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Imperialis Collection

Background imageImperialis Collection: Different types of colorful sea urchins and their spines

Different types of colorful sea urchins and their spines.. Handcolored engraving from Charles d Orbignys Dictionnaire Universel d Histoire Naturelle (Universal Dictionary of Natural History), 1849

Background imageImperialis Collection: Imperial moth, gray-banded zale and black zale

Imperial moth, gray-banded zale and black zale
Imperial moth, Eacles imperialis 1, 2, gray-banded zale, Zale squamularis 3, and black zale, Zale undularis 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageImperialis Collection: Crown imperial lily, Fritillaria imperialis, and tulips

Crown imperial lily, Fritillaria imperialis, and tulips, Tulipa gesneriana. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Daniel Rabel after a botanical illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian from Pierre

Background imageImperialis Collection: Black-naped monarch and hooded warbler

Black-naped monarch and hooded warbler
Black-naped monarch, Hypothymis azurea 1, and hooded warbler, Setophaga citrina 2. Gobe-mouche blue des Philippines, Gobe-mouche de la Louisiane

Background imageImperialis Collection: Green algae Spongodium species

Green algae Spongodium species
Green algae species, Spongodium elongatum, Spongodium obtusatum and Spongodium cristatum. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze

Background imageImperialis Collection: Marsh beetle, jewel beetle, rose chafer, etc

Marsh beetle, jewel beetle, rose chafer, etc
Marsh beetle, Elodes 1, Harpalus beetle 2, jewel beetle, Buprestis 3, flea beetle, Altica famelica 4, and rose chafer, Cetonia species 5

Background imageImperialis Collection: Alocasia scabriuscula

Alocasia scabriuscula (Alocasia guttata var. imperialis). Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1884

Background imageImperialis Collection: Prosobranchia sea snail shells

Prosobranchia sea snail shells: triumphant star turban, Guildfordia triumphans 1, imperial cone, Conus imperialis 2, Madras harp, Harpa davidis 3, Venus comb, Murex pecten pecten 4, branched murex

Background imageImperialis Collection: Napoleonaea imperialis

Napoleonaea imperialis (Napoleona imperialis). Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaires Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe

Background imageImperialis Collection: Diamond beetle and weevils

Diamond beetle and weevils
Brazilian diamond beetle, Entimus imperialis 1, bearded weevil, female, Rhinostomus barbirostris 2, red-spotted lily weevil, Brachycerus ornatus 3, strawberry root weevil, Sciaphilus asperatus 4

Background imageImperialis Collection: Crown imperial flower, Fritillaria imperialis

Crown imperial flower, Fritillaria imperialis, Hexandria, 1, and loosestrife, Lysimachia europaea (Trientalis europaeus), Heptandria, 2

Background imageImperialis Collection: Crown imperial, Fritillaria imperialis

Crown imperial, Fritillaria imperialis
La Couronne imperial de la grande espece. Crown imperial, Fritillaria imperialis. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les

Background imageImperialis Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 339

Curtis British Entomology Plate 339
Coleoptera: Strongylus imperialis = Cryptarcha undulata (Spotted Strongylus) [Plant: Buxus sempervirens (Box-tree)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageImperialis Collection: Tropical shells including Colombella, Buccinum

Tropical shells including Colombella, Buccinum, Voluta, Terebra, Conus imperialis and Harpa.. Handcolored engraving from Charles d Orbignys Dictionnaire Universel d Histoire Naturelle

Background imageImperialis Collection: Botanical illustration of the crown imperial

Botanical illustration of the crown imperial flower, Fritillaria imperialis.. Lithograph by Verneuil with pochoir (stencil) handcoloring from Eugene Grassets Plants and their Application to Ornament

Background imageImperialis Collection: Crown imperial flower, Fritillaria imperialis

Crown imperial flower, Fritillaria imperialis, in wallpaper, fabric patterns, and art object.. Lithograph by Milesi with pochoir (stencil)

Background imageImperialis Collection: Nectarium of the crown imperial 1, grass of

Nectarium of the crown imperial 1, grass of Parnassus 2, iris 3 and nasturtium 4.. Handcoloured copperplate engraving of a botanical illustration by Sydenham Edwards for William Curtiss Lectures

Background imageImperialis Collection: Fritillaria Imperialis

Fritillaria Imperialis

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