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Infected Collection

Background imageInfected Collection: Sandfly

Sandflies belong to the family Phlebotominae and are responsible of spreading sandfly fever

Background imageInfected Collection: Elizabeth Brownrigg

Elizabeth Brownrigg (1720-1767) was an 18th-century English murderer. Her victim, Mary Clifford, was one of her domestic servants, who died from cumulative injuries and associated infected wounds

Background imageInfected Collection: INDIAN MEAT MARKET

A rather unhygienic meat stall at a market in Lahore, India, showing the butcher weighing the meat for a customer. When he has sold out of meat, he will sleep on the counter! Date: 1930s

Background imageInfected Collection: TYPHUS BACILLUS

Typhus bacillus, discovered by Eberth, 1880, and studied by Gaffky, 1884 - - left, infected intestine - right, culture

Background imageInfected Collection: Taenia saginata, beef tapeworm

Taenia saginata, beef tapeworm
The beef tapeworm parasite can reach lengths of up to 10 metres. It is found in humans and animals which have consumed meat infected with the larvae

Background imageInfected Collection: Taenia solium, pork tapeworm

Taenia solium, pork tapeworm
The pork tapeworm parasite can reach lengths of up to 8 metres. It is found in humans and animals which have consumed meat infected with the larvae

Background imageInfected Collection: Wohlfahrtia magnifica, screwworm fly wound

Wohlfahrtia magnifica, screwworm fly wound
Chicken with screwworm (Wohlfahrtia sp.) infestation found near Rio Quizer, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Photographed by Martin Hall

Background imageInfected Collection: Schistosoma spp. blood fluke

Schistosoma spp. blood fluke
The blood fluke (Schistosoma spp.) is the cause of the disease bilharzia or schistosomiasis in humans

Background imageInfected Collection: Advert for Sanitas - family antiseptic for wounds 1937

Advert for Sanitas - family antiseptic for wounds 1937
Just a small wound but.... I never run the risk of blood poisoning. As soon as any member of my family gets a scratch or cut, let alone a more serious wound, I instantly apply Sanitas

Background imageInfected Collection: Paragonimus sp. parasitic worm

Paragonimus sp. parasitic worm
Human lung fluke, a parasitic worm. Common in South East Asia, in 1980 there were thought to be 3 million people infected

Background imageInfected Collection: Lucilia sericata, sheep blowfly

Lucilia sericata, sheep blowfly
Myiasis wound on the back of a sheep due to the sheep blowfly (Lucillia sericata) Sarbogard, Hungary. Photographed by Martin Hall

Background imageInfected Collection: Treatment of ear myiasis

Treatment of ear myiasis in an infected sheep in Sarbogard, Hungary. Photographed by Martin Hall

Background imageInfected Collection: Diphtheria at Woolwich

Diphtheria at Woolwich
Sketches of the diphtheria huts on Woolwich Common. The huts were used to confine those infected by the epidemic

Background imageInfected Collection: St Roch as a Pilgrim

St Roch as a Pilgrim
(Rocco, Roque) - He goes as a pilgrim to Rome, where he is infected while caring for plague victims; he recovers and goes on to perform many healing miracles

Background imageInfected Collection: Roman Cattle Stricken

Roman Cattle Stricken
Cattle farming : the herd struck by cattle plague - slaughtering the infected animals

Background imageInfected Collection: Disinfecting a home - 2

Disinfecting a home - 2
DISINFECTING A HOME Infected bedlinen is fumigated in a horse-drawn portable Stove to destroy germs of tuberculosis or cholera

Background imageInfected Collection: Bubonic Plague, Portugal

Bubonic Plague, Portugal
When Portugal is struck by an epidemic of bubonic plague, the population burn infected homes in hope of destroying the source of the trouble

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