Jamaicans on board the Empire WindrushJamaican men on board the Empire Windrush who have come to Britain to seek work; some of the men, dressed smartly in jackets and ties, are reading a newspaper
The first Thanksgiving 1621. Pilgrims and Natives gather to share meal. Date c1932
Geronimo (1829 - 1909), War Chief of the White Mountain Apache [in 1905]
Tecumseh, Native American chief of the Shawnee tribeTecumseh (Tecumtha, Tekamthi, 1768-1813), Native American Indian chief of the Shawnee tribe. He became the chief spokesman for the Indians of the Ohio Valley
Tagore, Rabindranath (1861-1941)
RIVERA, Diego (1886-1957). Totonaca Civilization. 1950. MEXICO. Mexico City. National Palace. Mexican Mural Painting. Fresco
Native American Indian Buffalo Hunt Under the White Wolf Skin. An Indian stratagem on the level prairies. Date: ca. 1858
American Indians. Sitting Bull, Chief of the SiouxPortrait of Sitting Bull with elaborate feathered head dress reaching to the ground. Sitting Bull lead the resistance against the Americans which culminated in the defeat of General Custer
How Navajo Indian Rugs are made - USA Date: circa 1930s
Sioux Indian Chief - Hollow Horn Bear (18501913) - a BruleIakota leader during the Indian Wars on the Great Plains of the United States. Date: 1906
Lake Superior Chippewa - Apostle Islands, WisconsinLake Superior Chippewa - a historical band of Ojibwe Indians on one of the Apostle Islands, Wisconsin, USA. Date: circa 1924
American Indians. Billy Bowlegs and his suite of Indian ChieBilly Bowlegs (Holata Micco) was a leader of the Seminole people, he went on to serve as a Captain in the Union Army during the Civil War
A Rehearsal of the Wild West showA series of sketches by Ralph Cleaver of rehearsals for Colonel Codys " Wild West" show at Olympia, including Sioux braves racing horses, cow girls and cowboys
Boston Tea Party 1773Boston citizens, dressed as Indians, board English ships and throw tea chests into the harbour in protest against taxation
The Conference of Kaw Indians with the United States GovernmImage showing the Kaw native American Indians appealing to the United States Commissioner of Indian Affairs to protect their land from settlers, 1857
American Indians. Sitting Bull addressing a meeting of braveSitting was an inspirational Sioux Chief, who together with Crazy Horse, defeated Custer and tried to prevent the American Indians being forced into reservations
American Indians. John Francis, chief of the Passamaquoddy IIndian chief dressed in embroidered tunic and trousers from Lake Utopia, New Brunswick, Canada
Indian Military ElephantElephant employed in war by Indians in ancient times : only his head and trunk are armoured, and he carries a howdah equivalent to a miniature fort
First Nation warriors of northwestern territories - CanadaA superb photograph of two First Nation warriors of an indigenous tribe of the northwestern territories - Canada. circa 1900s
The Florida. 16th century. Timucua Indian village. Food transportation by canoe. Engraving by Theodore de Bry (1528-1598). Brevis narratio floridae Eorum Quae in.... Frankfurt, 1591
American Indians scalpingAmerican Indian holding up the scalp of a died man, that he has just been in combat with. Date: Circa 1870s
Sikhs of the Indian Army in France during World War ISikhs of the Indian Army on the march in France during World War I. Date: 1914
The Native American Indian Buffalo Chase. Singling Out. Date: ca. 1858
Native American Indian Picture Writing (Medicine Mans Chant) of the Chippewa or Ojibbewa Indians. Date: circa 1890s
El Navajo Hotel, Gallup, New Mexico, USAEl Navajo, the new Santa Fe hotel and station at Gallup, New Mexico, USA. Date: 1910s
Indian Rice Merchants, Rangoon, Myanmar (Burma)Indian Rice Merchants (Lakhmichand Manikchand) in Rangoon, Myanmar (Burma) - note the slightly cheeky bit of advertising by the Insurance Broker in the front row
Bolivia - La Paz - Aymara Indians Date: circa 1910s
Native American Indians do the Snow-Shoe Dance
Sikh soldiers resting in a French building, WW1Sikh soldiers (regiment unidentified but likely to be The 15th Sikhs) resting in a building on the Western Front during the First World War
The perils of our forefathers
Three people in Cowboy and Indian costume in studio photoThree people in Cowboy and Indian costume in a studio photo -- signed The Three Shentons. Date: circa 1910
The Carnival of Oruro, BoliviaThe Carnival of Oruro - a religious festival (dating back over 2000 years) in Oruro, Bolivia - one of UNESCOs Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity
Conflict of the Linn boys with the Indians. Print showing Linn brothers in hand-to-hand combat in a Native American village, Kentucky, ca. 1785. Date 1883
Denver in 1859. Date c1891 April 21
Seminole Indians - USA, Florida, EvergladesThe Everglades, Florida, USA. Seminole Indians on the Tamiami Trail. The Kitchen of Chesnut Billys Indian Camp. The Tamiami Trail was opened in 1928
Hyderabad: The Char MinarIllustration depicting a street market in Hyderabad, India with the Char Minar and its four minarets, measuring 160 feet, dominating the scene
American Indians. The Modoc War in America. Lake Tule, withThe American army fought the Modoc Indians at the Lava Beds, California, after the Modoc had killed General Canby and the Rev Dr Thomas at a conference of Modoc chiefs and US Peace Commissioners
Winslow / Massasoit MeetMr Edward Winslow visits Massasoit, chief of the Pokanokets, to explain their reasons for settling upon his lands
Champlain / Huron IndiansSamuel De Champlain, with help from the recently befriended Huron Indians, on the war path with the Iroquois
Native Amercan WomenHighly romanticised depiction of a Native American Woman Date: 1911
United States (1897). American Indians in a reserve of Idaho
American Indians. The Red Indian on show in London. Chief WhAmerican Indian father and son with bows and arrows
Sport / Football / GuyanaNative Guyanese Indians play a regional variant of football, reliant it appears on keeping the ball in the air using clever ball skills
"The other people in the book looked at her in surprise." Scene from the story A Little Girl in a Book illustrated by Edmund Dulac. Date: 1913
Winnebago Indians at Demon's Anvil, Wisconsin River, Wisconsin, USA Date: 1932
Landing of Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)Christopher Columbus (1451-1506). Navigator, cartographer and admiral. He served the Crown of Castile
Family of Native Americans before a teepee in a jungle. A man in feather headdress and feather skirt holds up a bird. A tattooed woman and child celebrate. Wigwam in the middle of a palm trees
16th century. Native American dance. Virginia. Men and women dancing around Three of the fayrest Virgins at center
Native American council and conquistadors meet around fireHistory of the United States of America. Native American council and conquistadors meeting around a fire. Engraving by Vernier. Panorama Universal
16th century French expedition. Florida. Seminoles IndiansUnited States of America. 16th century French expedition. Florida. Seminoles Indians. Food and meal preparation. Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues (1533-1588) made the illustrations during the expedition
16th century French expedition. Florida. Crocodile hunting. In the expedition Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues (1533-1588) made the illustrations
Native American council and conquistadors meetingHistory of the United States of America. Native American council and conquistadors meeting around a fire. Engraving by Vernier. Panorama Universal
16th century French expedition - Seminole Indians fishingUnited States of America. 16th century French expedition. Florida. Seminoles Indians fishing. Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues (1533-1588) made the illustrations during the expedition
16th century French expedition. Florida. Timucua cookingHistory of the United States of America. 16th century French expedition. Florida. The Timucua roast native fowl and marine animals, including alligators
Indian women and old man - VernierIndian women and old man. Engraving by Vernier. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G. Roux de Rochelle's Etats-Unis d'Amerique in 1837
Group of Marathas during the Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-1819), between the British East India Company and the Maratha Empire, India. Date: 1818
The Boston Tea Party - a political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 16, 1773
Rio Ampayaco, Peru - Bora Indians in their village. The Bora are an indigenous tribe of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon, located between the Putumayo and Napo rivers
God Hanuman. Hindu art
Native Americans Indians, Osage and Iroquois ChiefsNative American Indians, Osage and Iroquois Chiefs. 1876
Native American town
Wun-nes-tou, Medicine Man of the Blackfeet tribeWun-nes-tou, Medicine Man of the Blackfeet (Blackfoot) tribe of American Natives. Date: circa 1830
Indigenous Tribe from the Colombian Pacific Coast regionPhotograph of Villagers from an indigenous Tribe (Buscaja Indians) from the Colombian Pacific Coast region - Buenaventura, Colombia. Date: 1932
INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Face of a woman. Detail in one of the Jataka reincarnations and episodes of life of Budha. Mural painting, 6th-7th c. Hindu art. Gupta period. Fresco
Mexican Indians Fighting
Mexican Indians Canibalism
Pueblo Taos Indians Mexico early 1900s
Navajo Indians
Navajo Indians in their desert home - early 1900s
A Navajo Indian making a rug - early 1900s
Iroquois Indians, Canada
Blackfeet Indians, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA - early 1900s
Iroquois Indians, Canada - early 1900s
Sioux Indians, Colorado, USA - early 1900s
Sioux Indians, Colorado, USA
Sioux Indian fur camp on the Plains, USA - early 1900s
Sioux Chief, fur camp on the plains, USA
John Y Nelson Victorian period
Tiger hunt in India Date: circa 1910
Group photo, Native Americans Indians in Canada Date: 1936