Advertisements - (top) Ball dress in grey/blue satin changeant by Frederick Starke, (bottom left) be the first in fashion with a Jacqmar scarf
Lola Jensen, American actressLola Jensen (1919-2001), American actress. 1939
Jensen Model 21, NX31224
Breese 5 - NC914 - AlohaBreese 5 NC914 (msn 3) Aloha, a Dole racer entered by Jack Northrop and flown by Martin Jensen
Wagner / FriendsRICHARD WAGNER German composer with his friends, including Bulow, Damrosch, Gasperini and Ritter Date: 1813 - 1883
Interior of Grundtvigs Church, Copenhagen, DenmarkThe interior of Grundtvigs Church in Copenhagen, named after the Danish philosopher and hymn writer N. F. S. Grundtvig
Desoutter II, OY-DOD, which was flown by Lt M HansenDesoutter II, OY-DOD, which was flown by Lt M. Hansen and D. Jensen in the MacRobertson England to Australia race of October 1934
L. J. W. Bailey & his JensenL.J.W. Bailey and his Jensen car. Date: 2nd May 1970
Adolf JensenADOLPH JENSEN German musical composer
Olympics / 1932 / WrestlingWrestling: Foldeak (Germany) beats Jensen (Denmark)