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Innocence Collection

Background imageInnocence Collection: A Miscarriage of Justice

A Miscarriage of Justice
A rather wicked looking Bonzo sniggers to himself as his brother gets a telling off for some naughty prank of which is entirely innocent

Background imageInnocence Collection: Cymbeline - title page

Cymbeline - title page - Iachimo emerges from the trunk as Imogen sleeps. 1862

Background imageInnocence Collection: Fishy! by W. Heath Robinson

Fishy! by W. Heath Robinson
The Poacher. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the Estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evans

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - For Evermore

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - For Evermore
The Caption is For evermore. Ground facilities for the fly boys was the responsibiiity of the RAF Regiment. The Prime Ministers message on the back is We shall continue steadfast in faith

Background imageInnocence Collection: Red Riding Hood Photo

Red Riding Hood Photo
Litte Red Riding Hood with her basket of goodies knocks on her grandmothers door

Background imageInnocence Collection: Bum scratch - children

Bum scratch - children
I can t bare it. A small girl scratches her bottom while her little brother sits in a pushchair and covers his face. Leominster, Herefordshire, England Date: circa 1972

Background imageInnocence Collection: Cartoon - sex before marriage?

Cartoon - sex before marriage?
"You won't marry a man who snores in bed? But darling, how are you going to find out?" An interesting comment on the question of sex before marriage. Date: circa 1940

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Dear Mums - I am thinking of you

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Dear Mums - I am thinking of you
The message on the card is My Dear Mum and Dad, I don t think I need write much here, the front explains quite a lot don t you think. Not very nice here at the moment bit showery

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - The Girl Friend

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - The Girl Friend
The Caption is The Girl Friend. The printed message on the back says Your country needs your L.S.D. [Pounds, Shillings and Pence] to help it win the Victory. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1943

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - There is still a lot to do

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - There is still a lot to do
The war is over. The message on the back by Churchill exhorts There is still a lot to do. The card, captioned Love for Love, carries the senders message Dear Granny

Background imageInnocence Collection: Perrault in Powder and Patch - Fmaous and Familiar fairy stories in their proper guise

Perrault in Powder and Patch - Fmaous and Familiar fairy stories in their proper guise - Bluebeard (La Barbe Bleue) - from the painting by Kay Nielsen made specially for The Illustrated London News

Background imageInnocence Collection: Mother and child wearing traditional Thai hats, or ngobs

Mother and child wearing traditional Thai hats, or ngobs
Mother and child both wearing traditional Thai hats, or ngobs, Bangkok, Thailand Date: 2000

Background imageInnocence Collection: Portrait of Kashmiri child with brown eyes

Portrait of Kashmiri child with brown eyes
Portrait of small girl child in the arms of her mother, near Srinagar, Kashmir, The child looks directly at the camera Date: 1986

Background imageInnocence Collection: New Forest boys, Hampshire

New Forest boys, Hampshire
Two young boys pull another boy out of the river and onto the riverbank to safety on a summer day in New Forest Hampshire. First published The Sunday Times Date: 1989

Background imageInnocence Collection: A Big Family - Two young girls and a multitude of rabbits

A Big Family - Two young girls and a multitude of rabbits
A Big Family - Two young girls and a multitude of pet rabbits... Date: circa 1907

Background imageInnocence Collection: As the magazine itself describes it: 'The smile on the face of a tiger would warn off the least

As the magazine itself describes it: "The smile on the face of a tiger would warn off the least wary but the smile
As the magazine itself describes it: " The smile on the face of a tiger would warn off the least wary but the smile on the face of a chorister is plainly to be trusted

Background imageInnocence Collection: Comic postcard, Vicar and three boys - definition of a Protestant Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Vicar and three boys - definition of a Protestant Date: 20th century

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - But you said Fall In

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - But you said Fall In
The Caption is But you said - Fall In.The lad in the pool is wearing a forage cap, the Officer has a wooden sword and the girls has an oar and a walking stick for rifles

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - That ll stop your careless talk

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - That ll stop your careless talk
The Caption is P raps that ll stop your careless talk!. Three little kids cover-up a younger toddlers mouth with a spotty hankerchief

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - In Convoy

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - In Convoy
The Caption is In Convoy. The convoy system for the merchant ships bringing in vital supples was introduced to counter the German U Boat attacks

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - All quiet on the Home Front

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - All quiet on the Home Front
The Caption is All quiet on the Home Front. This derives from All Quiet along the Potomac tonight, a song written during the American Civil War, and repeated in WW1 with Eric Maria Remorques book

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - and NO matches

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - and NO matches
The Caption is ??? and NO matches. The Natzi wearing a saucepan on his head is confronted across a broken wooden fence by two boys, one with a make-shift bayonet and the other with a Union flag

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Just Carrying

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Just Carrying
The Caption is Just Carrying on. This is a reference to one of the many slogans used during WW2 to inspire the people at home, e.g

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Me and My Girl

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Me and My Girl
The Caption is Me and my Girl and is probably a reference to the 1930s musical of the same name. The gas mask was carried in a cardboard box. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1940

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - We have no Coupons

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - We have no Coupons
The long Caption blames the patches on the lack of clothing coupons but says what does that matter - to loyal pals like me and you

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Looking for news of you

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Looking for news of you
The Caption is Looking for news of you. The card is from a young girl to her parents and was sent under cover with gifts. One of the presents was shaving cream for her father of which she says The

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Good Night, Forces

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Good Night, Forces
The Caption is Good Night Forces. This is a play on the closing words of BBC Forces Radio which broadcast to the BEF. It began in 1940 and finished in 1944 well before this card was posted

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Coupon shortage and making do

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Coupon shortage and making do
The long Caption gives the little girls excuse for having patches. The Home Front War Effort was helped along by cryptic slogans such as Make do and Mend and Making do

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Mary and her Little Lamb

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Mary and her Little Lamb
The Caption is Mary and her little lamb. Even though the war is over rationing would continue. The little dog looking on was unlikely to get any of the meat

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Refresher Course

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Refresher Course
The Caption is Refresher Course They are sitting in a Forces Club. These were run by the NaFI and the WVS among others. Maybe the girl works there. A little dog is feeding at a bowl

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - A Piece of Cake

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - A Piece of Cake
The Caption is A piece of cake. This latter was an RAF expresssion for an easy fight. Through the window can be seen an aeroplane. This was the year of the Battle of Britain

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Who Cares a Darn

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Who Cares a Darn
The Caption is Who cares a darn. A watrtime slogan was Make do and Mend. Clothing was rationed but this young lady seems prettly cheerful. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1942

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - A Pleasant Reflection

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - A Pleasant Reflection
The Caption is A pleasant reflection, The war is over, or is nearly over, and so perhaps there are other things to think about

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - A Mans Job

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - A Mans Job
The Caption is A Mans job. Women filled so many jobs while the men were away. There is a series of photos showing King George VI and Queen Elizabeth at a balloon site

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - No Basic, we should worry

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - No Basic, we should worry
The Caption is No Basic? We should worry! Basic refers to the basic petrol ration. Petrol was rationed from September 1939 and contiinued until 1950. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1944

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Sew What

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Sew What
The Caption is Sew What? Clothing could only be purchased if one had enough Points to do so and the Points were rationed. A wartime slogan was Make do and Mend

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Boots, Boots, Boots

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Boots, Boots, Boots
The Caption is Boots! Boots! Boots! This is a take on Rudyard Kiplings poem Infantry Columns where the boots actually go up and down

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Wish I could buy you somefink

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Wish I could buy you somefink
The Caption has the little boy saying that he has no money AND cannot buy the girl anything so he wishes her a NO COUPON HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1944

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - We ll be seeing you somehow

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - We ll be seeing you somehow
The Caption reads We ll be seeing you somehow. Petrol was severly rationed and only certain professions or trades were allowed to have any. Hence cycling became popular

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Oh, I do like a bit of butter

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Oh, I do like a bit of butter
The ironic Caption is Oh! I do like a bit of butter on my bread. The weekly butter ration per person was 2 oz - 56 grams. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1944

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Coo - you ought to have seen ours

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Coo - you ought to have seen ours
The Caption reads Coo! You ought to have seen ours. The bombs look like what were called Butterfly bombs. These were anti-personnel weapons dropped for people to pick up

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Now News Aagin - Still hoping

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Now News Aagin - Still hoping
The Caption is No news again? - still hoping. With the war near its end everyone back home was waiting for the return of their soldier boys. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1945

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - The result of careless talk

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - The result of careless talk
The Caption is The Result of Careless Talk. This is a play on the wartime slogan Careless talk costs lives. The Prime Minister exhorts This is a time for everyone to stand together and hold firm

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I know things ll be better soon

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I know things ll be better soon
The Caption is Yes I know things ll be better soon. By this date the war is clearly near its end so the optimism is justified

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Pooh - I don t stand in no queue

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Pooh - I don t stand in no queue
The Caption is Pooh! I don t stand in no queue. Rationing went on well after the war ended so queuing became a habit. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1945

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Are you evacuating the town

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Are you evacuating the town
The Caption is Gosh Mister! Are you evacuating the whole town? It is estimated that over 200, 000 were evacuated from the towns to the countryside between 1939 and the end of 1941

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Don t worry, it may not happen

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Don t worry, it may not happen
The Caption is Don t worry. It may not happen. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1944

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - A thing of duty - no joy whatever

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - A thing of duty - no joy whatever
The Caption is A thing of duty is no joy whatever. The concept of Duty was impressed upon the population during the war as one of the planks of morale. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1944

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Here is the News

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Here is the News
The Caption is Here is the News, and this is yours truly reading it. With radio being the most direct source of News, the broadcasts were avidly listened to

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Something Accomplished

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Something Accomplished
The Caption says Something accomplished, something done, has earned a nights repose! The card was posted on the third anniversary of the start of WW2. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1942

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Whos making the Brave New World

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Whos making the Brave New World
The Caption verse is Whos making the Brave New World - lets see - Whos making the Brave New World? You-and-Me! This is a reference to Aldous Huxleys dystopian novel Brave New World - a world that you

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - When am I goin to see you again

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - When am I goin to see you again
On the back of the card is a plaintive message to David.. Do you still miss us my darling? I will be delighted to have a little card from you

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Now this economy is here

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Now this economy is here
The Caption is Now this economy is here - we ll have to darn the darns Ole dear. They have been darning since 1941 so they probably really are down to the darns

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Wool without coupons

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Wool without coupons
The Caption is Wool without coupons. Although the card was posted in 1947, the drawing is about wartime clothes rationing which did not finish until 1949. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1947

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Smiling - even thro the tears

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Smiling - even thro the tears
The rhyme says that things will be nice tomorrow - obviously they were not too good today. On the back is a printed message from the Prime Minister Let us all strive without failing in faith or in

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Heres another blue-pencil P. C

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Heres another blue-pencil P. C
The Caption refers to..another blue pencil postcard. In WW2 Bue Pencil referred to the Censor who crossed out in indelible blue any text that he thought might be of use to the enemy

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Takes all sorts to make a world

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Takes all sorts to make a world
The caption says It takes all sorts to make a world and I m glad that you re one of the sorts! The postcard was sent one month before war was declared. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1939

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I C I. O. U. A P. C

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I C I. O. U. A P. C
This is a particularly interesting card. The girl with the pen is writing a message in a simple code. The card was posted from Bletchley - the hub of the code breakers of WW2

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I ve gone crackers over a soldier

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I ve gone crackers over a soldier
The Caption is I ve gone crackers over a soldier. Curiously MLA has not drawn in a box of crackers! Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1945

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - You Know what men are

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - You Know what men are
The Caption is You know what men are. In previous wars men generally had the desirable uniforms but in WW2 the ladies had uniforms too and that of the WRENS was particularly attractive

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Whether you ve gone

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Whether you ve gone
Comic cards were much brighter at this stage of the war when the end seemed to be in sight. The little girl is anticipating the return of her loved one whether you ve gone for a year or a day

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I m sticking it jus for you

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I m sticking it jus for you
The Caption reads I m sticking it jus for you. It looks as if she is not just going to stick the stamp but also is putting on lipstick. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1945

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I m doin me knit

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I m doin me knit
The Caption reads I m doing my knit - a play on the wartime need to do your bit. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1941

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Every nice boy loves a sailor

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Every nice boy loves a sailor
The Caption reads Every nice boy loves a sailor - a take on the popular song. This lass has pictures of soldiers and airforce men on the wall behind her. Busy girl

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - The Sun is Out

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - The Sun is Out
The verse on the card contains the lines Coupon trouble grows - shes naught to dry - but pegs. Clothes rationing began in June 1941 and did not end until 1949

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - England expects

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - England expects
The Caption reads - England Expects presumably evoking the Nelsonian flag signal to his fleet. It was everymans war. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1941

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Wats doing

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Wats doing
The Caption reads W.A.Ts Doing? Women were called up from early in 1941 and this little lass may well be in the Womens Auxiliary Territorial Service. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1941

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Johnny get your gun

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Johnny get your gun
The Caption is Johnny get your gun! Mabel Lucie is perhaps unwittingly relating this card to the anti-war novel Johnny got his gun published in 1938 in which a soldier loses all his limbs in

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Wot won t we do

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Wot won t we do
The Caption reads Wot won t we do - when I gets you home! Most such captions are more frequent towards the end of the war when one could look forward to the soldier boys coming home

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I m Missing You Somefing Orful

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I m Missing You Somefing Orful
The Caption is Missing you somefing orful! If her love is in the Forces the War has another 5 months to run in Europe, and demobilisation was slow for many.Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1945

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Don t mind the black-outs

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Don t mind the black-outs
The Caption is Don t mind the black-outs, you can always stay the night! This card has a coded message. The initials of the feet

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Happy Birthday

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Happy Birthday
The ration book is clearly drawn, and cancelled coupons can be glimpsed. Petrol was the first to be rationed after the war began and eventually practically all commodities were

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Wot a fing to have

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Wot a fing to have
The Caption is Wot a fing to have to go to bed wif. The message on the card begins Hello Darling and later continues What do you think of this card? When I saw it I just had to get it

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Five Inches

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Five Inches
The public was asked to restrict the depth of water in their baths to 5 inches (13cm) in order to limit the use of power resources

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Dear Darlin Mine

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Dear Darlin Mine
The Caption is Dear Darlin Mine - I m feeling fine! The romantic message on the back emphasises the first three words.Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1944

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - On Leave

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - On Leave
This little lass looks as if she is going on holiday - she has an umbrella! Despite the war people still took breaks and this sort of postcard featured regularly in messages back home

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Ladies in Waiting

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Ladies in Waiting
The Caption is Ladies in Waiting. This colourful queue is very cheerful. They obviously know that the early bird catches the worm and they are at the top. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1945

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - For Auld Lang Syne

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - For Auld Lang Syne
Two little girls and two boys Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1945

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - The Home Front

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - The Home Front
The Caption is The Home Front. WW2 was the first war in which all the people back at home were directly involved. Bombing raids brought death and destruction

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Dreamin of thee

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Dreamin of thee
The caption is Dreamin of thee. The card was posted on 24 September 1944 just three months after D-Day, and the war has almost another 8 months to run

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Good Morning, Nice Day

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Good Morning, Nice Day
The Caption is Good morning! Nice day! The message on the back by the Prime Minister is We have to gain the Victory that is our task. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1943

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Early Birds

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Early Birds
The Caption is Early Birds. There is a little bird on the window sill - most likely a robin. The small flower bed has flowers - not the vegetables that everyone was encouraged to cultivate.Mr

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Booked

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Booked
This is a typical Dinah play on words. Dinahs children always have shiny shoes. The boy has a satchel while the girl has a handbag. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1944

Background imageInnocence Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Engaged

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Engaged
The caption is Engaged Dinah, the artist, was very fond of word play. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1944

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