Montezuma is allowed to be seen in public, by going out to his Temples... Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y progresos de la America septentrional
Idol Vitzliputzli (Huitzilopochtli). Mexican idol. Engraving. Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y progresos de la America septentrional
Wooden anthropomorphic figure. Chimu cultureWooden anthropomorphic figure. There were idols and depictions of ancestors In the temples and shrines. Chimu culture. Late Intermediate Horizon (1000-1470 AD). Peru. Museum of the Americas
The Idol of Dagon - 1 Samuel 5. circa 1690
The Idol of Bel - Daniel 14. circa 1690
The god of their idolatry - sacrifice offerings to the gasolene sic chuggernaut. Illustration shows an enormous automobile
Worshipping the golden calf
Pagan Laplanders sacrifice to an idol
Laplanders worshipping an idol