Fox hunting - riders and their dogsFox hunters in traditional red jackets ride out on a hunt, accompanied by their hounds. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith
Rifleman of 95th (Rifles) Regiment of Foot at the time of the Crimean War
Rock N Roll DanceRock and roll enthusiasts, dressed in 1950s clothes, including DA hairstyles, Teddy Boy jackets and spotted dresses which swirl to reveal stocking-tops!
Silhouette of fox hunting sceneSilhouette of a fox hunting scene with two horse riders in red jackets leaping a fence
The Champions
Young people at a Rock and Roll dance, Cornwall. Date: 1985
Rock N RollersRock and roll enthusiasts, dressed in 1950s clothes, including DA hairstyles, Teddy Boy jackets and spotted dresses which swirl to reveal stocking-tops!
Recruiting poster - Her Majesty?s Stationery Office, 1970SOLDIERING IS OUR/ BUSINESS... /... AND/ BUSINESS IS GOOD. Colour photolithograph recruiting poster published by Her Majesty?s Stationery Office, 1970 (c)
French riding habit 1886Black or navy cloth, the bodies fastens at the sides at the sides and opens below the waist to show a white waistcoat. 1886
Helston Youth ClubA group of boys wearing flared jeans, denim jackets and checked shirts play air guitar to a rock song at Helston youth club
Advert for Peter Robinson, gentlemens clothing 1895Christmas presents for gentlemen, smoking jackets and dressing gowns. 1895
Riding habitWoman wearing a traditional Victorian riding habit. circa 1840s
Advert for Burberry Skiing outfits 1923Man and woman model wearing Burberry winter sports garments, warm without weight and proof without heat penetration by snow, wind or wet. Date: 1923
Metropolitan Police launch on the River ThamesA Metropolitan Police launch on the River Thames, with Tower Bridge in the background
WW1 - Lifebelted passengers - Torpedoing of RMS FalabaWW1 - Aboard the RMS Falaba on 28th March 1915, the photographer captures a moment showing passengers putting on their life-belts
Rich Woman fishes for suitorsLeap Year - A Sure Bait A rich woman sits on the riverbank, loading up her hook with her riches ( LSD - pounds shillings and pence) - a sure bait for the mass of suitors she has already caught
Victoria / South KensingtoVictoria, with her sons Edward and Arthur, opens the Indian and Colonial Exhibition at South Kensington
Advert for International Fur Store, women wearing a variety of styles of stole fur jackets. Date: 1907
Actors Ernest Trimmingham (1880-1942) (in the role of the Band Leader), Henry Wenman (in the role of Lord Mellingham)
Binne Hale & Ernest Trimmingham - Actors in The DippersErnest Trimmingham (1880 - 1942), Actor in the role of the Bandleader The Dippers at The Criterion, pictured with Binnie Hale (in the role of the Professional American dancer Pauline Dipper)
Actor Ernest Trimmingham (1880-1942) - Actor in the role of the Bandleader The Dippers at The Criterion, pictured with Henry Wenham (in the role of Lord Mellingham)
Group photo, Lifeboat Crew Date: 1920
The Old Surrey Foxhounds, by William BarraudSir Edmund Antrobus and the Old Surrey Fox Hounds at the Foot of Addington Hills, by William Barraud Date: circa 1830s
Oxford and Cambridge Blues and Half-Blues Date: 1921
Music cover, My Darling Waltz, arranged by Theo Wendt from the musical play Date: 1907
Group PortraitA group portrait artwork of two finely dressed men in decorative jackets, stood each side of a lady wearing an elaborate dress. Date: circa 1921
Advert for AquascutumAdvert for a woman's tweed suit, from Aquascutum's autumn collection. Date: 1939
Knitted jacket and slacks, with a fashionable nautical theme. Date: 1954
A selection of fashionable outfits for women. Date: 1954
A sketch of a woman in a fashionable tweed suit, accessorised with hat, scarf and handbag. This sort of outfit was popular for wearing in the country, or for mornings in town. Date: circa 1932
The Fallowfield Hunt Supper by Cecil Aldin
Advert for Woollands women's evening coats 1929Women's Autumn evening jackets. Date: 1929
America. An artist in the Far West. Been looking for youTwo cowboys in fringed jackets having an argument, one then shoots the other dead
Queen Victoria's Funeral - Last Stage to WindsorArriving at Windsor for Queen Victoria's last journey before being interred beside Prince Albert
Queen Victoria's Funeral 1901Arriving at Windsor for Queen Victoria's last journey before being interred beside Prince Albert
Boys in jackets and breeches with Merveilleuse, 1800Boys in jackets and breeches with Merveilleuse in Roman robe with bonnet and spencer jacket. Little Patriots, Year VIII, 1800. Handcoloured lithograph by R.V
Advert for Goochs childrens spring coats 1923Selection of kids spring coats for spring 1923. Date: 1923
Model wearing skiing coat 1928Model wearing a practical skiing coat, from Burberry, Date: 1928
Tennis fashion, 1931 drawn by Pat CharlesSmart equipment for the tennis courts. Tennis frocks from Lillywhites of Piccadilly and useful little coats from Swan and Edgar. Date: 1931
Attractive black mourning clothing 1910Suggestion of black mourning clothing for women due to the recent death of King Edward VII. Date: May 1910
Girls afternoon frocks 1886Summer wear for girls outdoor clothing, with box-plaited skirts and smart high collar jackets Date: 1886
Girls seaside costumes 1886Girls wearing the latest skirts and straight collar and cuff jackets. Date: 1886
Fashionable womens clothing 1905Woman wearing a stylish taffeta coat and a long handled parasol, available from Shoolbred s, department store. Date: 1905
Advert for Peter Robinson womens clothing 1905Single breasted smart sports jersey in wool with motoring hat. 1905
Advert for D. H Evans womens clothes 1917Selection of womens loose fitting fashionable clothing during World War One. 1917
Advert for Woollands womens house coatee 1925Collection of womens Autumn house coatees. Date: 1925
Advert for Chas Baker and Co s, mens wear 1889Selection of gentlemens fashionable clothing, available from Chas Baker and Co s, in Oxford Street, London. 1889
Clara Grace, accomplished English woman cyclist and record holder, having ridden from London to Coventry in 6 hours, 56 minutes and 49 seconds. Date: 1895
Gentlemens fashions for November 1844Latest fashion for French men. Date: 1844
Gentlemens fashions for December 1849Latest fashion for French men. Date: 1849
Advert for Woollands practical bridge coats 1929Practical bridge coats for the spring season. Date: 1929
Indoor costumes for 1875Fashionable ladies wearing two tone jacket bodices and skirts with ribbons. Date: September 1875
Indoor costumes for 1874Fashionable ladies wearing two tone jacket bodices and skirts. Date: 1874
Outdoor costumes for 1888Advertisement for Peter Robinson, department store in London, showing fashionable ladies clothing and petite accessories from mid to late 1880s. Date: circa 1888
Paris Fashions for 1874Dresses with single, trained skirts with tablier fronts in 2 colours. Ruffs are worn. The polonaise is replaced by a basque on a jacket bodice. Date: 1874
French tailored-made gown 1895Tailored dress with leg-of-mutton sleeves and narrow waist. Date: 1895
Simple designs for morning wear 1909Coat and skirt of stripes flannel are shown in the first sketch, while the second costume is of tabac brown linen, made in Princess style. Date: 1909
Women & girls fashion 1890Selection of fashionable clothing for women and girls. Date: 1890
Novelties in hats, bonnets and fans 1886Page selection of fashionable hats for women for 1886. Date: 1886
A women wearing a seasonable jacket for winter, with moleskin trimmed with braid and ball tassels. January 1904
Duke of York - Stable Lads Boxing TournamentAlbert, Duke of York (1895-1952) (later King George VI), pictured with two contestants in the Stable Lads Boxing Tournament, which took place at the National Sporting Club in aid of St
Our Boys Clothing Company, teenagers jacket suits 1895Young gentlemans dress or dinner jacket suit (Figure 104), youths dress suit, showing white dress vest (Figure 105), morning coat with checked trousers (Figure 106), vacation suit
Advert for International Fur Store 1903Selection of the finest womens fur jackets. Date: 1903
Advert for International Fur Store 1905Two new charming jacket designs in sealskins. Date: 1905
Easter fashion for womens outdoor wear 1924Simple tailored suit in black and white check Saxony suiting, designed and carried out by Burberrys in Haymarket. Date: 1924
Advert for Peter Robinsons womens spring wear 1910Latest fashion clothing for the spring, wearing a Paris frock with shades of French Voile, bodice is effectively trimmed with self colour guipure and the vest is silver lace
Advert for International Fur Store 1890Womens wearing a fitted jacket with fur to sleeves and high collar. Date: 1890
Edwardian women skating 1907A group of Edwardian women skating. Date: 1907
Clarence Chamberlin, woman aviator 1927Clarence Chamberlin makes his first flight from the USA to Germany. Date: 9 June 1927
COUNTRY CLOTHES C. 1890Boys: deerstalker hats, knickerbockers, short square cut fly-fronted jackets. Girls: cloth Tam-OShanters, pleated skirts, gauntlets, D-B jackets, fur coat & bonnet. Date: circa 1890
HIKING FASHIONS 1926Feminine rambling fashions of 3/4 length tweed or checked skirts worn with matching or contrasting jackets. Stockings or ankle socks are worn with various styles of shoe. Date: 1926
Childrens Autumn costumes for promenade wear 1886Fashion clothing for girls from ten to four years old. Date: 1886
Childrens Autumn costumes for outdoor wear 1886Fashionable clothing for girls from fourteen to six years old. Date: 1886
Boys and GirlsFive young boys in a line in their red jackets with riding crops. Artist: Hilda Dix Stanford. Date: circa 1908
Vickers 406 Wellington B-2An RAF Vickers Wellington Mk II Bomber of 104 Sqn Being Loaded with Bombs by Ground Crew Prior to a Sortie Date: 1941
Sisters Warwick music hall trick cyclistsThe Sisters Warwick music hall trick and acrobatic cyclists. Five women dressed in knee length full white skirts with short white jackets, large hats with decorative veiling and flat shoes
Theodore Hardeen brother of Harry Houdini 1905Theodore Hardeen (1876 1945), Hungarian magician and escape artist, younger brother of the famous Harry Houdini, (with whom he formerly worked with), known simply as Hardeen or Brother of Houdini
WW1 - British soldiers in a wood wearing sheepskin jacketsPhotograph of a pair of British soldiers in a wood wearing sheepskin jackets and soft caps, 1914 (c)-1915 (c)
Man sitting on a 1921 / 22 Blackburne motorcycle & sidecarMan, women & boy gather around a 1921/2 Blackburne 1000cc motorcycle & sidecar combination in the early 1920s
Laos - Traditional and non-traditional costumeLaos - Women in traditional dress with two Laotian gentlemen in very sharp white jackets and plus-fours!!
Elegant Ladies in ShowerCostumes by Doeuillet: narrow line skirts with wrap-over front or button detail & tunic style belted jackets. Hats: cocked brim & flat crown or tall cloche style with plume
Womens clothing for early spring 1912Women models wearing early spring clothing for day and evening. 1912
Gentlemen on a 1914 Triumph motorcycle & sidecarTwo gentlemen on a 1914 Triumph 500cc side valve motorcycle & sidecar combination circa 1914