Rasputin in HospitalGRIGORI RASPUTIN Russian priest and intriguer in hospital after Khina Gussevas attempt on his life
Simon Fraser, Lord LovatSIMON FRASER, LORD LOVAT also known as Lord Lovat, 11th Baron, Jacobite intriguer. Date: 1667 - 1747
Maria Gonzague-ClevesMARIA LOUISA GONZAGUE-CLEVES French political intriguer and social leader. Date: 1612 - 1667
Christopher BainbridgeCHRISTOPHER BAINBRIDGE Cardinal, archbishop of York : Henry VIIIs ambassador to the Pope : a busy intriguer, he was allegedly fatally poisoned by a rival prelate. Date: 1464 - 1514
Cardinal De Retz (Mono)Jean-Francois Paul de Gondi, cardinal de RETZ French cardinal, statesman, intriguer and agitator Date: 1614 - 1679
Marguerite de StaalMarguerite-Jeanne Cordier, baronne de Staal de Launay (1684 - 1750) French writer and intriguer
Cardinal De RetzJean-Francois Paul de Gondi, cardinal de RETZ French cardinal, statesman, intriguer and agitator Date: 1614 - 1679
CHEVREUSE (1600 - 1679)MARIE DE ROHAN-MONTBAZON, DUCHESSE DE CHEVREUSE, French intriguer in the court of Louis XIII (fine engraving with coat of arms). Date: 1600 - 1679
Duchesse MontpensierANNE MARIE LOUISE d ORLEANS, duchesse de MONTPENSIER, known as La Grande Mademoiselle, niece of Louis XIII, a powerful intriguer in French political and social life. Date: 1627 - 1693
Afghan Prison CabulHadji Khan Kakur, an Afghan intriguer and (from one viewpoint at least) traitor, is imprisoned by the British at Cabul
Catiline ConspiracyLucius Sergius Catiline, a career intriguer, foiled in his machinations, embarks on a massive conspiracy to seize power : but he will be foiled by Cicero
Clive and OmichundClive is confronted by the ghost of Omichund (Amir Chand) a Sikh merchant and intriguer who was tricked by British, but probably only after tricking them in his turn