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John Lindley Collection

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Two-coloured lacaena orchid, Lacaena bicolor

Two-coloured lacaena orchid, Lacaena bicolor. Native to Mexico, Central America, and Southern America

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Ribbon orchid, Tainia bicornis

Ribbon orchid, Tainia bicornis
Ribbon orchid or dai chun lan shu, Tainia bicornis. Plant sent to orchid collector Reverend John Clowes of Broughton Hall from Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Two-horned ania, Ania bicornis

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Small persimmon, Diospyros vaccinioides. Critically endangered

Small persimmon, Diospyros vaccinioides. Critically endangered
Small persimmon or vaccinium-like diospyros, Diospyros vaccinioides. Critically endangered

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Stenomesson pauciflorum

Stenomesson pauciflorum. Native to western South America, introduced from Peru by Scottish plant collector James Cowan. Few-flowered chrysiphiala, Chrysiphiala pauciflora

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Orange jasmine, Murraya paniculata

Orange jasmine, Murraya paniculata
Orange jasmine, orange jessamine, china box or mock orange, Murraya paniculata. Native to Asia and Australia, sent from Sumatra by Sir Stamford Raffles to the Horticultural Society's garden

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Stelis multirostris orchid

Stelis multirostris orchid. Introduced from the West Indies by nurseryman George Loddiges. Racemed pleurothallis, Pleurothallis racemiflora

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Black-eyed susan, Tetratheca hirsuta

Black-eyed susan, Tetratheca hirsuta
Black-eyed susan or hairy tetratheca, Tetratheca hirsuta. Native to Western Australia. Sent by Baron Hugel to nurseryman William Rollisson of Tooting

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Siberian lily, Ixiolirion tataricum

Siberian lily, Ixiolirion tataricum
Siberian lily or lavender mountain lily, Ixiolirion tataricum. Native to central to southwest Asia. Found in the hills near Tehran, Iran, sent by J

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Anemonastrum polyanthes

Anemonastrum polyanthes. Native to India, Choor mountain in the Himalayas, raised from seeds sent by the East India Company to the Horticultural Society. Dr

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Rocktrumpet, Mandevilla martiana

Rocktrumpet, Mandevilla martiana. Native to South America, Central America, Mexico and the West Indies. Found in the mountains of Rio de Janeiro by Mr. Gardner, and raised by R. G

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Mr. Clowes's anguloa, Anguloa clowesii

Mr. Clowes's anguloa, Anguloa clowesii. Found in Colombia by Linden, and named for orchid collector Reverend John Clowes of Broughton Hall

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Swaddled babies orchid, Anguloa uniflora

Swaddled babies orchid, Anguloa uniflora
Swaddled babies orchid, carpales or one-flowered anguloa, Anguloa uniflora. Sent by Linden from Colombia, raised and flowered by Mr Barker of Birmingham. Found in Muna, Chincao and Tarma in Peru

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Brazilian huckleberry, Gaylussacia brasiliensis

Brazilian huckleberry, Gaylussacia brasiliensis
Brazilian huckleberry or dangleberry, Gaylussacia brasiliensis. Native of Brazil, found by Auguste de St. Hilaire from Caravellos to St Catharine island. Named for French chemist Guy Lussac

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Mountain hydrangea, Hydrangea serrata

Mountain hydrangea, Hydrangea serrata
Mountain hydrangea, yama ajisai, or tea of heaven, Hydrangea serrata. Found in Japan and Korea, imported from Japan by nurseryman Hugh Low of Clapton. Japan hydrangea, Hydrangea japonica

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Oak-nymph-leaved primulina, Primulina dryas

Oak-nymph-leaved primulina, Primulina dryas. Native to northern China, found by Scottish plant hunter Robert Fortune on a voyage to China for the Horticultural Society

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Holly-leaved hovea, Hovea chorizemifolia

Holly-leaved hovea, Hovea chorizemifolia (Hovea ilicifolia). Native to Western Australia, seeds sent from Swan River by Allan Cunningham, plant raised by Robert Mangles

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Corynabutilon vitifolium

Corynabutilon vitifolium. Native of Chile, and introduced to Dublin, Ireland, by Captain Cottingham in 1836. Vine-leaved abutilon, Abutilon vitifolium

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Waxy cryptandra, Cryptandra arbutiflora

Waxy cryptandra, Cryptandra arbutiflora. Sent from Swan River, Western Australia, by Scottish botanist Thomas Drummond. Raised by Mrs Wray of Oakfield. Sweet-scented cryptandra, Cryptandra suavis

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Starry osbeckia, Osbeckia stellata

Starry osbeckia, Osbeckia stellata. Native to Nepal, and said to be common by botanist Dr John Forbes Royle

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Amphilophium carolinae

Amphilophium carolinae, native to South America. Flowered in the gardens of the Earl of Ilchester at Melbury House in 1842. Named for the third earl Henry Fox-Strangways's daughter Caroline

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Encyclia adenocaula orchid

Encyclia adenocaula orchid
Encyclia adenocaula epiphytic orchid. Imported from Mexico by nurseryman George Loddiges. Warted epidendrum, Epidendrum verrucosum

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Flat-stemmed dendrobium, Dendrobium compressum

Flat-stemmed dendrobium, Dendrobium compressum
Flat-stemmed dendrobium orchid, Dendrobium compressum. Native to Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Borneo, Java and Sumatra

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Nepal firethorn, Pyracantha crenulata

Nepal firethorn, Pyracantha crenulata
Nepalese firethorn, Nepal firethorn or Himalayan firethorn, Pyracantha crenulata. Sent from Nepal to Scottish botanist Dr William Roxburgh who grew it in the Calcutta Botanical Gardens

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Pink astiria, Astiria rosea or Ruizia rosea. Extinct

Pink astiria, Astiria rosea or Ruizia rosea. Extinct
Pink astiria, Astiria rosea or Ruizia rosea. Imported from Mauritius and flowered at the Duke of Northumberland's garden at Syon. Thought to be extinct

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Helena velvet bush, Lasiopetalum bracteatum

Helena velvet bush, Lasiopetalum bracteatum. Rare plant native to the Swan River, Western Australia, raised at Mr Groom's Clapham nursery. Rosy-armed corethrostylis, Corethrostylis bracteata

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Appendage orchid, Prosthechea radiata

Appendage orchid, Prosthechea radiata. Plant sent by plant hunter Karl Theodor Hartweg from Mexico and flowered in the garden of the Horticultural Society

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Chilean bell flower, Nolana coelestis

Chilean bell flower, Nolana coelestis. Raised from botanist Thomas Bridges seeds by Mr. Best, gardener to A. Park of Merton Grove, Surrey. Sky-blue alona, Alona coelestis

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Umbellate berberry, Berberis umbellata

Umbellate berberry, Berberis umbellata. Raised at the garden of the Horticultural Society from seeds sent by the East India Company

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Purple cestrum, Cestrum elegans

Purple cestrum, Cestrum elegans
Purple cestrum, red cestrum, or bastard jasmine, Cestrum elegans. Imported from Mexico by nurseryman Louis van Houtte of Ghent. Purple habrothamnus, Habrothamnus purpureus

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Porcelain blue hindsia, Hindsia violacea

Porcelain blue hindsia, Hindsia violacea. Imported from South Brazil by nurseryman James Veitch and Son of Exeter

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Stenomesson aurantiacum

Stenomesson aurantiacum. Native to Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Found by plant hunter Karl Theodor Hartweg at the Hacienda of Ixo, Quito province, Peru. Mr

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Aerides odorata orchid, endangered

Aerides odorata orchid, endangered. Native to Southeast Asia and China. Imported from Java and flowered at George Loddiges nursery. Green-leaved air plant, Aerides virens

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Oncidium laeve orchid

Oncidium laeve orchid
Oncidium laeve epiphytic orchid. Native to Mexico and Central America. Found by George Ure Skinner and Karl Theodor Hartweg in Guatemala. Flowered in the garden of the Horticultural Society

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Climbing fetterbush, Pieris phillyreifolia

Climbing fetterbush, Pieris phillyreifolia. Phyllirea-leaved andromeda, Andromeda phyllireaefolia

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Blueblossom, Ceanothus thyrsiflorus

Blueblossom, Ceanothus thyrsiflorus
Blueblossom, blue blossom ceanothus or thyrse-bearing ceanothus, Ceanothus thyrsiflorus. Evergreen shrub native to Oregon and California, collected by Scottish botanist David Douglas

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Lilac Christmas orchid, Calanthe masuca

Lilac Christmas orchid, Calanthe masuca
Lilac Christmas orchid or lilac calanthe, Calanthe masuca. Native of Nepal. Flowered in the garden of nurseryman William Rollisson of Tooting

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Aeonium undulatum

Aeonium undulatum. Succulent, evergreen flowering plant found by Barker Webb in Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands and flowered at William Young's nursery in Milford

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Various-leaved fly honeysuckle, Lonicera diversifolia

Various-leaved fly honeysuckle, Lonicera diversifolia. Sent to Dr Nathaniel Wallich from Gurwhal and Kamaon, botanist Dr John Forbes Royle found it in northern India

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Prosthechea pterocarpa orchid

Prosthechea pterocarpa orchid. Native to Mexico, raised by nurseryman George Loddiges in London. Wing-fruited epidendrum, Epidendrum pterocarpum

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Crenate orchid cactus, Disocactus crenatus

Crenate orchid cactus, Disocactus crenatus. Native from Mexico to Honduras. Sent from Honduras by plant hunter George Ure Skinner and flowered at Carclew, the garden of Sir Charles Lemon

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Egyptian starcluster, Pentas lanceolata subsp. cymosa

Egyptian starcluster, Pentas lanceolata subsp. cymosa. Introduced from Africa by Jacob Makoy of Liege. Flesh-coloured pentas, Pentas carnea

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Mayflower orchid, Laelia speciosa

Mayflower orchid, Laelia speciosa
Mayflower orchid, flor de Mayo, Laelia speciosa. Found in Mexico and Guatelama. Sent from Mexico by botanist Dr. Schiede. The May-flower laelia, Laelia majalis

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Pinalia bractescens orchid

Pinalia bractescens orchid. Native of India and southeast Asia. Found by plant hunter Hugh Cuming in Singapore and by botanist William Griffith near Moulmain in Burma

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Hybrid rose mallow

Hybrid rose mallow. Hibiscus cameroni-fulgens, garden variety. Hybrid of Hibiscus cameronii and Hibiscus fulgens (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), raised by nurseryman William Rollisson of Tooting

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Medlar-like lindleya, Lindleya mespiloides

Medlar-like lindleya, Lindleya mespiloides. Mexican evergreen tree that flowered in the garden of the Horticultural Society

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Thin ash-leaved berberry, Berberis tenuifolia

Thin ash-leaved berberry, Berberis tenuifolia. Native to Cuba and Mexico, found by plant hunter Karl Theodor Hartweg at Zaquapam, and raised in the Horticultural Society garden

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Laelia marginata orchid

Laelia marginata orchid. Sent by explorer Sir Robert Hermann Schomburgk to Mrs Marryat from Suriname. Crisp-flowered schomburgkia, Schomburgkia crispa

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Macleania insignis

Macleania insignis. Named for Scottish plant merchant John Maclean of Lima, Peru. Long-flowered macleania, Macleania longiflora

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Boat orchid, Cymbidium finlaysonianum

Boat orchid, Cymbidium finlaysonianum. Named for orchid collector George Finlayson. Found by plant hunter Hugh Cuming in Singapore and imported by nurseryman George Loddiges

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Kashmir sage or Cashmere phlomis, Phlomis cashmeriana

Kashmir sage or Cashmere phlomis, Phlomis cashmeriana. Raised at the Horticultural Society garden from seeds sent from Kashmir by botanist Dr John Forbes Royle

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Large-flowered trochetia, Trochetia grandiflora

Large-flowered trochetia, Trochetia grandiflora. Received from Mauritius, and flowered at the Duke of Northumberland's garden at Syon

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Pinalia floribunda orchid

Pinalia floribunda orchid. Found in Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, imported from Singapore by nurseryman George Loddiges. Many-flowered eria, Eria floribunda

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Bhat or hill glory bower, Clerodendrum infortunatum

Bhat or hill glory bower, Clerodendrum infortunatum. Used in traditional Indian medicine and ayurveda

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Pale ash-leaved berberry, Berberis pallida

Pale ash-leaved berberry, Berberis pallida. Native to Mexico, and found by plant hunter Karl Theodor Hartweg at Cardonal, Zimapan, and Atotonilco El Grande

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Pale reed orchid, Bromheadia finlaysoniana

Pale reed orchid, Bromheadia finlaysoniana. Native to Indochina and Australia, originally named Grammatophyllum finlaysonianum. Found by orchid collector George Finlayson in Singapore

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Pointleaf manzanita, Arctostaphylos pungens

Pointleaf manzanita, Arctostaphylos pungens
Pointleaf manzanita, pinguica, manzanilla or pungent bearberry, Arctostaphylos pungens. Introduced to the Horticultural Society by plant hunter Karl Theodor Hartweg who found it in Mexico

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Sacred lotus, Nelumbo nucifera

Sacred lotus, Nelumbo nucifera
Sacred lotus, Laxmi lotus, Indian lotus, Nelumbo nucifera. From a plant flowered at William Rollisson's Nursery in Tooting. Caspian nelumbium, Nelumbium caspicum, Nelumbium speciosum

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Rangoon creeper, Combretum indicum

Rangoon creeper, Combretum indicum. Exhibited at the Horticultural Society in 1841 by Lucombe, Pince and Co. of Exeter. Chinese quisqualis, Quisqualis sinensis

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Yellowspike orchid, Polystachya elastica

Yellowspike orchid, Polystachya elastica. Sent from Sierra Leone, and raised by orchid collector Mr. Rucker. Rose-coloured lissochilus, Lissochilus roseus

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Large-flowered bulbophyllum, Bulbophyllum macranthum

Large-flowered bulbophyllum, Bulbophyllum macranthum
Large-flowered bulbophyllum orchid, Bulbophyllum macranthum. Imported from Singapore by nurseryman George Loddiges

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: May bush, Spiraea cantoniensis

May bush, Spiraea cantoniensis. Introduced from China by English naturalist John Reeves. Mr Reeve's spiraea, Spiraea reevesiana

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Madeira broom, Genista tenera

Madeira broom, Genista tenera. Raised by Mr Young, nurseryman of Milford, from seeds sent by William Webb from Madeira. Twiggy broom, Genista virgata

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Rose-coloured changeable crinum, Crinum variabile

Rose-coloured changeable crinum, Crinum variabile var. roseum. A variety of either Crinum variabile or Crinum capense, both from South Africa. Flowered in the garden of J. H. Slater of Newick Park

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Amazonvine, Stigmaphyllon jatrophifolium

Amazonvine, Stigmaphyllon jatrophifolium. Woody vine native to the Neotropics. Jatropha-leaved stigmaphyllon, Stigmaphyllon jatrophaefolium

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Fortune's spindle, Euonymus fortunei

Fortune's spindle, Euonymus fortunei
Fortune's spindle, winter creeper or wintercreeper, Euonymus fortunei. Also known as tsurumasaki and Chinese box. Named for Scottish plant hunter Robert Fortune

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Dwarf sophronitis orchid, Cattleya pumila

Dwarf sophronitis orchid, Cattleya pumila
Bordered dwarf cattleya or dwarf sophronitis orchid, Cattleya pumila. Imported from Brazil and raised by nurseryman George Loddiges

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Turraea heterophylla

Turraea heterophylla. Stove plant found by plant hunter Thomas Whitfield in Sierre Leone and sent to the Duke of Devonshire at Chiswick House. Lobed turraea, Turraea lobata

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Diaphananthe pellucida orchid

Diaphananthe pellucida orchid. Transparent angrec, Angraecum pellucidum. Native to sub-Saharan Africa, imported from Sierra Leone by nurseryman George Loddiges

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Autumnal crocuses

Autumnal crocuses, Croci autumnales. Crocus pulchellus 1, Crocus longiflorus 2, Crocus odorus 3, Crocus thomasianus 4, Crocus pallasianus 5, and Crocus cartwrightianus 6

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Field Peruvian lupin, Lupinus arvensis

Field Peruvian lupin, Lupinus arvensis
Field Peruvian lupine or lupin, Lupinus arvensis. Found in corn field near Loxa, Peru, by plant hunter Karl Theodor Hartweg and grown in the Horticultural Society gardens

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Gomesa bicolor orchid

Gomesa bicolor orchid. Native to the Spanish Main (Caribbean region), imported by nurseryman George Loddiges. Two-coloured oncidium, Oncidium bicolor

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Fringed saxifrage or rockfoil, Saxifraga ciliata

Fringed saxifrage or rockfoil, Saxifraga ciliata. Raised at the Horticultural Society gardens from seeds sent from the Botanical Garden of Saharunpur. Native of northern India

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Bossiaea rufa

Bossiaea rufa. Native to Western Australia. Raised by nurseryman Hugh Low of Clapton. Few-leaved bossiaea, Bossiaea paucifolia

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Thorough-wax hibbertia, Hibbertia perfoliata

Thorough-wax hibbertia, Hibbertia perfoliata. Native to the Swan River, Western Australia

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Rhododendron aprilis, hybrid

Rhododendron aprilis, hybrid of R. ponticum and the evergreen Davurian rhododendron, raised by the botanist William Herbert, Dean of Manchester

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Mormodes aromatica orchid

Mormodes aromatica orchid. Native from Mexico to Honduras. Aromatic mormodes, Mormodes aromaticum

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Bulbophyllum auratum orchid

Bulbophyllum auratum orchid. A native of Manila, imported by George Loddiges. Gold-edged cirrhopetalum, Cirrhopetalum auratum

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Mr Rucker's dendrobium, Dendrobium ruckeri

Mr Rucker's dendrobium, Dendrobium ruckeri. Raised by Sigismund Rucker, Jr. Native to the Eastern Himalayas. Believed to have been sent by plant hunter Hugh Cuming from the Philippines

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Molle rastrero, Schinus longifolius

Molle rastrero, Schinus longifolius. Native to South America. Raised by nurseryman Hugh Low of Clapton, from seeds from Buenos Ayres. Long-leaved duvaua, Duvaua longifolia

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Peruvian lily or lily of the Incas, Alstroemeria chorillensis

Peruvian lily or lily of the Incas, Alstroemeria chorillensis. Native to South America, supplied to the Horticultural Society by John Maclean of Lima, Peru

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Lagrimas de la virgen, Eleutherine bulbosa

Lagrimas de la virgen, Eleutherine bulbosa
Lagrimas de la virgen, tears of the virgin, Eleutherine bulbosa. Native to southern Mexico and south America. Anomalous eleutherine, Eleutherine anomala

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Magic flowers, Achimenes skinneri

Magic flowers, Achimenes skinneri
Magic flowers, widow's tears, Cupid's bower, or hot water plant, Achimenes skinneri. Imported from Guatemala, and raised by Mr Henderson of the Pine Apple Place Nursery

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Rose of heaven, Eudianthe coeli-rosa

Rose of heaven, Eudianthe coeli-rosa. Garthered by plant hunter Giles Munby in hills north of Algiers. Dark-eyed viscaria, Viscaria oculata, Viscaria coeli-rosa, Agrostemma coeli-rosa

Background imageJohn Lindley Collection: Watery dendrobium, Dendrobium aqueum

Watery dendrobium, Dendrobium aqueum. Native to the south of India. From a plant that flowered at George Loddiges nursery, imported from Bombay

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