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Inventor Collection

Background imageInventor Collection: Bernardo Buontalenti, Italian stage designer, architect, painter

Bernardo Buontalenti, Italian stage designer, architect, painter
Bernardo Buontalenti, or Bernardo delle Girandole, Italian stage designer, architect, painter, miniaturist, sculptor, military engineer and inventor of Italian gelato or ice cream, c.1531-1608

Background imageInventor Collection: Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Croatian inventor in his American laboratory

Background imageInventor Collection: Nikola Tesla 1899

Nikola Tesla 1899
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Croatian inventor holding balls of flame in his bare hands

Background imageInventor Collection: John Moses Browning

John Moses Browning
JOHN MOSES BROWNING American inventor of automatic pistols, rifles etc : shown with one of his machine guns

Background imageInventor Collection: Nikola Tesla / Himmel Erde

Nikola Tesla / Himmel Erde
NIKOLA TESLA American electrician and inventor, born in Croatia of Serbian parents; seen here in his laboratory at Colorado Springs in 1899/1900

Background imageInventor Collection: Professor George Boole (1815-1865)

Professor George Boole (1815-1865)
Engraved portrait of George Boole (1815-1865), the English mathematician, philosopher and inventor of Boolean algebra, pictured c.1865

Background imageInventor Collection: Thomas Edison / Phonograph

Thomas Edison / Phonograph
THOMAS ALVA EDISON American inventor with his Edison Business Phonograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Invention of the Cube Car

Invention of the Cube Car

Background imageInventor Collection: BRAILLE, Louis (1809-1852)

BRAILLE, Louis (1809-1852). French pedagogue and inventor, creator of the writing system for the blind. Braille alphabet. Photography

Background imageInventor Collection: Louis Braille / Thiriat

Louis Braille / Thiriat
LOUIS BRAILLE French inventor of system of raised-point writing for the blind

Background imageInventor Collection: Gutenbergs printing press

Gutenbergs printing press
Gutenberg inspects the first sheet of his Bible, which has just come off the press

Background imageInventor Collection: BRAILLE, Louis (1809-1852)

BRAILLE, Louis (1809-1852). French pedagogue and inventor, creator of the writing system for the blind. Braille alphabet. Photography

Background imageInventor Collection: Browning Machine Gun

Browning Machine Gun
BROWNING American inventor John Moses Browning with one of his machine guns

Background imageInventor Collection: Sir Francis Ronalds

Sir Francis Ronalds
Portrait of English inventor, Sir Francis Ronalds (1788-1873), inventor of the electric telegraph in 1816

Background imageInventor Collection: Wm Armstrong / Cragside

Wm Armstrong / Cragside
SIR WILLIAM GEORGE ARMSTRONG Baron Armstrong Engineer, inventor and arms manufacturers home, Cragside, Rothbury

Background imageInventor Collection: Adolphe Sax

Adolphe Sax
ADOLPHE SAX French inventor of musical instruments

Background imageInventor Collection: Humphry Davy / World Invt

Humphry Davy / World Invt
SIR HUMPHRY DAVY Engineer and inventor

Background imageInventor Collection: Esperanto / Zamenhof

Esperanto / Zamenhof
ESPERANTO Dr Ludwig L Zamenhof, German linguist, inventor of Esperanto which he hopes will become an international auxiliary language

Background imageInventor Collection: Epee Teaching Deaf Mutes

Epee Teaching Deaf Mutes
L ABBE DE L EPEE instructing deaf-mutes in the sign language he invented to enable them to communicate

Background imageInventor Collection: Zamenhof, Esperanto Man

Zamenhof, Esperanto Man
LUDWIG L ZAMENHOF Inventor of Esperanto

Background imageInventor Collection: Guglielmo Marconi

Guglielmo Marconi
GUGLIELMO MARCONI Italian physicist and inventor in yachting attire and with communications apparatus

Background imageInventor Collection: Scene from movie The First Men in the Moon - H. G. Wells

Scene from movie The First Men in the Moon - H. G. Wells
A scene from the Gaumont film adaptation of the H. G. Wells book, The First Men on the Moon, in which the author approved all dresses and supervised the production

Background imageInventor Collection: Louis Braille - inventor of system of raised-point writing

Louis Braille - inventor of system of raised-point writing
Louis Braille (1809-1852) - French inventor of system of raised-point writing for the blind. Date: circa 1850

Background imageInventor Collection: Johannes Gutenberg, German goldsmith and printer

Johannes Gutenberg, German goldsmith and printer
Johannes Gutenberg (Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg), German goldsmith and printer. He invented mechanical movable type and thereby began a revolution in book printing

Background imageInventor Collection: Archimedes, Greek mathematician and inventor

Archimedes, Greek mathematician and inventor

Background imageInventor Collection: Joseph Whitworth

Joseph Whitworth
SIR JOSEPH WHITWORTH English mechanical engineer and inventor Date: 1803 - 1887

Background imageInventor Collection: Sir Isaac Pitman

Sir Isaac Pitman
SIR ISaC PITMAN Inventor of a system of shorthand Date: 1813 - 1897

Background imageInventor Collection: Incandescent giant lamp, model of the Edison type bulb. Expo

Incandescent giant lamp, model of the Edison type bulb. Expo
Incandescent giant lamp, twelve feet high, mounted on a pedestal crowned by a model of the Edison type bulb, increased 20, 000 times

Background imageInventor Collection: Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Norman Nissen, Nissen hut inventor

Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Norman Nissen, Nissen hut inventor
Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Norman Nissen(1873-1930), mining engineer, and inventor of the Nissen hut, and the Nissen stamp for crushing gold ores

Background imageInventor Collection: Portrait of Marchese Guglielmo Marconi

Portrait of Marchese Guglielmo Marconi
This is a portrait of Italian inventor, Marconi, born 1874, who revolutionised the world of communications with his wireless invention

Background imageInventor Collection: Isambard Kingdom Brunel, c. 1855

Isambard Kingdom Brunel, c. 1855
Engraved portrait of Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859), the English engineer and inventor, pictured c.1855

Background imageInventor Collection: Holland Submarine 1900

Holland Submarine 1900
Irish inventor Holland, funded by the Fenians, produces a succession of successful submarines in America; the Holland is shown at anchor in New York harbour

Background imageInventor Collection: Archimedes Card

Archimedes Card
ARCHIMEDES Greek mathematician and inventor, depicted with some of his inventions including the Archimedean screw for raising water

Background imageInventor Collection: Alfred Fernandez Yarrow

Alfred Fernandez Yarrow
Sir ALFRED FERNANDEZ YARROW Inventor and manufacturer, noted for torpedo boats

Background imageInventor Collection: Rene-Theophile-Hyacinthe Laennec, French physician

Rene-Theophile-Hyacinthe Laennec, French physician
Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec, French physician, inventor of the stethoscope in 1816 at the Hopital Necker in Paris, where he was working at the time. Seen here using a stethoscope on a patient

Background imageInventor Collection: Phonograph by Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)

Phonograph by Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
Phonograph. Created in 1877 by Thomas Alva Edison (Milan, Ohio, 1847-West Orange, 1931). Colored engraving

Background imageInventor Collection: Gail Borden / Colour

Gail Borden / Colour
GAIL BORDEN American inventor of condensed foodstuffs

Background imageInventor Collection: C Wheatstone / World Inven

C Wheatstone / World Inven
SIR CHARLES WHEATSTONE English physicist and inventor

Background imageInventor Collection: Rickman Helicopter 1909

Rickman Helicopter 1909
American inventor Rickmans helicopter resembles a tricycle with a sunshade

Background imageInventor Collection: C Wheatstone / Kilburn

C Wheatstone / Kilburn
SIR CHARLES WHEATSTONE physicist and inventor

Background imageInventor Collection: Motorbike with Skates

Motorbike with Skates
Swiss-American inventor Thomas Avoskans motor cycle with skates

Background imageInventor Collection: 4th Earl Sandwich

4th Earl Sandwich
JOHN MONTAGU Traditionally held to be the inventor of the sandwich for eating at the gaming table

Background imageInventor Collection: FAIRBANKS (1797 - 1886)

FAIRBANKS (1797 - 1886)
THADDEUS FAIRBANKS - American businessman and inventor (inc. platform scale)

Background imageInventor Collection: Statue of James Watt (1736 - 1819)

Statue of James Watt (1736 - 1819), engineer & inventor, by Alexander Munro, at Birmingham. Date: 1868

Background imageInventor Collection: Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993)

Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993) giving a demonstration of his electronic musical instrument to a group of invited Scientists (including Sir Henry Wood (left) and Sir Oliver Lodge) at the Savoy Hotel

Background imageInventor Collection: Scene from the film The Burning Heart - a demonstration by George (Gustav Frohlich)

Scene from the film The Burning Heart - a demonstration by George (Gustav Frohlich) of the magical ether-wave machine invented by Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993) a Russian and Soviet inventor

Background imageInventor Collection: Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993)

Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993) giving a demonstration of his electronic musical instrument to a group of invited Scientists (including Sir Henry Wood (left) and Sir Oliver Lodge) at the Savoy Hotel

Background imageInventor Collection: Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993) a Russian and Soviet inventor

Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993) a Russian and Soviet inventor, most famous for his invention of the theremin, one of the first electronic musical instruments and the first to be mass-produced. Date: 1927

Background imageInventor Collection: Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993) a Russian and Soviet inventor

Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993) a Russian and Soviet inventor, most famous for his invention of the theremin, one of the first electronic musical instruments and the first to be mass-produced. Date: 1927

Background imageInventor Collection: Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993), Russian and Soviet inventor

Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993), Russian and Soviet inventor, most famous for his invention of the theremin, one of the first electronic musical instruments and the first to be mass-produced. Date: 1928

Background imageInventor Collection: Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993)

Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993) giving a demonstration of his electronic musical instrument in concert at the Albert Hall (pictured) where he played Schubert's Ave Maria and other airs

Background imageInventor Collection: Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993)

Leon Theremin (1896 - 1993) giving a demonstration of his electronic musical instrument to a group of invited Scientists (including Sir Oliver Lodge)

Background imageInventor Collection: Guglielmo Marconi (1874 - 1937), Italian inventor of wireless. Date: 1924

Guglielmo Marconi (1874 - 1937), Italian inventor of wireless. Date: 1924

Background imageInventor Collection: Trial of a model of a new submarine torpedo-vessel and blockade runner by Mr

Trial of a model of a new submarine torpedo-vessel and blockade runner by Mr. Seymour Allan at St. George's Swimming Bath, Buckingham Palace Road, London. Date: 1896

Background imageInventor Collection: Trial of model of new submarine 1896

Trial of model of new submarine 1896
Trial of a model of a new submarine torpedo-vessel and blockade runner by Mr. Seymour Allan at St. George's Swimming Bath, Buckingham Palace Road, London. Date: 1896

Background imageInventor Collection: British inventor Harry Grindell Matthews's invention of the invisible ray in operation (above)

British inventor Harry Grindell Matthews's invention of the invisible ray in operation (above) putting a motor-engine out of action (below) exploding gunpower. Date: 1924

Background imageInventor Collection: John Stevens - Steamboat pioneer

John Stevens - Steamboat pioneer
Revolutionary War colonel John Stevens (1749 - 1838) - American lawyer, engineer, and inventor who constructed the first U.S. steam locomotive, first steam-powered ferry, and first U.S

Background imageInventor Collection: Charles Urban and camera crew at the Delhi Durbar, India

Charles Urban and camera crew at the Delhi Durbar, India
Charles Urban and camera crew at the Delhi Durbar India in 1911 showing six kinemacolor movie cameras Date: 1911

Background imageInventor Collection: A Daguerre camera for taking daguerreotype photographs, 1840s

A Daguerre camera for taking daguerreotype photographs, 1840s Date: 1840s

Background imageInventor Collection: Johannes Gutenberg, German inventor and printer, c. 1400-1468

Johannes Gutenberg, German inventor and printer, c. 1400-1468
Johannes Gutenberg, c. 1400-1468, German inventor, printer, publisher, and goldsmith. In fur-lined cap and coat, doublet, holding a letter of type and an alphabet stamp. Iohn Guttemberg

Background imageInventor Collection: Laurens Janszoon Coster, Dutch inventor of printing, c.1370-1440

Laurens Janszoon Coster, Dutch inventor of printing, c.1370-1440. Printer and typographer who invented printing simultaneously with Johannes Gutenberg. In cap, fur-lined coat, holding a letter

Background imageInventor Collection: Numa Pompilius, legendary second king of Rome

Numa Pompilius, legendary second king of Rome, c.753-672 BC

Background imageInventor Collection: Scientific inventions of Stephen Hales in a garden

Scientific inventions of Stephen Hales in a garden
Garden landscape with inventions of Stephen Hales using a bell jar and pneumatic trough for scientific experiments on plant physiology and transpiration in plants

Background imageInventor Collection: Portrait of Stephen Hales, chemist and inventor

Portrait of Stephen Hales, chemist and inventor
Oval portrait of Reverend Dr. Stephen Hales, FRS, natural philosopher, botanist, chemist and inventor, author of Vegetable Staticks, 1677-1761

Background imageInventor Collection: Portrait of Stephen Hales, chemist and inventor

Portrait of Stephen Hales, chemist and inventor
Oval portrait of Reverend Dr. Stephen Hales, FRS, natural philosopher, botanist, chemist and inventor, author of Vegetable Staticks, 1677-1761

Background imageInventor Collection: Regency era wheelchair or gouty chair by John Joseph Merlin

Regency era wheelchair or gouty chair by John Joseph Merlin
Regency era wheelchair or gouty chair. Chair with reclining back, footrest, three brass wheels driven by handles in the armrests

Background imageInventor Collection: William Pocock's reclining patent chair, 1813

William Pocock's reclining patent chair, 1813
Pocock's reclining patent chair. Reclining fauteuil chair with sliding footstools and reading desk. A Designed with classical taste by the ingenious inventors, Messrs

Background imageInventor Collection: Johannes Gutenberg (circa 1399-1468). German inventor

Johannes Gutenberg (circa 1399-1468). German inventor. Around 1450 he created the first movable type printing press. Portrait. Engraving by Geoffroy. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu

Background imageInventor Collection: Johannes Gutenberg (circa 1399-1468). German inventor

Johannes Gutenberg (circa 1399-1468). German inventor. Around 1450 he created the first movable type printing press. Portrait. Engraving by Geoffroy. Detail. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu

Background imageInventor Collection: Benjamin Franklin - American scientist, inventor, politician

Benjamin Franklin - American scientist, inventor, politician
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American scientist, inventor and politician. In 1776 he wrote, with Jefferson and John Adams, the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America

Background imageInventor Collection: Benjamin Franklin - American scientist, inventor, politician

Benjamin Franklin - American scientist, inventor, politician
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American scientist, inventor and politician. In 1776 he wrote, with Jefferson and John Adams, the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America

Background imageInventor Collection: Device invented by the Russian professor M. Baranowski

Device invented by the Russian professor M. Baranowski
History of air navigation. Device invented by the Russian professor M. Baranowski to give direction to the balloons. Engraving. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1882

Background imageInventor Collection: George Morris inventor of the 12 volt electric Welsh Harp

George Morris inventor of the 12 volt electric Welsh Harp
George Morris inventor of the 12 volt portable electric Welsh Harp, testing his invention in the hills of Snowdonia, North Wales Date: 1988

Background imageInventor Collection: Group photo, Moor Hall Estate, Harlow, Essex

Group photo, Moor Hall Estate, Harlow, Essex
Group photo in front of the Doric portico of Moor Hall Estate, Harlow, Essex - cricketers and others of Harlow and Sawbridgeworth

Background imageInventor Collection: Louis Daguerre discovers use of silver iodide in photography

Louis Daguerre discovers use of silver iodide in photography
Pioneer of photography, Louis Daguerre (1787 1851) developed the process of the daguerreotype

Background imageInventor Collection: John Logie Baird - demonstrates the first Television

John Logie Baird - demonstrates the first Television. Date: 1925

Background imageInventor Collection: John Fitch - American inventor of the steamboat

John Fitch - American inventor of the steamboat
John Fitch (1743-1798) - the ill-fated inventor of the steamboat, who ended his own life in Bardstown in 1798, Kentucky, USA

Background imageInventor Collection: Sir Joseph Swan

Sir Joseph Swan (1828-1914) English physicist, chemist, and inventor. Date: 1911

Background imageInventor Collection: Washington Teasdale in 1853

Washington Teasdale in 1853

Background imageInventor Collection: Washington Teasdale, Victorian period

Washington Teasdale, Victorian period

Background imageInventor Collection: Poster, Samuel Cody, bust image with War Kite

Poster, Samuel Cody, bust image with War Kite
EARLY AVIATION PIONEERS - THE SAMUEL CODY ARCHIVE: S. F. Cody?s Famous War Kite. Chromolithograph poster with handsome lifesize bust image of Cody dressed in a crisp, white military uniform

Background imageInventor Collection: Marconi - Master of Space, first edition biography

Marconi - Master of Space, first edition biography
Marconi - Master of Space, first edition authorised biography by B L Jacot and D M B Collier. Date: 1935

Background imageInventor Collection: Ernest Bazin, French inventor of roller boat steamer

Ernest Bazin, French inventor of roller boat steamer
Ernest Bazin, French inventor of the Roller Boat Steamer on wheels Date: 1897

Background imageInventor Collection: Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American scientist

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American scientist, inventor and politician. In 1776 he wrote, with Jefferson and John Adams, the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America

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