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Joseph Strutt Collection

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: A lady of high rank in her state habit, 14th century

A lady of high rank in her state habit, 14th century. She wears a crown over a gold net headdress and an armorial robe embroidered with birds and snakes

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Queens in ceremonial robes, 14th century

Queens in ceremonial robes, 14th century
Princess Drypetina in tabard and embroidered robe from Giovanni Boccaccio's De claris mulieribus, f.89v, Royal MS 16 G v

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Dress of noble women of the 14th century

Dress of noble women of the 14th century
Ladies of High Rank of the 14th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Ladies of rank of the 14th century

Ladies of rank of the 14th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Regal habits of the 14th century

Regal habits of the 14th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: A king with officers of his court from a 14th century MS

A king with officers of his court from a 14th century MS

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: King Richard II and his father, Edward the Black Prince

King Richard II and his father, Edward the Black Prince
King Richard II (1367-1400) and his father, Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376). Both wear crowns and armorial robes with coats of arms of fleurs-de-lys and lions

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: A king and and officers of his court, 14th century

A king and and officers of his court, 14th century
A king, possibly Romano-British leader Ambrosius, with crown and sceptre, and officers of his court

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Costume of a Seneschal or steward and officers, 14th century

Costume of a Seneschal or steward and officers, 14th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Rustics of the 14th century

Rustics of the 14th century
Rustics etc of the 14th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Paris noble costumes of the 14th century

Paris noble costumes of the 14th century
Personages of distinction of the 14th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Soldiers in armour, 13th century

Soldiers in armour, 13th century
Military habits of the 13th century. Soldiers in chainmail armour hauberk with mantle and sword and soldier in surcoat and axe from Bodleian Library MS Auct. D 4 17, f.005v

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Stone masons and artisans of the 14th century

Stone masons and artisans of the 14th century
Stone mason with mallet and chisel, and mason with wooden square from Grandes chroniques de France, Sloane MS 2433

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Habits for different seasons, 14th century

Habits for different seasons, 14th century. Woman holding spring flowers and a garland from a Missal, Douce MS 313

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Medieval queen in ceremonial robes, 13th century

Medieval queen in ceremonial robes, 13th century
Medieval queen in jeweled crown, rich mantle over tunic and robe, seated on her throne, holding a baby. A Queen of the 13th century in her Habit of State

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Ladies of the 13th century

Ladies of the 13th century. Women in mantles fastened with brooches over long robes, one holding a book

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Ladies of the 13th century

Ladies of the 13th century. Woman in wimple and veil, long mantle and robe f.20v, seated woman in wimple over the ears f.25r, woman in long robe and wimple f.30r

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: King in coronation habit, 13th century

King in coronation habit, 13th century
A bearded king with crown and sceptre, in a green mantle, lined with vair, over a dalmatic adorned with fleurs-de-lys and richly ornamented with jewels. A coronation habit of the 13th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Young women of the 13th century

Young women of the 13th century. Girl in orange robe with roses and a garland f.14v, girl in cap and apron f.25v, and girl with her long hair loose holding up her voluminous skirts f.24v

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: King Henry III dreaming of the collapse of a cathedral

King Henry III dreaming of the collapse of a cathedral
King Henry III of England in bed dreaming of friars Dominic and Francis supporting the collapsing Basilica of Saint John Lateran in Rome

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Musicians of the 13th century

Musicians of the 13th century
Man in laurel wreath playing a horn from Georgius Fendulus Liber astrologiae, Sloan MS 3983 f.13r, man in fringed tunic playing a viola and man with a scroll from a Bible moralisee, Harley MS 1527

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Nobleman in Habit of State, 13th century

Nobleman in Habit of State, 13th century
Nobleman in cap, mantle, surtout, laced hose, seated on a throne with his sword drawn. A nobleman of the 13th century in his Habit of State

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: A physician and his servant, 13th century

A physician and his servant, 13th century
Bearded doctor with parchment scroll instructing his assistant with mortar and pestle. The doctor wears a Phrygian cap, mantle, dalmatica with embroidered girdle and hem, purple tunic underneath

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Habits and hats of the 13th century

Habits and hats of the 13th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Falconer, and dandy, 17th century

Falconer, and dandy, 17th century
Falconer removing a hood from a falcon, from The Emblems of Thomas Palmer, Sloane MS 3794, John in the Hospital from Robert Armin's comedy The Two Maids of Moore Clacke, 1609 and dandy in cap

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: King Charles II and courtier, 17th century

King Charles II and courtier, 17th century
Foppish courtier bowing to King Charles II of England in wig (right) from a print by William Faithorne, and man in a cape holding a woman's hand (left) from a print by William Marshall

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Countess in mourning robes, 16th century

Countess in mourning robes, 16th century
Countess in prayer with crown, black hooded mourning habit, Paris hede cap, whie linen barbe over the chin, black trayne and surcoat, lace cuffs

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Male costume of the 16th century

Male costume of the 16th century
Man in a cape with staff and purse, and two men in velvet doublets and hose, sword and purse Costume of the 16th century. From the frontispiece of the Great Bible designed by Hans Holbein, 1539

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Man in a yellow slashed doublet and hose

Man in a yellow slashed doublet and hose
Man in makeup of lipstick and blusher wearing a yellow slashed doublet and hose with feather cap and sword from a painting in St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Military habits of the 15th century

Military habits of the 15th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Religious habits of the 15th century

Religious habits of the 15th century. Monks in cassocks and nun in veil, wimple and habit holding rosaries, Bibles and staffs

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Military habits of the 15th century

Military habits of the 15th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Male costume of the 15th century

Male costume of the 15th century. Knight in feather cap, mantle, boots and spurs, man in tunic, hose and cracows, and man in mantle with frilled split sleeves. Knight (left) from f

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Noble costumes of the 15th century

Noble costumes of the 15th century
Personages of rank of the 15th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England, and noblewomen

Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England, and noblewomen
Margaret of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI of England, in ermine mantle with crown and sceptre, and noblewomen courtiers in butterfly hennin or escoffion headwear and wide-sleeved robes, 15th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Noblewomen in hennin and veils, 15th and 16th centuries

Noblewomen in hennin and veils, 15th and 16th centuries
Ladies of rank of the 15th and 16th centuries and their headdresses satirized

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: The birth of St. Edmund, King of East Anglia

The birth of St. Edmund, King of East Anglia, died 869. Ladies in waiting and midwives attend the mother in bed with soup and aromatics, while a nursemaid holds the baby near the fireplace

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: King Henry VI of England presenting a sword to John Talbot

King Henry VI of England presenting a sword to John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury, on his appointment to Constable of France

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Edward I forming an alliance with Guy, Earl of Flanders, 1294

Edward I forming an alliance with Guy, Earl of Flanders, 1294
King Edward I of England forming an alliance with Guy de Dampierre, Earl of Flanders, 1294

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Costumes of French Dukes of the 15th century

Costumes of French Dukes of the 15th century
Ducal habits of the 15th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Costumes of state officers of the 15th century

Costumes of state officers of the 15th century. They wear headdresses with drapery, rich velvet mantles and robes with slit sleeves

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Costumes of state officers of the 15th century

Costumes of state officers of the 15th century. They wear velvet capes with slit sleeves, doublets, hose and cracows

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Thomas, Bedel of Redbourn, benefactor to St Albans Abbey

Thomas, Bedel of Redbourn, benefactor to St Albans Abbey
Thomas, Bedel of Redbourn, in striped hood with long tail, 14th century. Gave land in Rebourn to the Abbey of St Albans. From the Golden Book of St Albans, Cotton Nero MS D vii

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Persons of high-rank of the 15th century

Persons of high-rank of the 15th century
Persons of high rank of the 15th century. Dancing noble in paltock with dagged sleeves, and nobleman in fur-lined embroidered sleeveless mantle from Jean Froissart's Chroniques, Royal 18 E ii

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Alan Strayler, illuminator to St Albans Abbey

Alan Strayler, illuminator to St Albans Abbey
Alan Strayler (Alanus Strayler, f.108r), lay illuminator to the abbey, illustrator of the Benefactors to the Abbey of St Albans, or the Golden Book of St Albans, Cotton Nero MS D vii

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Sir Neil Loring in robe decorated with garters

Sir Neil Loring in robe decorated with garters
Sir Neil Loring (Nigel Lorringe), medieval English soldier and diplomat and a founding member of the Order of the Garter, c. 1320-1386

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: John Gyniford and his wife Margaret

John Gyniford and his wife Margaret, holding hands. In his left hand he has a large tasseled purse of gold (their donation to St Albans Abbey)

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: William de Albeneis, Pincerna Regis, with goblet and sword

William de Albeneis, Pincerna Regis, with goblet and sword
William de Albeneis, Pincerna Regis, butler to the king, with goblet and sword. Benefactor to the Abbey of St Albans. From the Golden Book of St Albans, Cotton Nero MS D vii, f.91v

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Benefactors and illuminator of the Abbey of St Albans

Benefactors and illuminator of the Abbey of St Albans
William de Albeneis, Pincerna Regis, with goblet and sword: (f.91v), John Gyniford and his wife Margaret with large bag of gold (f.112v); Alan Strayler

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Costumes of workers of the 15th century

Costumes of workers of the 15th century: Carpenters with pincers and axe, stone mason with right angle, and gardener with shovel. Labourers and artificers of the 15th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Woman wearing the gambeson, 14th century

Woman wearing the gambeson, 14th century
Woman wearing the gambeson, a sleeveless quilted protective garment worn under armour. Military habits of the 14th century. From a poem The Pilgrim, Cotton MS Tiberius A vii

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Costumes of skilled workers of the 15th century

Costumes of skilled workers of the 15th century
A builder or stone mason with right angle, and a hunter in hood, tunic and boots holding a birding net. Labourers and artificers of the 15th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Costumes of bowmen and artillery, 14th century

Costumes of bowmen and artillery, 14th century. Crossbowman, longbowman and artillery man from Grandes chroniques de France, Sloane MS 2433, vol. 2, f. 113

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Costume of a knight of the 14th century

Costume of a knight of the 14th century. Soldier in helmet, chainmail armour and tunic, with bow and quiver on his belt, from Histoire ancienne jusqu'a Cesar, Royal MS 20 D i

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Military habits of the 14th century

Military habits of the 14th century. Soldiers in chainmail hauberks and surcoats with shields and shoulder armor with coats of arms from f.153v, Scholastic Bible, Douce MS 211

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Young man in tunic and hose with sword, 14th century

Young man in tunic and hose with sword, 14th century. Military habits of the 14th century. From Speculum humanae salvationis, Sloane MS 346

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Saxon noble in Phrygian cap and others in mantles, 8th century

Saxon noble in Phrygian cap and others in mantles, 8th century
Saxon noble in mantle and Phrygian cap from the Caedmon manuscript, Bodleian Junius xi

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Effigy of a Norman knight, Danbury church, 13th century

Effigy of a Norman knight, Danbury church, 13th century
Effigy of a Norman knight in armour from Danbury church, 13th century. Carved wooden monument of a man in suit of chain-mail armour of coif, hauberk and hose, with sleeveless surcoat

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Templar knight's effigy, Temple Church, London, 12th century

Templar knight's effigy, Temple Church, London, 12th century. Carved stone monument of a bare-headed knight in chain-mail tunic hauberk and hose, long-sleeved surcoat wIth sword and shield

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Norman soldiers in armour, 11th/12th century

Norman soldiers in armour, 11th/12th century
Norman soldiers in nasal helmet, chain-mail armour, 11th/12th centur

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: King Henry I and Henry II of England

King Henry I and Henry II of England
King Henry I (1068- 1135) and King Henry II (1133-1189) of England, from their great seals. In crown, mantle, tunic, seated on throne with sword and orb

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Anglo-Saxon nobleman in his state dress, 8th century

Anglo-Saxon nobleman in his state dress, 8th century. With beard, mantle fastened at the chest, surcoat over tunic. From Old English Hexateuch, Cotton MS Claudius B iv

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Anglo-Norman king with crown, 11th century

Anglo-Norman king with crown, 11th century
Anglo-Norman king with crown, seated on a throne, wearing fur-lined mantle, embroidered long tunics. From the Winchester Psalter, Cotton MS Nero C iv. Royal state habit of the 11th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Anglo-Norman nobleman in state habit, 11th century

Anglo-Norman nobleman in state habit, 11th century
Anglo-Norman nobleman in richly embroidered mantle and tunic, 11th century. From the Winchester Psalter, Cotton MS Nero C iv

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Anglo-Norman male costume, 11th century

Anglo-Norman male costume, 11th century
Man in hooded mantle to the calf, man with staff in unusual leather shoes or galoches, and man in manteaux des rois (mantles of the kings) trailing on the ground

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Norman rustics of the 11th century

Norman rustics of the 11th century
Norman shepherds in capuce (hooded cloak) with crook and horn, and a peasant in red trousers with staff. Norman rustics of the 11th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Saxon figure of St Michael in suit of scale armour, 9th century

Saxon figure of St Michael in suit of scale armour, 9th century
Saxon figure of St Michael in suit of gilt scale armour, 9th century. Originally holding a sword and scales, weighing a human head against the world. Ancient statue found in Monmouthshire

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Wulstan II (or Wulfstan), Archbishop of York

Wulstan II (or Wulfstan), Archbishop of York, died 1023.. He is shown seated in his study, writing in a book open before him. From Cotton MS Claudius A iii, f.30r

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Anglo Saxon women's costumes, 9th and 10th century

Anglo Saxon women's costumes, 9th and 10th century
Anglo Saxon woman in mantle, and woman wearing her veil crossed from Prudentius, Cotton MS Cleopatra C viii, and woman in a tunic with embroidered border from Gregory's Book of Job

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Anglo Saxon men's costume, 9th and 10th century

Anglo Saxon men's costume, 9th and 10th century
Anglo Saxon man in double tunic, buttoned tunic and man wearing only coaxalia or long trousers (from a picture of Job in his affliction). From the Harley Psalter, Harley MS 603, 11th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Saxon men in tunics and nightshirt

Saxon men in tunics and nightshirt
The Saxon tunic as worn in the 8th century. Saxon man sleeping in a nightshirt. From Hexateuch, Cotton MS Claudius B iv, and top center figure, from Junius psalter, Bodleian MS Junius 11

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Anglo-Saxon monarch of the 9th century in state habit

Anglo-Saxon monarch of the 9th century in state habit
Anglo-Saxon monarch of the 9th century in a habit of state. Depicted in a tunic with embroidered edges and hems, crown and sceptre. His mantle is fastened with a clasp at the shoulder

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborn c.639-709

Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborn c.639-709. From Lambeth MS 200 De virginitate, 10th century, a famous poem he composed In praise of virginity

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Saxon king in his martial habit with his armour bearer

Saxon king in his martial habit with his armour bearer. King in battle wearing a crown, knee-length chain-mail tunic or lorica, a suit of armour reserved for royalty in the 8th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Anglo-Saxon ecclesiastical habits, 8th century

Anglo-Saxon ecclesiastical habits, 8th century

Background imageJoseph Strutt Collection: Saxon military habits of the 8th century

Saxon military habits of the 8th century
Anglo Saxon officer, cavalier and foot soldier. First officer in the royal guard, mounted soldier with lance and an infantry man with lance and shield

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