Temple of JanusThe Temple of Janus at Rome, with a bust of the deity looking in three different directions - past, present and future
The political Janus
Schempp-Hirth Janus C R1, of the Royal air Force Gliding and Soaring Association, at RAF Greenham Common for an Inter-Services Regional gliding competition in the 1980s. Date: circa 1981
Schempp-Hirth Janus C EKB, at Lasham for a regional gliding competition. Date: circa 1981
Schempp-Hirth Kestrel TX, 1 ZD975Air Cadets - Schempp-Hirth Kestrel TX.1 ZD975 (msn 171). Janus C for Air Cadet use. Date: circa 2000
Automeris janus moth (Janus moth, Phalaena janus). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from George Shaw
Curtis British Entomology Plate 301Hymenoptera: Cephus femoratus = Janus femoratus (Yellow-thighed Cephus) [Plant: Orobanche minor (Less Broom-rape)] Date: 1824-39
JANUS & CIVILISATION JANUS & CIVILISATIONThe Roman god of exits and entrances, credited with bringing civilisation to Italy - the practical skills, the sciences and the arts
JANUSThe Roman god of exits and entrances, traditionally depicted as looking two ways - backwards and forwards
Rome, Italy - Arch of JanusThe Arch of Janus is the only quadrifrons triumphal arch preserved in Rome. It was set up at a crossroads at the northeastern limit of the Forum Boarium, close to the Velabrum
Roman as with a representation of the god Janus. This was the first coin ever struck by Ancient Rome
Janus CornarusJANUS CORNARUS German medical Date: 1500 - 1558
Pompeii - Italy - Foro e tempio di Giove (Jupiter). Date: circa 1910s
Rome / Arch Janus / C176018th century ruins of the ARCH OF JANUS built in the 4th century AD. it is sometimes mistaken for the Temple of Peace and War. Date: Circa 1760
Gates of Janus ClosedThe emperor Augustus closes the gates of the Temple of Janus, as a sign that Rome is at peace, both by land and by sea
Epicurus / BouillonEPICURUS AND METRODORUS Greek philosopher (left), and with his chief pupil Metrodorus (right)
Metrodorus / BouillonMETRODORUS the Younger Greek philosopher of Lampsacus (right), chief pupil of Epicurus (left)
Johan Van Der Does / LarmeJOHAN VAN DER DOES alias JANUS DOUSA Dutch political leader and writer
January C18ThThis month is shown as a man in purple robes burning incense. This month is named after the god Janus and considered sacred and an auspicious birthdate