A French force lands at Beirut, part of the protest by France and Britain against Turkish indifference to the massacres of Maronite Christians by Druses Date: September 1860
Charles Sims, Mans last pretence of consummation paintingMans last pretence of consummation in indifference
Christian DamascusThe ruins of the Maronite Christian quarter of Damascus, consequent upon continual attacks and massacres by the Druses and the indifference of the Turkish government Date: February 1861
People indifferent to looting from a shop, RussiaPeople showing indifference to looting from a shop during the Revolutionary period in Russia
Mans Last Pretence of Consummation in Indifference. Simms, Charles 1873-1928
A printers portrait gallery, 1885Amusing portraits created from type faces, after an American magazine. The man who does not advertise is contrasted with the man who does advertise. 1885
Emotional ManGRIEF A romantic gentleman, who has just lost his beloved, reproaches the moon for its indifference to his misery Date: circa 1820
IndifferenceAfter marriage, such is the indifference of this monkey husband, he doesn t even notice when his wife falls into the water during a boating trip
Charcoal Porters FightTwo charcoal porters engaged in a brawl are kept apart by an oyster seller. Other porters, drinkers and a dog look on in alarm, humour and indifference