Veiled Egyptian Woman - Cairo. Date: circa 1910s
Greek Anti-Turkish Propaganda Postcard (1 of 2)Greek Anti-Turkish Propaganda
Mosaic with arab and kufic caligraphy (top) on a wall of the Madrasa. Fes. Morocco
Iraq - Tomb of Husayn Ibn Ali at KarbalaKarbala (Karbala al-Muqaddasah) in Iraq - the Tomb/Shrine of Husayn ibn Ali - a holy site of Shiah Islam
Egypt - Old Egyptian men at prayer
Mecca / KaabaTHE KaBA AT MECCA
Masjid Al Haram, MeccaTraditionally inaugurated by Abraham, the Masjid al-Haram at Mecca, for Moslems the holiest place on Earth, houses the Ka aba containing a black meteorite venerated by Islam. Date: BCE - present
Koran written in Arabic (14h c. ). Miniature PaintingKoran written in Arabic (14h c.). Miniature Painting. SPAIN. Barcelona. Biblioteca de Catalunya (National Library of Catalonia)
Detail from Haji Bektash Veli Museum in Nevsehir TurkeyDecorative detail from the tomb of Haji Bektash Veli in Nevsehir Turkey. Date: 2012
Islam / Whirling DervishesWhirling Islamic Dervishes
Bektashi Dervish at Tangiers, Morocco
Islamic portrayal of Adam and EveAdam and Eve from a Persian manuscript. They are shown in Oriental robes singing to the tree of life in Paradise, halos and flames shooting from their heads. Adamo id Eva
Abd-ar-Rahman III (889- 961). Emir and Caliph of Al-Andalus
Shrine of Husayn ibn Ali - KarbalaKarbala (Karbala al-Muqaddasah) in Iraq - the Tomb/Shrine of Husayn ibn Ali - a holy site of Shiah Islam
Wandering Uzbek Dervishes from Samarkand. Dervish or Darvesh in Persian usually refers to a person who is a seeker of the truth i.e. universal truth
Bukhara Dervish from Uzbekistan. Dervish or Darvesh in Persian usually refers to a person who is a seeker of the truth i.e. universal truth
MUHAMMAD (570-632). Prophet and founder of Islam. Muhammad in ecstasy. Islamic art. Miniature Painting. FRANCE. Paris. National Library
Mecca, Saudi Arabia - Court of the Ka aba: overall view. Date: circa 1905
Mecca, Saudi Arabia - view toward the KaabaMecca, Saudi Arabia - The holiest site in the Islamic World and a place of pilgrimage attracting many millions of Muslims each year from all over the world
Tigris River, Iraq - The Tomb of the Prophet Ezra at Al-ʻ Uzair
Pilgrims returning to Algeria from Mecca, having undertaking the Hajj, the pilgrimage every able-bodied Muslim is required to undertake at least once in their lifetime
Persian Dervish - Paris ExhibitionPersian Dervish at the Paris Exposition in 1900. Dervish or Darvesh in Persian usually refers to a person who is a seeker of the truth i.e. universal truth
Punjabi Muslims - North-west Frontier Province - an area of South Asia spanning from central Pakistan to north-western India
Islamic ContortionsSome Moslems choose to twist and contort their bodies while praying, bending backwards to a remarkable degree
Devotional Posture / IslamIslamic attitudes of worship - some involve praying on a prayer mat
Turkey Istanbul - Sultan on his way to Friday prayersc.1890s Turkey Istanbul Constantinople photochrome - the sultan on his way to Friday prayers
Dolmabahce Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey, with warships of the Turkish navy on the Bosphorus in the background. 1930s
Two Whirling Dervishes with musicians. The Mevlevi Whirling Dervishes of Konya (Konia). This Dervish order was founded in memory of Jelaluddin Rumi (1207 - 1273) - mystic and poet
Konya - Mosque & Turbe (burial building) of Rumi. The Mevlevi Whirling Dervishes of Konya (Konia). This Dervish order was founded in memory of Jelaluddin Rumi (1207 - 1273) - mystic and poet
Mahometan Mosque, Ki Dulan, Moluccas, IndonesiaA photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
Turkish HodjaTurkish holy man ( Hodja ) - Constantinople. Once a man had taken pilgrimage to Mecca, he always wore a beard and was forthwith known as Haji (followed by his name) to denote this fact
Isawiya Mosque, Tangiers, MoroccoThe Minaret of the Isawiya Mosque, Tangiers, Morocco Date: circa 1910s
Elderly man at prayer in an Istanbul MosqueElderly man at prayer in the Sultan Ahmet Mosque in Istanbul, kneeling in the direction of Mecca
Morocco, Casablanca - Call to PrayerGeneral View taken from a Casablanca Mosque, with a young Muslim man giving the call to prayer. Casablanca is in western Morocco, located on the Atlantic Ocean
The Call to Prayer - ConstantinopleThe Hodja upon the minaret calling the believers to prayer at Constantinople, Turkey
Ottoman C16 Koran / BackA fine manuscript page on handmade paper from the Ottoman Koran, finely scripted and embellished in gold leaf. Reverse of page
Mosque at Woking / 1889The 1st purpose-built mosque in Britain at the Oriental Institute, Maybury, Woking
Pilgrims Cross DesertA caravan of pilgrims cross the desert to Mecca
Muslim women bathing in a public bathsMuslim women and children bathing in a public baths. They fill basins at spigots, wash each others hair, nurse babies and wear high wooden sandals. Bagni Pubblici
Iraq - Islamic Cemetery, Baghdad. Date: circa 1917
Baghdad, Iraq - Al-Kadhimiyya MosqueAl-Kadhimiyya Mosque (Masjid al-Kazimiyya) - a Shi'a Islamic mosque and shrine located in the Kadhimiya suburb of Baghdad, Iraq
A Dervish - Sudan, East Africa (a member of a Muslim religious order noted for devotional exercises, e.g. bodily movements leading to a trance). Date: circa 1910s
Iberian Peninsula. Emirate of Granada in the 14th century. Nasrid kings and warrior. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
Iberian Peninsula. Emirate of Granada in the 14th century. Nasrid kings and two warriors. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
Middle Ages. The Crusades. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
Landing of Softas in Thessaloniki (during Ottoman)The Eastern Question. Landing of Softas in Thessaloniki (during Ottoman rule of the city). The Softas were religious students of Islam. Engraving by Meaulle
Muhammad Ali (1769-1849). Pasha of Egypt from 1805 to 1848. Portrait. Drawing by M. Iglesias. Lithography by J. Donon. Reyes Contemporaneos (Contemporary Kings). Volume II. Published in Madrid, 1852
Muhammad Ali (1769-1849). Pasha of Egypt from 1805 to 1848. Portrait. Drawing by M. Iglesias. Lithography by J. Donon. Detail. Reyes Contemporaneos (Contemporary Kings). Volume II
Damascus. Engraving by Ransonnette
Antioch. Engraving by Ransonnette
Saint Catherine's Monastery, at the foot of MountSaint Catherine's Monastery. Located at the foot of Mount Sinai. Engraving by Ransonnette
Wedding of a young Druze prince. Princess's retinue at Nahr el-Kelb. Wedding march to Mount Lebanon. Engraving by Ransonnette
Jerusalem. Pulpit on the platform of the Mosque of Omar. Engraving by Emile Rouargue
Jerusalem. Dome of the Rock. Engraving by RansonnetteJerusalem. Dome of the Rock, at the center of the Temple Mount or Jerusalem's Holy Esplanade. Engraving by Ransonnette
Granada, Andalusia, Spain. The Alhambra. Comares Palace. Patio de los Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles). Engraving. Glorias Espanolas (Glories of Spain). Volume II. Published in Barcelona, 1890
bn Zuhr (ca. 1092-ca. 1162). Andalusi physicianIbn Zuhr (ca. 1092-ca. 1162). Andalusi physician, philosopher and poet born in Penaflor (Seville, Andalusia, Spain). Known in medieval Europe by the name of Avenzoar. Portrait
Solomon Ibn Gabirol (ca. 1021-ca. 1058). Spanish-JewishSolomon Ibn Gabirol (Solomon ben Yehuda ibn Gabirol Avicebron) (ca. 1021-ca. 1058). Spanish-Jewish Andalusi philosopher and poet, born in Malaga. Portrait. Engraving
Averroes (1126-1198). Muslim Andalusi philosopherAverroes (Abu al-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Rushd) (1126-1198). Muslim Andalusi philosopher and physician, teacher of Islamic law and philosophy. Engraving by Serra Pausas
Ibn Tumart (Abu Abd Allah Amghar Ibn Tumart (ca)Ibn Tumart (Abu Abd Allah Amghar Ibn Tumart (ca. 1080-1130). Berber Muslim leader. Founder of the al-Muwahhidun confederation in North Africa (Almohad movement). Portrait. Engraving by Serra Pausas
Abu Amir al-Mansur (ca. 939-1002). Ruler ofAbu Amir al-Mansur (ca. 939-1002). Muslim Arab Andalusi military leader and statesman. Ruler of the Umayyad Caliphate of Cordoba (978-1002). Equestrian portrait. Engraving by Serra Pausas
Cordoba, Andalusia, Spain. Great Mosque of Cordoba or Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption. Interior. Engraving. Glorias Espanolas (Glories of Spain). Volume II. Published in Barcelona, 1890
Iberian Peninsula. On 24 October 1149 the governorIberian Peninsula. Ramon Berenguer IV (1113-1162). Count of Barcelona (1131-1162). Ermengol VI (1096-1154). Count of Urgel (1102-1154)
English sailor saves a drowning Arab chief, Regency eraAn English sailor extends an oar to save a drowning Arab chief, Regency era. While other Moors pray to Allah to save him. Royal Navy matelots use oars and pikes to bring a rowboat near a man-of-war
English Regency naval officer at the court of a Turkish pirateAn English naval officer at the court of a Turkish pirate chief. The Moor sits on a divan on a carpet smoking a tobacco pipe, with guards in turbans armed with scimitars and lances
Rich woman and woman of the people, Cairo, Egypt, 19th century
Islamic Kanuri woman of Borno, Nigeria. She wears a piece of blue fabric which covers one shoulder and forms a split skirt to reveal a white toile petticoat
Costume of a Moor of quality, 16th centuryCostume of a Moorish man of quality, 16th century. In wide-sleeved chemise with striped belt, large turban, slippers, gold earrings, with dagger, scimitar and bow and arrows
Costume of a Moorish virgin, 16th century. In headdress, white cotton robe with belt, gold earrings with precious gems. Within a decorative frame engraved by H. Catenacci and Fellmann
Turkish funeral rites, Ottoman Empire, 16th century. Muslim Imans carry the body out of town in a coffin with a turban. Turc Mort. Within a decorative frame engraved by H. Catenacci and Fellmann
Costume of a Dervish, Ottoman Empire, 16th century. He wears a blue or red cap, coarse tunic, sheepskin cape, wooden bowl hanging from a leather belt. Derviches
Turkish wife riding under a baldachin, 16th century. She is protected from other men's eyes by four male servants in turbans holding a curtained baldaquin around her. Epousee Turque
A Turkish's man method of riding in the rain, 16th centuryA Turkish's man method of riding a horse in the rain, 16th century. He wears a kind of hood that opens like an umbrella over his turban. and a heavy felt coat over his clothes
Moorish art: architectural decoration from the Alhambra PalaceMoorish art: architectural decoration. Specimens of borders and wall decorations from the Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain. Mauresque. Hand-finished chromolithograph by F
Moorish art: mosaic and enameled terracotta tiles. Examples of Moorish design from the Alhambra Palace in Granada and the Alcazar in Seville, Spain. Mauresque
Arabian art: initials from an illuminated manuscriptArabian art: illuminated manuscript. Handpainted borders and Cufic initials with elaborate rose-work from a huge Koran in the collection of Francois Firmin-Didot. Arabe
Arabian art: illuminated manuscript. Handpainted page with elaborate rose-work from a huge Koran in the collection of Francois Firmin-Didot. Arabe. Hand-finished chromolithograph by F
Persian art: embroidered carpet. Carpet with arabesques and flowers showing the influence of Indian art. Persan. Hand-finished chromolithograph by F
Persian art: decorations from the illuminated manuscript ShahnamPersian art: illuminated manuscript. Pages from manuscript copies of the epic poem Shannameh (National Library, Paris, MS 489 top and MS 494 below)
Persian art: tapestry carpet and illuminated manuscript patternsPersian art: tapestry and flowing ornaments
Persian art: earthenware. Pottery decorated with arabesques featuring birds, chimerical figures, roses, carnations, tulips, hyacinths. Persan
Bayram festival in Morocco, 18th centuryBayram holiday festival in Morocco, 18th century. The emperor oversees the sacrifice of two rams outside the city. His entourage celebrates with music and cheers. Fete du Beyram a Maroc
Muslim burial in Egypt, 18th century. A draped coffin with a turban on top is taken to the cemetery
Turkish marriage ceremony in Constantinople (Istanbul). Procession with the new bride riding under a veiled canopy to her husband's home
Dervish man distributing water in Constantinople, TurkeyDervish man distributing water in Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey. He drives a horse laden with waterskins as an act of Muslim charity