Beauty sleep every night'. Helmets that were scientifically shaped to fit the head. Date: 1932
Dr Theodore von Krmn, 1881-1963, with the actress Jayn?Dr Theodore von Krmn, 1881-1963, with the actress Jayne Mansfield
Jayne Mansfield / 20C FoxJAYNE MANSFIELD (Jayne Palmer) American film actress
Advert for Ladye Jayne slumber helmet 1934Beauty sleep every night. Always wear a Ladye Jayne during sleep and especially after a wave-set. It will keep your hair continually in good trim
F. Moras Lithographic Establishment, Philadelphia, 610 Jayne St. Plain & fancy printing
Dr. David Jayne & son. Dr. David Jayne & son
Dr. D. Jaynes tonic vermifuge. A sure remedy for worms. Advertisement for patent remedies, showing Moses held in a basket by a young woman. Date c1889