Journal / Giant AlienGIANTS FROM THE UNKNOWN Flying Saucers have been associated with giant figures such as Bigfoot, while other reports suggest the aliens themselves are very tall
Ufo Flying Saucerswhere do they Come from ? what do they Want ?
Ufo Review Issue 7massive Ufo Landings to Take Place : Will you be Taken Onboard by the Aliens ?
William Ernest Henley / VfWILLIAM ERNEST HENLEY English man of letters, editor of the Magazine of Art and other journals
Douglas Straight, Lawyer and MP, studio portraitDouglas Straight, lawyer, journalist and MP (1844-1914) studio portrait with signature. From an article, Journals and Journalists of Today'
UFO & OUTER SPACEFound ! An ancient tomb - for cavemen or spacemen story tells of a strange 1938 archeological discovery on the China/Tibet border of tombs containing strange skeletons Date: 1979
Ufo Review Issue 9authentic Photos of Space Beings at Ufo Crash Site Date: 1980
Lloyds JournalsReading the foreign journals for news of shipping Date: 1846
Representative journals & journalists of America. Date c1882 Oct. 6. Representative journals & journalists of America. Date c1882 Oct. 6
Representative journals of the United States. Date c1866 Jan. 25
Petit Journal - 8Le service des Expeditions, where the days papers are packed, to be sent throughout the country : for this is one of Frances leading journals
Ufos / Journals / BenderBenders cover for the second issue of Gray Barkers magazine The Saucerian, incorporated his visualisation of a saucer base and led to a visit from the Three Men
Magazine Covers 1916Selection of American magazine covers - including most of the best-known journals of the period
Selection of UFO journalsA selection of UFO journals, namely Lumieres dans la Nuit, Flying Saucers, Probe, Bufora Journal, FSR, and Auro Journal