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Illustrated Index Of British Shells Collection

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Freshwater long snails, Bulimus, Pupa, Balea, etc

Freshwater long snails, Bulimus, Pupa, Balea, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Garden snail, Cornu aspersum, Roman snail, Helix pomatia, etc

Garden snail, Cornu aspersum, Roman snail, Helix pomatia, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Freshwater snails, Limnæus, Physa, Ancylus, Planorbis, etc

Freshwater snails, Limnæus, Physa, Ancylus, Planorbis, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Land slugs and sea snails, Succinea, Limax, etc

Land slugs and sea snails, Succinea, Limax, etc
Land slugs and sea snails, Succinea, Conovulus, Carychium, Limax, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Rock snails, Tritia, Nassa, Mangelia, Erato, Cypraea, etc

Rock snails, Tritia, Nassa, Mangelia, Erato, Cypraea, etc
Rock snails and European cowrie, Tritia, Nassa, Mangelia, Erato, Cypraea, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Bubble snails and sea snail varieties, Cylichna, Bulla, etc

Bubble snails and sea snail varieties, Cylichna, Bulla, etc
Bubble snails and sea snail varieties, Cylichna, Ovula, Bulla, Philine, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Minute sea shell varieties, Rissoa, Cingula, Assimina, etc

Minute sea shell varieties, Rissoa, Cingula, Assimina, etc
Minute sea shell varieties, Rissoa, Jeffreysia, Aclis, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Triton shells, Ranella, rock snails, Murex, whelk, Bucchinum, et

Triton shells, Ranella, rock snails, Murex, whelk, Bucchinum, et
Triton shells, Ranella, rock snails, Murex, whelk, Bucchinum, Furus, Trophon, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Minute pyramid sea shell varieties, Odostomia, etc

Minute pyramid sea shell varieties, Odostomia, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Small sea shell varieties, Turbonilla, etc

Small sea shell varieties, Turbonilla, etc
Small sea shell varieties, Turbonilla, Chemnitzia, Natica, Velutina, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Sea snails, Turritella, pelican's foot, Aporrhais pespelecani, e

Sea snails, Turritella, pelican's foot, Aporrhais pespelecani, e
Sea snails, Turritella, pelican's foot, Aporrhais pespelecani, Cæcum, Cerithiopsis, Scalaria, Eulima, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Minute sea shell varieties, Rissoa, Cingula, Assimina, etc

Minute sea shell varieties, Rissoa, Cingula, Assimina, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Sea cradles or coat-of-mail shells, etc

Sea cradles or coat-of-mail shells, etc
Sea cradles or coat-of-mail shells, Chiton, limpet, Patella, Spirialis, Acmaea, Dentalium, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Wentletraps, Ianthina, freshwater shells, Bithynia, etc

Wentletraps, Ianthina, freshwater shells, Bithynia, etc
Wentletraps, Ianthina, freshwater shells, Bithynia, Littorina, Lacuna, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Ear shell, Haliotis, sea snails, Trochus, Margarita, etc

Ear shell, Haliotis, sea snails, Trochus, Margarita, etc
Ear shell, Haliotis vulgaris, sea snails, Trochus, Margarita, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Scallops, Pecten maximus, Terebratula, Argiope, etc

Scallops, Pecten maximus, Terebratula, Argiope, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Oyster, Ostrea vulgaris, pen shell, Pinna pectinata, etc

Oyster, Ostrea vulgaris, pen shell, Pinna pectinata, etc
Oyster, Ostrea vulgaris, pen shell, Pinna pectinata, and Nucula, Arca, Lima, Anomia, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Marine bivalves, Kelliadae, and freshwater shells, Cycladidae

Marine bivalves, Kelliadae, and freshwater shells, Cycladidae

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Freshwater and marine mussels

Freshwater and marine mussels
Freshwater mussels, Unio, Anodon, and marine mussels, Modiola, Crenella, Mytilus, Dreissina, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Saltwater clams, Venus casina, Astarte elliptica, etc

Saltwater clams, Venus casina, Astarte elliptica, etc
Saltwater clams, Venus casina, Astarte elliptica, Lutraria, Tapes, Lucinopsis, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Cockles, Cardium exiguum, Circe minima, etc

Cockles, Cardium exiguum, Circe minima, etc
Cockles, Cardium exiguum, Circe minima, Lucina lactea, Axinus, etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Tellin shells, Tellina crassa, Psammobia, Mactra. etc

Tellin shells, Tellina crassa, Psammobia, Mactra. etc
Tellin shells, Tellina crassa, Psammobia, Ervillia, Donax, Mactra. etc

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Ship worms, piddocks and other borers

Ship worms, piddocks and other borers
Ship worms, Teredo vulgaris, piddocks, Pholas dactylus, Xylophaga, and other borers and gapers

Background imageIllustrated Index Of British Shells Collection: Razor shells, Solen marginata, Poromya granulata, etc

Razor shells, Solen marginata, Poromya granulata, etc
Razor shells, Solen marginata, Poromya granulata, Pandora obtusa, Syndosnya nitida, Thracia distorta, etc

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