trestle tables for judging, while a cheeky chap decides to abscond with a huge
Fencing on board a Troopship, 1876Engraving of soldiers fencing on board a troopship, perhaps the Himalaya - judging by lifebelt in the background
Crinoline ManufactureWomen in Germany making cage crinolines which are constructed around a wooden frame or template. Judging by the positions they adopt they are not wearing crinolines
Kay Petre & E. Wisdom judging coachwork at Morris RallyKay Petre (probably the best known female racing driver before the war), and E
Ploughing Contest 1950SJudging the ploughing contest at the mid-Sussex Agricultural Associations Show - W J Rowell in cap, T Limbrick in hat, P A Snodgrass bareheaded
Fishing Scene / 1555Two men haul in a net full of fish, from ice-capped waters judging by their spike-soled footwear and warm winter clothing
Costume / Men / Scottish 12CA middle-class Englishman (or, more likely, Scotsman, judging by his kilt and tartan socks?) in travelling costume, with moneybag at his belt and another bag at his side
Russian Wedding FeastThe village priest officiates at the wedding feast : evidently the matter is one to be taken seriously, judging by the solemn faces
Sultry Dinner DateDinner date, wearing an evening dress ornamented with seed pearls, is obviously nervous as she awaits her blind date judging by the drinks she has lined up
She Reads as she WalksShe reads - and judging by the pen in her hand, she marks the bits she likes
Judging FoxhoundsJudging foxhounds at the Lincoln Agricultural Meeting