Large Green Desk Date: 1880
Botanical Book Date: 1880
Teacher Rings Bbell Date: 1941
Boy Does Math Homework Date: 1947
Prize-Winning Class Date: 1950
The Public Library. Springfield. Date: 1920
Women Graduates Date: 1910
Smothering burning clothes with blanketSmothering burning clothes with a blanket -- a fire safety officer instructs a woman in the use of a blanket to smother the burning clothing of a child (dummy)
The Expert And The PupilA curling teacher trying to instruct a female pupil. Date: 1926
British detachment landing at Reval (Tallinn), WW1A British detachment landing at Reval (now Tallinn, Estonia) just after the end of the First World War, to instruct the Estonians in the use of the Madsen gun. Date: December 1918
Scouts using RAF flight simulatorScouts being instructed on how to operate a LINK trainer by a Royal Air Force officer. 1940s
Birds Instruct SigurdPart of the epic Nibelungenlied. Sigurd (Siegfried, having tasted dragons blood, can understand the birds who give him helpful instructions
Abraham Follows InstructAbraham is instructed by God to take his family and his livestock to the Negeb
French ColonialismBenevolent colonialism - in Madagascar, the French instruct the natives in horticultural techniques