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Inferno Collection

Background imageInferno Collection: Dante & Virgil on Ice

Dante & Virgil on Ice
Virgil is Dantes guide on a tour of Inferno; they come across some evildoers punished by being placed up to their necks in ice

Background imageInferno Collection: Charon / Styx / Dante / Virgil

Charon / Styx / Dante / Virgil
Charon ferries Dante and Virgil across the Styx, the river which separates this world of ours from the infernal regions

Background imageInferno Collection: Dante & Virgil in Hell

Dante & Virgil in Hell
Sinners stand in a frozen lake, with only the tops of their heads above the ice; the rest of their bodies are subjected to a permanent cold bath: Dante & Virgil look on

Background imageInferno Collection: Firemen Hosing 1940

Firemen Hosing 1940
Firemen using hoses on the inferno at Eastcheap, London EC, at the height of the Blitz

Background imageInferno Collection: CENTAURS IN INFERNO - 2

A band of Centaurs seen by Virgil and Dante in the course of their tour of Inferno

Background imageInferno Collection: Dante in Hell

Dante in Hell
Virgil shows Dante the condemned suffering in Inferno

Background imageInferno Collection: DIVINE COMEDY / DAMNED

Dante & Virgil contemplate some of the damned... Date: First published: 1307-21?

Background imageInferno Collection: DANTE IN HELL

Virgil is Dantes guide on a tour of Inferno; they come across some evildoers punished by being placed up to their necks in ice

Background imageInferno Collection: Dante / Divine Comedy / Map

Dante / Divine Comedy / Map
A map of Inferno to Dantes La Divina Commedia. Date: First published: 1307-21?

Background imageInferno Collection: Triptych with the Triumph of Death and the Last Judgement by

Triptych with the Triumph of Death and the Last Judgement by
Renaissance. Triptych with the Triumph of Death and the Last Judgement by Hermann Tom Ring (1521-1596), around 1550. Museum Catharijneconvent. Utrecht. Netherlands. Detail

Background imageInferno Collection: Francesco Traini. Italian painer active form 1321-1365. The

Francesco Traini. Italian painer active form 1321-1365. The Triumph of Death, 1355. Fresco. Camposanto. Pisa. Italy

Background imageInferno Collection: DANTE/DEAD LOVERS

Dead lovers. Date: First published: 1307-21?

Background imageInferno Collection: CENTAURS IN INFERNO - 1

Centaurs are encountered by Virgil and Dante in the course of their tour of Inferno

Background imageInferno Collection: HARPIES / DORE

Dante and Virgil encounter these sinister harpies in Inferno, though traditionally there were only three of them

Background imageInferno Collection: DANTE & VIRGIL IN HELL DANTE & VIRGIL IN HELL

Sinners stand in a frozen lake, with only the tops of their heads above the ice; the rest of their bodies are subjected to a permanent cold bath: Dante & Virgil look

Background imageInferno Collection: Three-Headed Dog - Cerberu

Three-Headed Dog - Cerberu
Dante & Virgil throw a sop to Cerberus, the dog who guards the entrance to Hell, thus ensuring that hell not attack them as they pass. Date: First published: 1307-21?

Background imageInferno Collection: DANTE / VIRGIL / HELL / SINNER

A sinner is pegged out on the ground of Hell, condemned to suffer thus for ever... Date: First published: 1307-21?

Background imageInferno Collection: CROSSING THE STYX

En route to Inferno, Dante and Virgil cross the Styx in Charons ferry, and have their first sight of the damned

Background imageInferno Collection: Dante - Virgil Cross Styx

Dante - Virgil Cross Styx
Virgil and Dante cross the Styx. Date: First published: 1307-21?

Background imageInferno Collection: Warehouse fire, Manchester

Warehouse fire, Manchester
Simon Snorkel is used to fight a warehouse blaze at night in Shudehill, Manchester Date: circa 1969

Background imageInferno Collection: Divine Comedy. Eigth Canto of Hell. Dante and Virgil cross t

Divine Comedy. Eigth Canto of Hell. Dante and Virgil cross t
Divine Comedy. Epic poem written by Dante Alighieri between 1308 and his death in 1321. Eigth Canto of Hell. Dante and Virgil cross the river Styx in the boat of Phlegyas

Background imageInferno Collection: Divine Comedy. The Eleventh Canto of Hell. Dante and Virgil

Divine Comedy. The Eleventh Canto of Hell. Dante and Virgil
Divine Comedy. Epic poem written by Dante Alighieri between 1308 and his death in 1321. The Eleventh Canto of Hell. Dante and Virgil in the tomb of Pope Anastasius. Engraving by Gustave Dore. Colored

Background imageInferno Collection: Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. 14th C. Engraving by Gusta

Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. 14th C. Engraving by Gusta
Divine Comedy. Epic poem written by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) between 1308 and his death in 1321. Paradiso Canto III. Piccarda Donati and souls whose vows had been broken

Background imageInferno Collection: Italy. Florence. Dome of Brunelleschi. Last Judgement, by Gi

Italy. Florence. Dome of Brunelleschi. Last Judgement, by Gi
Italy. Florence. Last Judgement frescoes of the Dome of Brunelleschi, by Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) and Zuccari (1572-1579). Detail. Hell

Background imageInferno Collection: Divine Comedy. Twelfth Canto of Hell. Dante and Virgil befor

Divine Comedy. Twelfth Canto of Hell. Dante and Virgil befor
Divine Comedy. Epic poem written by Dante Alighieri between 1308 and his death in 1321. Twelfth Canto of Hell. Dante and Virgil before the opprobrium of Crete. Engraving by Gustave Dore. Colored

Background imageInferno Collection: Divine Comedy. Journey of Dante through the Hell, guided by

Divine Comedy. Journey of Dante through the Hell, guided by
Divine Comedy. Epic poem written by Dante Alighieri between 1308 and his death in 1321. Journey of Dante through the Hell, guided by the Roman poet Virgil. Engraving by Gustave Dore. Colored

Background imageInferno Collection: Dante / Divine Comedy / Hell

Dante / Divine Comedy / Hell
Illustration to the twenty- eighth canto: Dante & Virgil see prophet Muhammad showing his entrails in the eight circle of hell Date: First published: 1307-21?

Background imageInferno Collection: Bright Lights of Reno, Nevada, USA

Bright Lights of Reno, Nevada, USA -- the Biggest Little City in the World. Date: 1941

Background imageInferno Collection: Stephen Phillips

Stephen Phillips
STEPHEN PHILLIPS writer of poems and verse- dramas such as Christ in Hades and The new inferno Date: 1864 - 1915

Background imageInferno Collection: Joseph Chamberlain as Mephistopheles boiling Radicals

Joseph Chamberlain as Mephistopheles boiling Radicals
The Radical Inferno. Joseph Chamberlain as Mephistopheles boiling his Radical political opponents (who were against his proposals for Tariff Reform) - including Henry Campbell-Bannerman (foreground)

Background imageInferno Collection: Pinchots inferno

Pinchots inferno. Illustration shows a dark, bleak mountainous landscape with a tunnel labeled Private Monopoly and carved into the mountainside is All Hope Abandon Conservationists Who Enter Here;

Background imageInferno Collection: Tokyo Earthquake, Japan 1923 (5 / 9)

Tokyo Earthquake, Japan 1923 (5 / 9)
Tokyo Earthquake, Japan 1st September 1923 - the earthquake and typhoon killed an estimated 99, 300 people Date: 1923

Background imageInferno Collection: Damage caused by fire at Selby Abbey

Damage caused by fire at Selby Abbey
The damage caused by a fire at Selby Abbey, North Yorkshire on October 20th, 1906. The conflagration was of such intensity that it melted the bells in the central tower. Date: 1906

Background imageInferno Collection: Winged Demon in Lair

Winged Demon in Lair
The winged demon in his icy lair

Background imageInferno Collection: Dante Crossing Styx

Dante Crossing Styx
Dante comes across Filippo Argenti, one of his political enemies, (a Black Guelph), now residing among the wrathful in the river Styx

Background imageInferno Collection: Divine Comedy: Inferno

Divine Comedy: Inferno
Homer, the Classic Poets. The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto four

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