Porcelain ecritoire in the festoon style, RouenPorcelain ecritoire with inkwell and pen stand, decorated with owl, snake, masks, blue and yellow festoon style. Riche ecritoire de bureau, style rayonnant
The skeleton of Death and the lawyer. The barrister in wig and gown sits at a table writing a document with a quill pen. Death enters his chambers with a brief
GUALBES, Juan de (16th century). Head Councillor of Barcelona in 1595. Painting. SPAIN. Barcelona. Barcelona City History Museum
MANZANO y MEJORADA, Vor (1831-1865). RamMANZANO y MEJORADA, V or (1831-1865). Ram e Mesonero Romanos. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Museo de Historia
BONVIN, Fran篩s (1817-1887). The Letter of Recommendation. 1859. FRANCE. Besan篮. Museum of Fine Arts and Archaeology
Filippo BuonaccorsiFILIPPO CALLIMACO BUONACCORSI Italian historian, depicted at his writing desk, scissors, inkwell and all - a delightful glimpse of a 15th century writer at work. Date: CIRCA 1437 - 1496
Jan Hus / Profile / ArchJAN HUS Bohemiam religious leader burnt at the stake for heresy, despite his denials Date: 1372? - 1415
Woman Writes at TableA lady leans forward to write a letter using a pen which she dips in an inkwell from time to time
Mattioli / Petrus / LarmessiPETRUS ANDREAS MATTIOLI Italian botanist
Heidenberg / TrithemiusJOHANNES HEIDENBERG known as JOHANNES TRITHEIM or TRITHEMIUS German abbot and historian
Greek Philosopher WritesA Greek philosopher sets pen to paper, in a book rather than a scroll, as you might have expected; inkwell, sand and a knife are ready to hand
Hoffmann / Inky Boys / TaleTHE STORY OF THE INKY BOYS Tall Agrippa & his inkwell