El Greco's family, by Jeronimo Seisdedos LopezJeronimo Seisdedos Lopez (1889-1958). Spanish painter. El Greco's family, 1949. Oil on canvas. Detail
El Greco's family, by Jeronimo Seisdedos Lopez (1889-1958)Jeronimo Seisdedos Lopez (1889-1958). Spanish painter. El Greco's family, 1949. Oil on canvas
Jeronimo Valdes y Sierra (1784-1855). Spanish generalJeronimo Valdes y Sierra (1784-1855). 1st count of Torata and count of Villarin. Spanish general. Portrait. Engraving by Jose Gomez. Panorama Espanol, Cronica Contemporanea. Volume III. Madrid, 1845
Spain. First Carlist War (1833-1840). Jeronimo Merino CobSpain. First Carlist War (1833-1840)
Jeronimo Miguel Sunol y Pujol (1839-1902). Spanish sculptor. Portrait. Drawing by Badillo. Engraving by Arturo Carretero. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1882
Spain, Extremadura, Cuacos de Yuste - MonasterySpain, Extremadura, Caceres province, Cuacos de Yuste. Monastery of San Jeronimo in Yuste
Military parade in front of the Congress of the DeputiesPainting attributed to Joaquin Siguenza Chavarrieta (1825-1902). Spanish painter
Spain. Civil War (1936-1939). The street San Jeronimo in Madrid under the effects of the bombing
Codex Osuna, 16th C Spanish viceroyship in MexicoCodex Osuna (Cod e Osuna). 16th c
Portrait of Jeronimo de Cevallos (1560-1641), 1613, by ElJeronimo de Cevallos (1560-1641). Spanish jurist. Portrait by El Greco (1541-1614), 1613. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
Jeronimo de Zurita y Castro (1512-1580). Spanish historian, founder of the modern tradition of historical scholarship in Spain. Colored engraving
Hikers in San Jeronimo. Montserrat. Catalonia. Spain. Drawing by L. Urgelles. The Illustration. 1890. Colored engraving
Feijoo, Benito Jeronimo (1673-1764), Spanish essayistFeijoo, Benito Jeronimo (Casdemiro, 1673-Oviedo, 1764), Spanish essayist. Colored engraving
Royal Spanish Wedding - Prince and Princess of Wales leavingOn 31st May 1906, at the Royal Monastery of San Geronimo (San Jeronimo el Real) in Madrid, King Alfonso XIII of Spain married Scottish-born Princess Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg (18871969)
Copy of the sculpture of Jeronimo Suol (1864) that represents Dante Alighieri. Engraving
Van Loo, Jean BaptisteGreco, Dom nikos Theotokpoulos, called El (1541-1614). Portrait of Jeronimo de Cevallos. Mannerism art. Oil on canvas
Madrid, Spain - Carrera de San Jeronimo y Congreso de los Diputados Date: circa 1920s
Mexico - San Geronimo - Isthmus of Tehuantepec
Carlo V AbdicatesCarlo (Charles) V abdicates and retires to the monastery of San Jeronimo de Yuste