Malleus MaleficarumThe Hammer of witches, authored by Dominicans Jakob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer, is the most influential book promoting the real existence of the witchcraft heresy
Bernouilli BrothersBrothers Jakob I and Johann I Bernoulli working on a problem of geometry
Knight of the mid 15th century in battle armor with weapons.. He wears a checkered tunic over stocking, with two angels above holding his coat of arms. The weapons include a war hammer A and sword E
Lesser false vampire bat, Megaderma spasma. Vespertilio spasma Linn
Jewish religious procession from the 15th century.. From a coloured pen and ink drawing in the handwritten chronicles of the Council of Constance by Ulrich von Richental
Jacob von Hartmann (1795-1873). Bavarian general. Took part in the Austro-Prussian War (1866) and the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). Portrait. Engraving
German pole axe and halberd from the late 15th century. Chromolithograph from Hefner-Altenecks Costumes, Artworks and Appliances from the Middle Ages to the 17th Century, Frankfurt, 1889
Wife kissing a young man behind her husbands back. German fashions of the late 15th century. From a color illustration by a German master in Berlin Print Room, Kupferstichkabinet
SCHLEIDEN, Matthias Jakob (1804-1881). German botanist and co-founder of the cell theory. Litography
Italian male fashion, late 15th century. Costume of Italian noblemen A-C, and costume of Italian soldiers, archer, pikeman and axe man in small metal helmet
Dutch peasant woman, late 15th centuryDutch peasant woman in veil, dress, apron and basket, late 15th century, on the road to visit St. Elisabeth. From a figure in a door in Aachen Cathedral
German fashions of the 15th century, including mi-partiGerman costumes of the 15th century. Man and woman in mi-parti clothes, and others in characteristic fashion of the era. From the Duke of Saxonys lineage book in Dresden State Archive
German soldiers, hunter and young men of the 15th centuryGerman mens costumes of the 15th century. Young pikeman or Lansknecht with sword and halberd A, soldier with felt hat C, hunter with falcon and glove D, and young men in house clothes B, E, F
Italian heraldic shield or targe from the mid-15th century. With escutcheon and coat of arms, great helm crested with a swans head, the crest of the Chigi family of Sienna
Crakows and Trippen shoes from the mid-15th century. Chromolithograph from Hefner-Altenecks Costumes, Artworks and Appliances from the Middle Ages to the 17th Century, Frankfurt, 1889
Chainmail suits of armour and helms, 12th centuryChainmail suits of armour and helms of 12th century German knights. From manuscripts in Hamburg library
German knight in armour of the late 14th century. In bascinet with vizor and camail, surcoat and cape, chainmail and plate armour, holding a lance and mace. St
A siren seducing a merman knight, 14th centuryA mermaid or siren in German womens costume from the 14th century seducing a merman knight. Scenes below show knights and ladies holding family crests
Gottfried Count of Arensberg, 14th century armourGottfried, Count of Arensberg, Graf von Arensberg, 1370. In suit of armour, leather surcoat with coat of arms, iron arm harness. From a grave effigy in Frankfurt Cathedral
Konrad von Seinsheim, 14th century armourKonrad von Seinsheim, Conrad von Sauwensheim d. 1369. In suit of armour with great helm, sword and dagger hanging from chains on breastplate. From his grave effigy in St. Johns church, Schweinfurt
Costumes of 14th century German knightsUlrich V von Landschaden von Steinach (left) died 1369, from his grave effigy in Neckarsteinach church. In tunic, helmet, chainmail suit, with great helm, shield and angels at his pillow
Earl von Orlamunde and Otto VI von Weimar-OrlamundeUnknown Earl von Orlamunde (left) and Otto VI or Otto VII von Weimar-Orlamunde (right), died 1340. From grave effigies in Kloster Himmelkron and a Cistercian monastery
Conrad III or Konrad III von Bickenbach, 1298-1354. With great helm and coat of arms on an escutcheon
Grave effigy of Berthold VI von Henneberg, died 1330Grave effigy of Berthold VI von Henneberg, Prior of the Order of Saint John or Johanniter-Ordens, died 1330
Costume of Albrecht von Hohenlohe, died 1319. In suit of chain mail armour, tunic, great helm, with shield and sword. From the grave effigy in Schloss Neuenstein
Crab-eating macaque, Macaca fascicularis. Simia aygula Linn
Mid-18th century German male fashions worn by state officials.. From a mural by the Venetian artist Tiepelo in Wurzburg castle. Below the balcony is a black servant boy with a hunting dog
German female haberdasher in a shop selling thread, 1492German female haberdasher in a shop selling colorful ropes of thread and buttons, 1492. She wears a tall hennin with veil, popular in France and Holland at the time
Stained glass window portrait of a lady with armorialStained glass window portrait of a lady in hennin hat with tiara, next to unknown states armorial shield, helm and crest, 1495. Shield shows a wicker fence
Steel plate gauntlets of the late 15th century. Chromolithograph from Hefner-Altenecks Costumes, Artworks and Appliances from the Middle Ages to the 17th Century, Frankfurt, 1889. Illustration by Dr
Stained glass portrait of Abbot Sebastian HafeleAbbot Sebastian Hafele von Ebersburg, Catholic prelate, 1472-1500. With mitre, crook and coat of arms. From a stained glass window in the church in Haslach, Bavaria
Portrait of a young German nobleman in oils from 1490Portrait of a 22-year-old German nobleman in oils from 1490. Painted by the famous master of the Swabian school Bartholomaus Zeitblom
German coats of arms from the late 15th centuryCoat of arms of Bernhard Adelmann von Adelmannsfelden from his gravestone in Eichstatt Cathedral A, and coats of arms of the Votter and Langenmantel families from a painting by Hans Holbein
German womens fashion from the late 15th centuryGerman womens fashion and ornament from the late 15th century
Bernhard von Breidenbach, politician in Mainz, 1440-1497Bernhard von Breidenbach, politician in the Electorate of Mainz and author of Peregrinatio in terram sanctum, 1440-1497. From the grave effigy in Mainz Cathedral
Shield and weapons of the late 15th century. Shield with the coat of arms of Deggendorf, Bavaria A, B; Steitart or pole axe C, and Helmbarte or halberd D
German noblemens costumes from the late 15th century. Nobleman A from a fresco in the Basilica in Siena. Aristocrat B from a painting in Frankfurt State Institute
German fashions of the late 15th century from Matthaus Schwarzs Book of Clothes, Trachtenbuch
Italian fashions of the late 15th century. A noblewoman from a carpet now in Corpus Domini, Rome. A Roman soldier with pike from a fresco in the library of the Basilica of Siena
Painted decorative box from the late 15th centuryPainted decorative box showing the Judgment of Paris from the late 15th century. Paris in gold suit of armour lies before Mercury in red robes and three naked goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite
Fragment of a banner of miners from Tyrol, 15th centuryFragment of a banner of silver and copper miners from Tyrol, late 15th century. St. George kills a dragon next to a scarlet eagle
German fashion of the late 15th century. Knights of the Kevernburg with their wives, holding armorial shields and pennants, Arnstadt A-F
Italian noble youth fashions from the late 15th century. They wear doublet and hose with many cutout panels, slits and slashes. From an oil painting by Bernardo Pinturicchio
Costume of a German woman and children, late 15th centuryDutch-style costume of a German woman and children, late 15th century. Her jewelry is shown enlarged below. The book is wrapped in a cloth cover
Sir Johann VI Hans von Kronberg and his wife KatharinaSir Johann VI Hans von Kronberg (died 1488) and his wife Katharina von Reifenberg. From the grave effigy in St. Johann Church, Kronberg im Taunus, Hessen Germany
Costumes of young German noblemen, late 15th century. Both are cleanshaven with long hair, and mi-parti clothes. One in long gold-embroidered doublet, the other in short cape
German court messenger and old man, 15th centuryGerman male fashions of the late 15th century. Costume of a court messenger with brooch and lance, from painting of the life of St. Sigismund
Armorial shields of the crossbowmens guild, lateArmorial shields of members of the crossbowmens guild in Munich, late 15th century. A Hans Duke of Bavaria, 1463, B Hainrich 1486, C Hans Duke of Saarwerden, D unknown, E C
Italian mens fashions from the late 15th century. Nobleman in fur-lined tunic over hose and boots, left, from Saint Barbara by Matteo di Giovanni in the Basilica of San Domenico, Siena
Portrait of a German woman with child, late 15th centuryPortrait of a German woman in turban, dress and cape, late 15th century, showing the influence of French and Dutch fashion of the era
Helmets and gorgets, Germany, late 15th centuryHelmets, sallet helm and gorget neck armour, Germany, late 15th century
Bust of a German woman of the late 15th centuryBust of a woman from the late 15th century. She wears German fashion of the era, and a red velvet turban, decorated with a golden angel brooch and tied with white ribbon
Decorated sides and back of house altar, GermanCarved and painted back and sides of house altar of Count von Pocci, Munich, Germany, late 15th century. Decorated with foliage
House altar with knight in armour, German, 15th centuryHouse altar with knight in armour holding sword and shield, Count von Pocci, Munich, 15th century
French costumes of the late 15th century. French noblewoman in fur-lined dress visited by a bourgeois man or scholar in broad shoes who kneels before her. Heraldic coat of arms at bottom
Rear view of three-piece breastplate armour, 15th centuryRear view of three-piece breastplate armour or Harnische-Schmiede Plattner, late 15ht century, with engraved and jointed arm armour. From an original suit of armour in Vienna Arsenal
German suit of armour from the late 15th century. Salade or sallet helmet, three-piece breastplate or Harnische-Schmiede Plattner, engraved and jointed arm and leg armour, long crakow sabatons
German costumes of the late 15th century. Woman in dress with long hanging sleeves holding a bird, and man in doublet with jagged sleeves and skirts, red hose, feathered hat
Costumes of the late 15th centuryYouth in mi-parti double and hose, short cape, woman with broom from a French miniature painted by Etienne, and woodsman in workclothes with hat, hood, doublet and leggings
Mens costumes, late 15th centuryPortait and coat of arms of Sigismund Duke of Bavaria, and his brother Johann, Abbot of Andechs Abbey
French mens costumes of the late 15th century
Albrecht III, Achilles, Elector of Brandenburg, died 1475. In a scarlet cape lined with ermine over a gold suit of armor. From an altar painting in St. Gumbertus church, Ansbach
Italian male costumes of the late 15th century
French costumes of the 15th centuryFrench costumes of the late 15th century. A woman on a throne at a banquet surrounded by allegorical figures of women, one with a pet squirrel, others playing board games
Tyll Eulenspiegel, 15th century German chapbook hero and scatological prankster. In colorful doublet, cape and hose, with basket and tankard of jesters. From a color drawing in a travel book
German womens costumes of the late 15th century. In dress adorned with gold on the collar and sleeves. From a painting in the collection of Katharina Sattler, Mainburg Castle
Knightly costume of the 15th century. Knight in armour with helm, shield, pennant, spurs and cracows, on horseback. From an illuminated manuscript of Konrad von Ammenhausens Schachzabelbuch
Wool tapestry of rural pursuits from the 15th centuryWool tapestry from the 15th century
French womens costumes of the 15th century. Poetess Christine de Pizan writing in her room A, women in hennin headdresses B, D, and woman in tall headdress hawking on horseback C
German bourgeois fashion, 15th centuryGerman costume of the 15th century. A rich German bourgeois and his wife depicted in prayer. He wears a doublet with open sleeve, a dagger, and an illuminated prayer book
Mens costumes of the mid 15th century. Charles the Bold, Karl I der Kühne, wearing a fur-lined coat over puff sleeved doublet. From a miniature in the titlepage of Froissarts Chronicles
German tournament helmet of the mid-15th century. Jousting helm with engraved foliage. From Prince Karl Anton of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringens collection, Signaringen Kunstkammer
Magdalena Potschner and her seven daughters, 1477Magdalena Potschner kneeling in fur-lined mantle and wimple, with coat of arms of a frog, 1477. Her seven daughters behind her. From the Potschner altar in Saint Peters Church, Munich
Georg Potschner in suit of armor with his sons, 1477Georg Potschner in suit of armor with his sons, Caspar and Walthauser, 1477. From the Potschner altar in Saint Peters Church, Munich
Conrad Paumann, German organist, lutenist and composerConrad Paumann, blind Renaissance German organist, lutenist and composer, died 1476. He is shown playing a Schoossorgel or portativ organ, with lute, harp and recorder on the wall
European mens costumes of the mid-15th centuryMens costumes of the mid 15th century
Tournament helmet from the mid-15th centuryTournament helmet with coat of arms on rear from the mid-15th century. From the collection of Prince Karl Anton of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
King Henry IV of Castile with coat of armsKing Henry IV of Castile, nicknamed the impotent. He wears a black cape, leather boots and stands over heraldic coat of arms supported by lions. Heinrich IV, Koenig von Spanien, died 1474
Womens costumes of the mid 15th century. From the Duke of Saxonys friendship book in Dresden State Archive. Stammbuches
Wilhelm I, Margrave of Baden, died 1473. Wilhelm I Markgraf von Baden, died 1473. Kneeling in suit of plate armour with cape, tunic, heraldic coat of arms. From the grave effigy in Konstanz Minster
Shoes and costumes of the mid 15th century. Man in long cassock and crakows from a drawing in a manuscript on Dutch history, Margarethe von Limburg
Italian womens costumes from the mid 15th century. From a fresco by Pinturicchio in the church of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli, Rome
13th century figures from stained-glass windows, FreiburgSt. Catherine of Alexandria with sword and halo, with two silver miners working in helmets and cowls. Costumes of the late 13th century. From stained glass windows in Freiburg Minster
Gertrude Anne of Hohenberg, queen of King RudolfGertrude Anne of Hohenberg, 1225-1281, queen of King Rudolf I of Germany, and her son Charles, d.1276. Kaiserin Anna Gertraud, Karl. From her tomb in Basel Minster