Knights Tale, JoustPalamon desireth to slay his foe Arcite
Richard II interrupting a tournamentRichard II stopping a tournament between Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, and Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Hereford -- a scene which comes at the beginning of Shakespeares play
Arthurian TournamentLancelot defeats Sir Mador de la Porte in the battle to uphold the honour of Guinevere
Tournament joustThey rode at full gallop till they met
Jousting / London BridgeA joust on the London Bridge in the presence of Richard II
Jousting at coronation of Joan of NavarreFestivities, including jousting, at the coronation of Joan (Joanna) of Navarre as queen in 1403, after her marriage to King Henry IV of England
The champion of the tournament. Engraving by Burgmayer, 19th century version from a compilation entitled Vita Imperatoris Maximiliani. Drawing by Albrecht Durer, 15th century
Lady presenting the prize of the tournament. Chromolithography by Regamey after Tournois du roi Rene, ca. 1489. Vie Militaire et Religieuse au Moyen Age et a l'Epoque de la Renaissance
Tournaments. Review of helmets in the cloisterTournaments. The standards and helmets are kept in a cloister. The preliminaries are managed by the judges, in the presence of the ladies and participants of the tournament
Exercise of the quintain. Medieval chivalry trainingExercise of quintain. Medieval chivalry training. A dummy, mounted on a rotating pivot with a shield, was used by mounted riders to simulate real combat situations
Norman weaponry: lance 212, Gisarma or halberd 213, Bipennis or double battle axe 214, battle axe 215, 226, 227, spear 216, jousting spear 217, cross-bearing orb or Reichsapfel 218-220
Le Tournoi The TournamentThis illustration shows a group of colourfully dressed young ladies spectating a jousting tournement, they are currently admiring a competitor performing on his armoured horse. Date: circa 1901
Medieval Jousting Tournament, arrival and contest
R. I. Historical costume ball by John HassallScenes from the historical costume ball of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour, with the various history-themed entertainments, devised by Master of Ceremonies, John Hassall
Magdalena Potschner and her seven daughters, 1477Magdalena Potschner kneeling in fur-lined mantle and wimple, with coat of arms of a frog, 1477. Her seven daughters behind her. From the Potschner altar in Saint Peters Church, Munich
Walther von Klingen jousting in a tournament watched by five noble women. German knight, poet and minstrel or Minnesanger, d. 1286. From a miniature in the Codex Manesse
Ancient Quintain, Offham, Kent -- a medieval wooden post with a rotating arm, located on the village green, used in jousting and tilting. 1894
Tilting games, 14th century. Men wrestling for possession of a pole and the winner with pole (top) tilting rings and jousting toys (middle), and mounted man tilting at a ring (bottom)
Tilting at a basin (tirer la jatte) while mounted on a barrel pulled by two men. Scene at a festival or fete, 16th century
Jousting at a quintain or pavo. Taken from Antoine de Pluvinels L Instruction du Roy en l exercise de monter a cheval, 1668
Medieval jousting tournament, CornwallA medieval jousting tournament taking place in Cornwall, with men in costume on horseback, galloping past each other, and spectators in the background. Date: circa 1980s
Knights joustingTwo knights ready to charge. Date: 14th century
Bertrand du Guesclin at jousting tournamentYoung Bertrand du Guesclin at the tournament. Date: 14th century
Tilt-yard at Westminster, London, where jousting took place in courtyard. circa 16th century
Tournament in honor of Isabeau of Bavaria. Isabeau of Bavaria was born into the House of Wittelsbach as the eldest daughter of Duke Stephen III of Bavaria-Ingolstadt and Taddea Visconti of Milan
Jousting tournamentAnglo-French tournament at Saint-Inglebert, near Calais. Date: circa 1380s
Medieval tournamentMedieval knights on horseback about to receive their jousts, while heralds blow their trumpets
QuintainOld English Sports - Quintain, akin to jousting, taking place in a medaeval setting. Date: 1908
JoustingOld English Sports - Jousting taking place in a medaeval setting. Date: 1908
Representation of an Ancient Tournament - JoustingA Representation of an Ancient Tournament - Jousting. 1769
Tilting at the ringHorseman rides at full gallop towards a small metal ring to hopefully insert his lance through, this was a medieval sport. Date: 17th century
ENGLISH KNIGHTS FIGHTINGTwo mounted Knights in mortal combat. Date: circa 1260
KNIGHTS JOUSTINGTwo knights (one being von Klingen) joust and are watched by concerned noblewomen. Date: 12th Century
Sir Philip Sidney jousts at WhitehallSir Philip Sidney(1554-1586), poet, soldier and courtier, jousts at Whitehall. Date: circa 1580
Water tournamentIn former times a sport used upon the River Thames, London, which is now discontinued, two wherries to row and run one against the other with staves in their hands, flat at the fore-end
Medieval tournament. Great Chronicles of France. Miniature. Chateau of Chantilly. France
Tournament on the Field of the Cloth of Gold, FranceTournament on the Field of the Cloth of Gold, Balinghem, northern France, 7 to 24 June 1520. 1520
Roman sporting combat - jousting in chariotsRoman sporting combat - jousting with spears in chariots - one of the many varied entertainments available at ones local amphitheatre
A Poynte to Poynte in Olden DaysHumorous illustration by Will Owen showing two knights in combat
Jousting Armour / 1600Jousting armour Date: 1600
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) Earl of Beaconsfield Statesman and writer
Jousting tournament, St Erth, CornwallJousting tournament taking place at St Erth, near Hayle, Cornwall. The two jousters have their helmets on, ready to charge. Date: circa 1970s
Jousting armets in the Emperor Maximilian style.. Chromolithograph from Jakob Heinrich von Hefner-Altenecks Costumes, Artworks and Appliances from the Middle Ages to the 17th Century, Frankfurt, 1889
Carved comb from the 15th century showing a scene from Tristan and Isolde.. The other side shows a tournament with jousting knights in suits of armour
Chat at the Chateau, by BairnsfatherChat at the Chateau " No, one never could be quite certain of ones life in those days" A cartoon by Captain Bruce Bairnsfather in The Bystander Two Americans
Tournament in the Vatican, Italian School. An 18th century painting depicting a 16th century event
Medieval jousting event, CornwallA medieval jousting event taking place in Cornwall, with a large crowd of spectators. A jouster gallops along, aiming his jousting pole at a metal target in the shape of a man. Date: circa 1980s
British Ballad, Sir Lancelot du LacSIR LANCELOT DU LAC. British ballad telling the tale of one of the greatest of the Knights of the Round Table in the Arthurian legend
Water QuintainA medieval game of water quintain
Jousting in Boats 1555Two men joust in boats
English Knights FightingTwo knights on horseback during a jousting tournament
Flags during JoustingA house decorated with various flags during a jousting tournament (possibly France)
Tennyson (Hornet)ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON English poet A caricature
Pont Notre-Dame / RaguenetThe Pont Notre-Dame in the 18th century : water-jousting is taking place on the Seine