Ufos / AdamskiCigar-shaped Venusian interplanetary carrier photographed through a 6" telescope over Palomar Gardens, California; it was 50 km distant at the time
Ufos / AdamskiVenusian interplanetary carrier and six scout craft photographed through a 6" telescope over Palomar Gardens, California
Comedy - The Hoffnung Interplanetary Music FestivalMusicians Temperament - Hilarity during The Hoffnung Interplanetary Music Festival at the Royal Festival Hall, London
An artist?s impression of a lunar probe designed by eng?An artist?s impression of a lunar probe designed by engineer-members of the British Interplanetary Society to make an unmanned survey of the Moon. c.July 1958. Date: 1958
Interplanetary TVInterplanetary Television
Space Service StationService Station in Space for Refuelling and Repairing Interplanetary Craft
Interplanetary Omnibus Ferrying Passengers from One Space Destination to Another
Space Rocket CarrierInterplanetary Spacecraft, Carrying Four Smaller Rockets
Space Police StationControl Station in Space for the International Interplanetary Police Force
Man-Made SatelliteSpace Satellite Serving as a Staging Post for Interplanetary Travel
Approaching MarsInterplanetary Rocket Approaches the Planet Mars
Transit of VenusA diagram illustrating the visible transit of Venus across the Sun
Interplanetary RocketIn some such vehicle as this, Man will embark on the conquest of space