Anti home Rule PostcardKING WILLIAM III Propaganda against home rule in Ireland, celebrating William of Orange as " of glorious, pious and immortal memory" and victory at the Battle of the Boyne
Bonzos Latest: This Weeks StuddyFamous dog, just after he had finally been christened with the name Bonzo. He appears with a swollen eye after fighting with a wasp
Good Luck TalismanA Chinese talisman featuring the immortal Liu-Hai, used in families for protection and good luck : includes the ying and yang and the eight trigrams
The Immortal Hour, by Rutland Boughton, BirminghamThe Immortal Hour, music drama by Rutland Boughton from the play by Fiona MacLeod, produced by Barry V Jackson, at the Repertory Theatre, Station Street, Birmingham. circa 1921
WILLIAM III / POSTCARDKING WILLIAM III Propaganda against home rule in Ireland, celebrating William of Orange as of glorious, pious and immortal memory and victory at the Battle of the Boyne. Date: 1650 - 1702
Hyacinth, divine hero and lover of Apollo from Greek mythology.. Hyacinthus
War Memorial At AnnandaleA photograph of a war memorial at Annandale, in the form of a hybride obelisk cenotaph, with curved seating
Exterior of the Black Bull Inn, Holborn, London in 1904. This ancient inn was mentioned by Charles Dickens in connection with the immortal character Mrs. Gamp'. Date: 1904
The Drowning of SalsedoThe inhabitants of Puerto Rico test the belief that the Spaniards are immortal by drowning Salsedo: they find that Spaniards, too, can die. Date: 1594
The Water-wave! by G. E. StuddyIllustration by G. E. Studdy showing a small dog being forced to have a bath, watched smugly by Ooloo the cat. Ooloo later gets a shock when the bath water spills all over him
This Weeks Studdy - As Master Sees Me! by G. E. StuddyStuddy dog shortly after his complete evolution into Bonzo. The dog is turning away in disgust from his owners portrait of him, painted in the style of Picasso
Studdys Dog Studies: Brevity is the soul of wit by G. E. StEarly illustration by G. E. Studdy showing a tearful Spaniel with a recently docked tail being grinned at by a smug cat
Balloon designs by Charles & Robert and MontgolfierBalloon designs by Charles and Robert (1, 5) and the Montgolfier Brothers (2, 3, 4). No. 3 ascended from Versailles. No. 4 ascended from the Chateau de la Muette. No
This Weeks Studdy - (Pillow)Bandaged paw looking pleased with himself following the destruction of an eiderdown pillow.George Ernest Studdy (1878-1948), was the creator of Bonzo
HerostratusCitizen of Ephesus who, to make his name immortal, burnt down the Temple of Diana, one of the seven wonders of the world. He succeeded in his aim
Chinese Luck TalismanCHINA Good luck talisman representing the immortal Liu-Hai
Sculpture L Immortalite by Leon LongepiedSculpture L Immortalite (1866) by Leon-Eugene Longepied (1849-1888) - versionin the Musee du Luxembourg. Date: 1866
Ukraine. Crimean Peninsula. Kerch. Memorial. Heroism of KercUkraine. Crimean Peninsula. Kerch. Obelisk of Glory. The memorial on the mountain Mithridat, dedicated to the heroism of Kerch in World War II
Therese V BraunschweigTHERESE VON BRAUNSCHWEIG Cousin of Guiccardi and also a great love of Beethoven. It is accepted that she was the Immortal Beloved to whom he wrote his famous letter
The Immortal Hour by Rutland BoughtonThe Immortal Hour - Rutland Boughtons music drama adapted from the play by Fiona Macleod. (Glastonbury, 28th June 1914). First produced Old Vic, 31st May 1920 and Regent Theatre, 13th October 1922
Mons - The History of the Immortal RetreatA Premier Presentation Brochure for Mons - The History of the Immortal Retreat directed by Captain Walter Summers, produced by British Instructional Films Limited
Sergeant of the Grenadier Guards in Marching OrderPlaster cast of a Sergeant of the Grenadier Guards in Marching Order. Ex family collection. George Edward Wade (1853-1933)
Bronze Statuette - Sgt Grenadier Guards in Marching OrderBronze Statuette - Sergeant, Grenadier Guards, in Marching Order, by George Edward Wade (1853-1933)
Bronze Statuette - Sgt Grenadier Guards in Battle OrderBronze Statuette - Sergeant, Grenadier Guards, in Battle Order, by George Edward Wade (1853-1933)
A modern view of the Chinese immortal Hichobo. Print shows a person (usually depicted as a courtesan) possibly asleep while riding on the back of a crane. Date between 1772 and 1774
Charles Dickens immortal play The cricket on the hearth ChaCharles Dickens immortal play The cricket on the hearth. Poster for Federal Theatre Project presentation of The Cricket on the Hearth at the Alcazar, 260 O Farrell Street, San Francisco, California
The immortal Shamrock. Date c1870
Stage shot of a performance of IolantheStage shot of a London performance of Iolanthe - the comic opera by Gilbert and Sullivan. This is likely the D Oyly Carte 1915 Tour production, featuring Nellie Briercliffe in the lead role
Young Russian man - FearlessA fearless (nay, immortal) young Russian Young, showing the cocksure arrogance of a lad without a care in the world. Date: circa 1900
Thomas Edward BrownTHOMAS EDWARD BROWN Manx writer who penned the immortal line A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot. Date: 1830 - 1897
Rutland BoughtonRUTLAND BOUGHTON English musician, best known for his very successful The immortal hour but he wrote symphonies and chamber music too. Date: 1878 - 1960
Valley of the Kings, tomb of Rameses VI, 1186 - 1085 BC, wall painting, the immortal spirit in Everyman, with arms raised. Photograph by Lionel Coates
The two year old Holy Lama, MongoliaAn incarnation of the Great immortal white lama, the two year old Holy Lama worshipped as a divine being at the Usersky-Dazan monastery in Mongolia
Dear, Dear, Dear! by G. E. StuddyEarly illustration by G. E. Studdy during World War I, showing a soldier (standing) speaking to a older lady on a London bus or tube train
Wordsworth / Immortal 6ODE ON INTIMATIONS OF IMMORTALITY RECEIVED IN CHILDHOOD... there was a time when meadow, grove and stream
Shakespeare / Baconian ThyWILLIAM SHAKESPEARE English dramatist and poet A pig-headed attack on the immortal bard
Chinese Magic CharmsCHINA The immortal Hwang-sien-che, renowned designer of magic charms