Flea bee-fly and sea bindweedFlea bee-fly, Phthiria pulicaria and sea bindweed, Calystegia soldanella (as Convolvulus soldanella)
Black-thighed epeolus cuckoo bee and fly orchidBlack-thighed epeolus or variegated cuckoo bee, Epeolus variegatus, and fly orchid, Ophrys insectifera (Ophrys muscifera) or sombre bee orchid, Ophrys fusca (Ophrys myodes)
Gold-speckled clothes moth and wood hawkweedGold-speckled clothes moth, Nemaxera betulinella, and wood hawkweed, Hieracium sylvaticum. As bark clothes-moth, Tinea corticella
Dance fly and wild tulipDance fly, Wiedemannia bistigma (as Heleodromia bistigma) and wild tulip, Tulipa sylvestris
Grain beetle and St. John's wortGrain beetle, Cryptolestes spartii (Cucujus spartii) and St. John's wort, Hypericum perforatum
Braconid wasp and mezereonBraconid wasp, Hecabolus sulcatus, and mezereon, Daphne mezereum
Pied hoverfly and barren strawberryPied hoverfly, Scaeva pyrastri (as Scaeva unicolor) and barren strawberry, Potentilla sterilis (as Fragaria sterilis)
Swallow-tailed moth and common elderSwallow-tailed moth, Ourapteryx sambucaria, and common elder, Sambucus nigra
Blue helodes beetle and mare's tailBlue helodes beetle, Prasocuris junci (Helodes beccabungae) and mare's tail, Hippuris vulgaris
Large birch bright moth and black horehoundLarge birch bright moth, Taleporia tubulosa (Pale chequered brown moth, Cochleophasia tessellea), and black or stinking horehound, Ballota nigra
Leaf beetle, Psylliodes chalcomerus, on common henbaneLeaf beetle, Psylliodes chalcomerus (Macrocnema unimaculata), on common henbane, Hyoscyamus niger
Mordellochroa abdominalis beetle on a guelder roseMordellochroa abdominalis (as Mordella abdominalis) beetle on a guelder rose, Viburnum opulus
Water-lily cordylura fly on a white water-lilyWater-lily cordylura fly, Hydromyza livens (Cordylura livens) on a white water-lily, Nymphaea alba
Beaked triggerplant, Stylidium adnatumBeaked triggerplant or one-celled stylidium, Stylidium adnatum. Native to King's George Sound, Australia (New Holland), imported by Robert Barclay
Fountainbush, Psoralea imbricata. Tiled hallia, Hallia imbricata. Native to the Cape, South Africa, sent by James Charles Tate's Nursery and Botanic Garden in Sloane Street, Chelsea
Barren strawberry, Waldsteinia geoidesBarren strawberry or avens-like waldsteinia, Waldsteinia geoides. Native of Europe, drawn at the Nathaniel Hodson's Botanic Garden, Bury St. Edmunds
Josephine's lily, Brunsvigia josephinae. Josephine Brunswick-lily, Tate's variety, Brunsvigia josephinae y
Lavender-leaved anthyllis, Anthyllis hermanniaeLavender-leaved anthyllis or lavender-leaved kidney-vetch, Anthyllis hermanniae. Native of the Levant, Greece, Corsica, etc. sent by Philip Barker Webb from his collection at Godalming
Hybrid camellia, Camellia japonicaHybrid camellia. Joseph Knight's new Warratah camellia, Camellia japonica var. e. Cross of a warratah/anemony variety and semi-double variety
Slender palm lily, Cordyline strictaSlender palm lily or narrow-leaved palm lily, Cordyline stricta. Upright dracaena, Dracaena stricta. Native of Australia, drawn at Samuel Brookes Nursery at Ball's Pond
Coast tarweed, Madia sativaCoast tarweed and Chilean tarweed, Madia sativa. Clammy madia, Madia viscosa
Red echeveria, Echeveria coccinea. Scarlet navel-wort, Cotyledon coccinea. Native of Tenerife, provided by Reginald Whitley, Peter Brames and Thomas Milne of Fulham Nursery
Stemless evening primrose, Oenothera triloba. Dandelion-leaved evening-primrose. Native of North America, discovered by Thomas Nuttall, drawn from a plant at Robert Barclay's Bury Hill nursery
Aconitum orientale. Pale-yellow wolf's-bane, Aconitum ochroleucum. Native of the Caucasus, provided by Joseph Knight of the Exotic Nursery, King's Road, Chelsea
Chinese primrose, Primula sinensisChinese primrose or cáng bào chūn, Primula sinensis. Native of China, drawn from a plant provided by Joseph Knight of the Exotic Nursery, King's Road, Chelsea
Chinese privet or wax-tree, Ligustrum lucidum. Native to China, drawn from a plant sent by Reginald Whitley, Peter Brames and Thomas Milne of Fulham Nursery
Star of Bethlehem, Hippobroma longifloraStar of Bethlehem or madamfate, Hippobroma longiflora. Long-flowered lobelia, Lobelia longiflora. Native of Jamaica and the West Indies, provided by Thomas C. Palmer of Bromley, Kent
False Christmas cactus, Schlumbergera truncata. Ringent-flowered cactus, Cactus truncatus. Native of Brazil, provided by Thomas Hitchen of Norwich
Wedge-leaf rattlepod, Crotalaria retusaWedge-leaf rattlepod or wedge-leaved crotalaria, Crotalaria retusa
Large-fruited catasetum, Catasetum macrocarpum. Trinidad catasetum, Catasetum tridentatum. Native of Trinidad, Caribbean and South America, drawn at Mr William Anderson's Chelsea Botanic Gardens
Vietnamese balm, Elsholtzia ciliata. Crested elsholtzia, Elsholtzia cristata. Native to Siberia (Asia, India), provided by Mr. Walker of Arno's Grove
Shiny-leaf prickly-ash, Zanthoxylum nitidum. Shining-leaved zanthoxylum. Native to China, provided by John Potts, drawn at the Horticultural Society's greenhouse
Brahmi or waterhyssop, Bacopa monnieri. Purslane-leaved herspestis, Herpestis monnieria portulacacea
Langsdorff's tobacco, Nicotiana langsdorffii. Native of Brazil, raised from seeds sent by Mr. Langsdorff at Rio de Janeiro. Plant provided by William Anderson at the Chelsea Botanic Gardens
Prickly globe-headed centaury, Centaurea sphaerocephala. Native to the Iberian peninsula, raised in Chelsea Botanic Gardens from seeds received by William Anderson
Grass-leaved goldenrod, Euthamia graminifoliaGrass-leaved goldenrod or flat-top goldentop, Euthamia graminifolia. Tarragon-leaved golden-rod, Solidago lanceolata. Native to Canada, plant provided by Reginald Whitley of Fulham nursery
Mullein-leaved lobelia, Lobelia tupa. Native to Chile, drawn at Samuel Brooke's nursery at Ball's Pond
Berberis umbellata. Chitrian berberry, Berberis aristata. Native to Nepal, provided by Philip Barker Webb from his collection at Godalming
Somerset skullcap, Scutellaria altissima. Tall skull-cap, Scutillaria altissima. Native to the Levant, provided by John Denson at the botanic gardens at Bury St. Edmunds
Porcupine tomato, Solanum pyracanthos. Orange-thorned night-shade, Solanum pyracanthum
Phymosia abutiloides. Bahama mallow, Malva abutiloides. Native of the Bahama islands, specimen provided by Philip Barker Webb
Aristolochia cymbifera. Marcgrave's birthwort, Aristolochia labiosa. Native of Brazil, introduced to Kew Gardens by the king's collectors Allan Cunningham and James Bowie
Turkish sage, Phlomis russeliana. Russell's honesty-leaved phlomis, Phlomis lunarifolia var. russeliana. Native to Turkey and Syria
Heart of Jesus, Caladium bicolorHeart of Jesus or two-coloured caladium, Caladium bicolor. From Latin America. Provided by Samuel Brookes nursery at Ball's Pond, Islington
Hairy lavatera, Lavatera hispida. Ambiguous. Native of the coast of Barbary, Algeria, plant provided by Nathaniel Hodson of the botanic garden at Bury St. Edmunds
Downy rattlesnake plantain, Goodyera pubescens. Smaller pubescent goodyera, Goodyera pubescens b minor
Flame lily, Gloriosa superba. Greenish-flowered gloriosa, Gloriosa virescens. Sent by plant hunter John Forbes from Mozambique, drawn at the Horticultural Society's gardens
Blue fountain bush, Rotheca serrataBlue fountain bush, the blue-flowered glory tree or the beetle killer, Rotheca serrata. Broad-leaved clerodendrum, Clerodendrum macrophyllum
Nepal Christ's-thorn, Paliurus virgatus. Native to Upper Nepal, seeds supplied by plant hunter Nathaniel Wallich
Striated cyrtanthus, Cyrtanthus striatus. Native to the Cape, South Africa, imported by the Hammersmith Nursery of Lewis Kennedy and James Lee
Spreading scarlet hamelia, Hamelia patens. Native of St Domingo, Jamaica and the Andes, Peru, Provided by Mrs Walker of Arno's Grove, Southgate
Blush-coloured sand crinum, Crinum arenariumBlush-coloured swamp lily or sand crinum, Crinum arenarium. Native of Australia, drawn at Joseph Knight's Exotic Nursery, King's Road, Chelsea
Cryptolepis sanguinolenta. Bloody-juiced pergularia, Pergularia sanguinolenta. Brought by plant hunter George Don from Sierra Leone, drawn at the Chiswick gardens of the Horticultural Society
Papilio ecclipsis, hoax butterfly speciesThis insect was uncovered as hoax by John Curtis. It is infact a European brimstone butterfly with patches carefully painted on its wings. Specimen from the Linnean Society photographed by the NHM
Scarce Swallowtail by John Curtis (1791 - 1862) from British Entomology
Purple Emperor by John Curtis (1791 - 1862) from British Entomology
Brimstone by John Curtis (1791 - 1862) from British Entomology