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Jesus Christ Collection

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Resurrection of Christ in Byzantine costume, 11th century

Resurrection of Christ in Byzantine costume, 11th century
The resurrection of Jesus Christ in Byzantine costume, 11th century

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Christ and apostles in Byzantine costume, 11th century

Christ and apostles in Byzantine costume, 11th century
Jesus Christ and the apostles in Byzantine costume, 11th century. All with their right hand in their robes, a Byzantine pose. From a manuscript Gospels, MS 74 G, Bibliotheque Imperiale

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Crosses and badges of Orders of Chivalry, 12th to 16th century

Crosses and badges of Orders of Chivalry, 12th to 16th century

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Miniature of Jesus Christ at his ascension, 9th century

Miniature of Jesus Christ at his ascension, 9th century
Miniature of Jesus Christ at his ascension. In halo, seated with the globe in right hand and gospels in his left, the four evangelists as allegorical figures of an angel, eagle, bull and lion

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Jesus Christ is crucified between two thieves. J

Jesus Christ is crucified between two thieves. Jesus est crucifie entre deux brigands. Luke XXIII v. 33. From Le Passion de Notre Seigneur, The Passion of our Lord

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: The body of Jesus Christ in a tomb

The body of Jesus Christ in a tomb
The body of Jesus Christ wrapped in a shroud and entombed in a sepulchre in the rock. Il a ete retranche de la terre des Vivans. Isaiah LIII v. 8.9

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Roman soldiers strip Jesus Christ before his crucifixion

Roman soldiers strip Jesus Christ before his crucifixion
Roman soldiers strip Jesus Christ of his robe, while a soldier drills a hole in the cross for his crucifixion. Les soldats depouillent Jesus de ses vetements et l'attachent a la croix

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Pilate orders Jesus Christ to be flogged by several guards

Pilate orders Jesus Christ to be flogged by several guards with cat-o-nine tails and birches. Alors Pilate fit prendre Jesus et le fit fouetter. John XIX v. 1

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Jesus Christ is crowned with a crown of thorns

Jesus Christ is crowned with a crown of thorns by Roman guards. Et l'ayant depouille, ils le courirent d'un manteau d'ecarlate, puis ayant fait une Couronne d'epines. Matthew XXVII v

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Blindfolded Jesus Christ is mocked and beaten by his guards

Blindfolded Jesus Christ is mocked and beaten by his guards. Ceux qui tenoient Jesus, se moquoient de lui en le frappant. Luke XXII v. 63. From Le Passion de Notre Seigneur, The Passion of our Lord

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Jesus Christ and the apostles at the Last Supper

Jesus Christ and the apostles at the Last Supper. Jesus-Christ apres avoir celebre la derniere Paque ave ces Disciples. Matthew XXVI v. 26

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Jesus Christ brought before Jewish high priest Caiaphas

Jesus Christ brought before Jewish high priest Caiaphas. Jesus conduit devant Caiphe. John XVIII v 23. From Le Passion de Notre Seigneur, The Passion of our Lord

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Reproduction of a page from a 13th century illuminaed Latin psal

Reproduction of a page from a 13th century illuminaed Latin psal
Decorative initial featuring Jesus Christ above a coronation scene, with angel playing a violin and monsters. Reproduction of an illuminated page from a 13th century Latin psalter, manuscript 10435

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Christ descending into the Grave (Plate I)

Christ descending into the Grave (Plate I). A radiant figure of Jesus Christ, holding two large keys, walks down a staircase into a sea of flames

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Diptych with scenes from the Passion of Christ

Diptych with scenes from the Passion of Christ: Crucifixion, Deposition, Flagellation and Entombment. Ivory. France, ca. 1290-1310. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugalon, Portugal

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Panel from a Casket with Scenes from the Infancy of Christ

Panel from a Casket with Scenes from the Infancy of Christ
Casket panel with scenes from the Infancy of Christ. Germany or Lorraine, 1310-1330. Ivory. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugalon, Portugal

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Diptych with scenes from the Life and Passion of Christ

Diptych with scenes from the Life and Passion of Christ. Ivory. Paris, ca. 1350-1375. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugalon, Portugal

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Virgin and Child, ca. 1364. Marble sculpture - Jean de Liege

Virgin and Child, ca. 1364. Marble sculpture - Jean de Liege
Virgin and Child. Paris, ca. 1364. Marble sculpture attributed to Jean de Liege (fl. 1361-1381). Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugalon, Portugal

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Diptych - episodes depicting the Coronation of the Virgin

Diptych - episodes depicting the Coronation of the Virgin
Diptych showing episodes depicting the Coronation of the Virgin, the Washing of the Feet, the Crucifixion and the Ascension, ca. 1370. Flemish (?). Ivory. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Christ. 12th century. Lombardy, Italy

Christ. 12th century. Lombardy, Italy. Chased and gilded bronze. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugalon, Portugal

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Apocalypse. England, c. 1265-1275. Manuscript

Apocalypse. England, c. 1265-1275. Manuscript
Apocalypse. With commentary of Berengaudus of Ferriere (840-892) and Haimo Autissiodorensis (Haimo of Auxerre) (dead ca. 865). London, Winchester or Salisbury (England), c. 1265-1275

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Plaque for a binding with the Crucifixion. Byzantium

Plaque for a binding with the Crucifixion. Byzantium (late 10th century - early 11th century). Ivory. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugalon, Portugal

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Apocalypse. England, c. 1265-1275. Manuscript

Apocalypse. England, c. 1265-1275. Manuscript
Apocalypse. With commentary of Berengaudus of Ferriere (840-892) and Haimo Autissiodorensis (Haimo of Auxerre) (dead ca. 865). London, Winchester or Salisbury (England), c. 1265-1275

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Italy, Florence. Baptistry of San Giovanni. Ceiling mosaic

Italy, Florence. Baptistry of San Giovanni. Ceiling mosaic of the dome, 13th-14th centuries

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Turkey, Istanbul. Church of the Holy Saviour in Chora

Turkey, Istanbul. Church of the Holy Saviour in Chora. Byzantine style. Inner Narthex Mosaic, 14th century. Christ Healing Two Blind Men

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Turkey, Istanbul. Church of the Holy Saviour in Chora

Turkey, Istanbul. Church of the Holy Saviour in Chora. Byzantine style. Inner Narthex Mosaic, 14th century. The healing of Peter's Mother-in-Law

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Turkey, Istanbul. Church of the Holy Saviour in Chora

Turkey, Istanbul. Church of the Holy Saviour in Chora. Byzantine style. Inner Narthex Mosaic, 14th century. The Healing of a Young Man with a Withered Hand

Background imageJesus Christ Collection: Turkey, Istanbul. Chora Church. Outer Narthex Mosaic

Turkey, Istanbul. Chora Church. Outer Narthex Mosaic
Turkey, Istanbul. Church of the Holy Saviour in Chora. Byzantine style. Outer Narthex Mosaic, 14th century. The wine miracle at Cana

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