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Hymenoptera Collection

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Leaf-cutter ants carrying pieces of leaf

Leaf-cutter ants carrying pieces of leaf
Leaf-cutter ants transporting neatly extracted pieces of leaf. These ants derive from the rainforests of Central and South America

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Ophrys apifera, bee orchid

Ophrys apifera, bee orchid
Watercolour by Arthur Harry Church, 17 June 1913

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Fire ant

Fire ant
Watercolour 405 by the Port Jackson Painter, entitled Mong, from the Watling Collection

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Kingfisher

Plate 336, hand coloured copperplate etching from George Edwards The Gleanings of Natural History, Vol. 3 (1764). Annotated Crested kingfisher

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Species of wasps

Species of wasps
Red-banded sand wasp, Ammophila sabulosa, mammoth wasp, Megascolia maculata, Leucospis dorsigera, etc. Scolia flavifrons

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Pale giant horsefly, deerfly and other flies

Pale giant horsefly, deerfly and other flies
Pale giant horsefly, Tabanus bovinus 1, Hybomitra tropica 2, Atylotus fulvus 3, large marsh horsefly, Tabanus autumnalis 4, splayed deerfly, Chrysops caecutiens 5, 6, 7, and common horse fly

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Species of tachinid flies

Species of tachinid flies
Giant tachinid fly, Tachina grossa 1, parasitoid fly, Gymnosoma rotundatum 2, 6, Linnaemya vulpina 3, Tachina fera 4, face fly, Musca autumnalis 5, cheese skipper, Piophila casei 7

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Phoenix, brown China mark and other moths

Phoenix, brown China mark and other moths
Clouded carpet or phoenix, Eulithis prunata 1, brown China-mark, Elophila nymphaeata 2, grey waved 3, short-cloak carpet, Euphyia biangulata 4, chocolate bar 5, unnamed 6, 7, and small emerald

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Mayfly magnified, with various moths

Mayfly magnified, with various moths
Mayfly magnified through microscope 1, fanfooted or fan-foot moth, Herminia tarsipennalis 2, mayfly 3, scarce burnished brass, Diachrysia chryson 4, green carpet, Colostygia pectinataria 5

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Species of bees

Species of bees
Red mason bee, Osmia bicornis 11, large scissor bee, Chelostoma florisomne 12, large carder-bee, Bombus muscorum 14, orange-vented mason bee, Osmia leaiana 15, 16, and other bees

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Animals and insects before a statue of Ephesian Artemis

Animals and insects before a statue of Ephesian Artemis
Animals, amphibia and insects in a woodland clearing before a statue of the many-breasted Ephesian Artemis. With frog, beetle, lizard, snail, dragonfly, moth, crocodile, and others

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Species of bees

Species of bees
Patchwork leafcutter bee, Megachile centuncularis 2, European wool carder bee Anthidium manicatum 3, red mason bee, Osmia bicornis 4, 7, long-horned bee, Eucera longicornis 5, pantaloon bee

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Blue-bordered carpet, frosted yellow, other moths

Blue-bordered carpet, frosted yellow, other moths
Blue-bordered carpet, Plemyria rubiginata 1, 6 (as Clifden beauty), broad-bordered yellow underwing, Noctua fimbriata 2, different from Phalaena interrogationis (scarce silver Y)

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Chaser and darter dragonflies

Chaser and darter dragonflies
Four-spotted chaser, Libullela quadrimaculata 1, scarce chaser, Libellula fulva 2, vagrant darter, Sympetrum vulgatum 3, and yellow-winged darter, Sympetrum flaveolum 4. All male dragonflies

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Species of humble-bees, bumblebees and mining bees

Species of humble-bees, bumblebees and mining bees
Species of bees. Early humble-bee, Bombus pratorum 9, 10, large red-tailed humble-bee, Bombus lapidarius 12, 15, carder bee, Bombus pascuorum 13, buff-tailed bumblebee, Bombus terrestris subsp

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Ghost moth, beautiful yellow underwing, etc

Ghost moth, beautiful yellow underwing, etc
Ghost moth or ghost swift, Hepialus humuli, female c, male d, larva b and pupa a, beautiful yellow underwing, Anarta myrtilli e, gold swift, Phymatopus hecta f, unnamed moth species g

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Twenty-plume moth and other moths

Twenty-plume moth and other moths
Twenty-plume moth, Alucita hexadactyla 1, spear moth, la lance phalene 2-5, the olive moth 6, hornet clearwing, Sesia apiformis 7, and broad-bordered bee hawk-moth, Hemaris fuciformis 8

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: European honey bee, sea aster bee, nomad bee, etc

European honey bee, sea aster bee, nomad bee, etc
European honey bee, Apis mellifera m 9, f 10, A

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Species of bumble-bees and carder bees

Species of bumble-bees and carder bees
Buff-tailed bumblebee, Bombus terrestris 1, red-tailed bumblebee, Bombus lapidarius 2, garden bumblebee, Bombus hortorum 3, early humble-bee, Bombus pratorum 4, red mason bee, Osmia bicornis 5

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Species of wasps and hornets

Species of wasps and hornets

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Snipefly, black snipefly, small fleck-winged snipefly, etc

Snipefly, black snipefly, small fleck-winged snipefly, etc
Snipefly, Rhagio scolopacea 1, 2, 5, Rhagio tringaria 3, 4, black snipefly, Chrysopilus cristatus 6, 10, Rhagio derelictus 7, Rhagio caelebs 8, small fleck-winged snipefly, Rhagio lineola 9

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Banded and beautiful demoiselles

Banded and beautiful demoiselles
Banded demoiselle, Calopteryx splendens male 1, female 3, beautiful demoiselle, Calopteryx virgo var. anceps male 2, female 4, C. virgo or splendens female 5, nymph 6

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Vine hawk-moth, dagger wasps and horntails

Vine hawk-moth, dagger wasps and horntails
Vine hawk-moth or silver-striped hawk-moth, Hippotion celerio, digger wasps, Sphex species, and horntails or wood wasps, Sirex species. Lepidoptera

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Large red, common blue and azure damselflies

Large red, common blue and azure damselflies
Large red damselfly, Pyrrhosoma nymphula, male 1, female 2, common blue damselfly, Enallagma cyathigerum, male 3, female 4, and azure damselfly, Coenagrion puella, male 5, female 6

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Clouded straw, wood leopard, scallop shell moth, etc

Clouded straw, wood leopard, scallop shell moth, etc
Clouded straw moth, female, 1, 2, wood leopard, Zeuzera pyrina 3, 4, scallop shell, Hydria undulata, 5, 6, and twenty-plume moth, Alucita hexadactyla 7

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Migrant hawker, downy emerald and hairy dragonflies

Migrant hawker, downy emerald and hairy dragonflies
Migrant hawker, Aeshna mixta 1, downy emerald, Cordulia aenea 2, hairy dragonfly, Brachytron pratense, female 3. As Libellula coluberculus, Libellula aenea, Libellula aspis

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Species of parasitic and shield bugs

Species of parasitic and shield bugs

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Golden-ringed and blue hawker dragonflies

Golden-ringed and blue hawker dragonflies
Golden-ringed dragonfly, Cordulegaster boltonii, female 3, and southern hawker or blue hawker dragonfly, Aeshna cyanea, male 4. Libellula forcipata, Libellula anguis

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Species of cuckoo wasp

Species of cuckoo wasp
Cuckoo wasp, Sphex ignita 1, shimmering ruby tail, Chrysis fulgida 2, Chrysura radians 3, C. veridans 4, C. hephaestites 5, Order I. Chrysis curax, Order II, Chrysis politus, Order III. Hymenoptera

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Rose, cabbage, mallow and pea aphids

Rose, cabbage, mallow and pea aphids
Rose aphids, Aphis rosa-suaveolens, 1-3, cabbage aphids, Brevicoryne brassicae 4-6, mallow aphids, Aphis althaea 7-9, and pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum 10-12

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Southern hawker or blue hawker dragonfly, Aeshna cyanea

Southern hawker or blue hawker dragonfly, Aeshna cyanea. Male 1, female 2, eggs 3. Large green. Libellulae wings expanded

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Cranefly species

Cranefly species, Tupila maxima 1, Limonia stigma 2, Ctenophora pectinicornis 3, Tipula vernalis 4, and winter crane fly or tell-tale, Trichocera (Trichocera) saltator 5. Diptera. Tipulidae

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Brown hawker or large brown dragonfly, Aeshna grandis

Brown hawker or large brown dragonfly, Aeshna grandis. Male 1, female 2, nymph 3, and face 4

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Large emerald, bee hawk-moth and other moths

Large emerald, bee hawk-moth and other moths
Large emerald, Geometra papilionaria 1, broad-bordered bee hawk-moth, Hemaris fuciformis 2, peach blossom, Thyatira batis 3, oak beauty, Biston strataria 4, dark prominent, Notodonta torva 5

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: The old lady and herald moths

The old lady and herald moths
The old lady or black underwing moth, Mormo maura, male a and female b, the herald moth, Scoliopteryx libatrix, d and e, larva on leaf c and pupa f

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 436

Curtis British Entomology Plate 436
Hymenoptera: *Emphytus fasciatus (Banded Tenthredo) [Plant: Sparganium simplex (Less Burr-reed)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 760

Curtis British Entomology Plate 760
Hymenoptera: Vespa rufa = Vespula rufa (Anchor-faced Wasp) [Plant: Polycarpon tetraphyllum (Four-leaved Allseed)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 769

Curtis British Entomology Plate 769
Hymenoptera: Apis mellifica = Apis mellifera (Common Hive Bee, Honey Bee) Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 764

Curtis British Entomology Plate 764
Hymenoptera: Allantus flavipes Fourc. probably = Elinora dominiquei, = Tenthredo baetica dominiquei [Plant: Brassica nigra (Sinapis nigra, Common mustard)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 756

Curtis British Entomology Plate 756
Hymenoptera: Ceropales variegatus = Ceropales variegata [Plant: Lagurus ovatus (Hare?s Tail Grass)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 752

Curtis British Entomology Plate 752
Hymenoptera: Formica rufa (Red, Hill or Horse Ant, or Pismire) Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 744

Curtis British Entomology Plate 744
Hymenoptera: Proctotrupes areolator = Disogmus areolator [Plant: Picris hieracioides (Hawkweed Ox-tongue)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 740

Curtis British Entomology Plate 740
Hymenoptera: Spalangia nigra [Plant: Asparagus officinalis (Common Asparagus)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 736

Curtis British Entomology Plate 736
Hymenoptera: Therion amictum = Heteropelma amictum [Plant: Corallorrhiza trifida (Corallorrhiza innata, Coralroot Orchid)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 728

Curtis British Entomology Plate 728
Hymenoptera: Ichneumon amatorius = Triptognathus amatorius [Plant: Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda-grass)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 724

Curtis British Entomology Plate 724
Hymenoptera: Cleptes nitidula = Cleptes nitidulus [Plant: Trinia glauca (Trinia glaberrima, Dwarf Burnet Saxifrage)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 720

Curtis British Entomology Plate 720
Hymenoptera: Bethylus fulvicornis Curtis = Bethylus fuscicornis [Plant: Anthriscus sylvestris (Wild Chervil)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 692

Curtis British Entomology Plate 692
Hymenoptera: Tenthredo cingulata = Strongylogaster lineata [Plant: Spergula arvensis (Corn Spurrey)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 688

Curtis British Entomology Plate 688
Hymenoptera: Cynips nervosa Curtis = Diplolepis nervosa (Curtis) [Plant: Conium maculatum (Common Hemlock)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 680

Curtis British Entomology Plate 680
Hymenoptera: Crabro subpunctatus, probably = Crossocerus quadrimaculatus [Plant: Carum verticillatum (Whorled Caraway)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 672

Curtis British Entomology Plate 672
Hymenoptera: Chelonus wesmaelii Curtis [Plant: Carex remota (Remote Sedge)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 668

Curtis British Entomology Plate 668
Hymenoptera: Cryptus bellosus Curtis = Aritranis bellosus (Odynerus Ichneumon) [Plant: Valerianella rimosa (Valeriana or Fedia auricula, Broad-fruited Cornsalad)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 660

Curtis British Entomology Plate 660
Hymenoptera: Euceros albitarsus Curtis [Plant: Veronica officinalis (Heath Speedwell)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 664

Curtis British Entomology Plate 664
Hymenoptera: Tiphia minuta [Plant: Thalictrum minus (Lesser Meadow-rue)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 656

Curtis British Entomology Plate 656
Hymenoptera: Rhopalum tibiale = Rhopalum coarctatum [Plant: Torilis arvensis (Caucalis infesta, Spreading Hedge-parsley)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 652

Curtis British Entomology Plate 652
Hymenoptera: Trypoxylon clavicerum [Plant: Plantago media (Hoary Plantain)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 644

Curtis British Entomology Plate 644
Hymenoptera: Mesoleptus waltoni Curtis = Sympherta fusicornis [Plant: Dryas octopetala (Mountain Avens)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 632

Curtis British Entomology Plate 632
Hymenoptera: *Pemphredon unicolor = Psen littoralis or Psen spooneri [Plant: Turgenia latifolia (Caucalis latifolia, Greater Bur-parsley or Broad-leaved Hen?s-foot)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 624

Curtis British Entomology Plate 624
Hymenoptera: Pristomerus vulnerator (Panz.) ? a Curtis genus Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 628

Curtis British Entomology Plate 628
Hymenoptera: Chelostoma florisomnis = Chelostoma florisomne [Plant: Cicendia filiformis (Exacum filiforme, Yellow Centaury)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 617

Curtis British Entomology Plate 617
Hymenoptera: Athalia spinarum = Athalia rosae (Turnep Saw-fly) [Plant: Brassica rapa (Turnip)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 596

Curtis British Entomology Plate 596
Hymenoptera: Stenocera walkeri Curtis = Stenoceroides walkeri (Curtis) [Plant: Rosa x hibernica (Rosa hibernica, Belfast Rose)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 604

Curtis British Entomology Plate 604
Hymenoptera: Ammophila campestris Lat. = Ammophila pubescens Curtis [Plant: Petasites hybridus (Tussilago petasites, Common Butterbur)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 600

Curtis British Entomology Plate 600
Hymenoptera: Ophion ventricosus [Plant: Heracleum spondylium (Hogweed)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 588

Curtis British Entomology Plate 588
Hymenoptera: Banchus farrani Curtis = Banchus volutatorius [Plant: Raphanus raphinastrum ssp. maritimus (Raphanus maritimus, Sea Radish)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 584

Curtis British Entomology Plate 584
Hymenoptera: Alyson kennedii Curtis, cf. Alysson sp.? (perhaps adventive) [Plant: Sagina procumbens (Procumbent Pearlwort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 580

Curtis British Entomology Plate 580
Hymenoptera: Mellinus sabulosus = Mellinus sabulosa Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 564

Curtis British Entomology Plate 564
Hymenoptera: *Bombus ericetorum (Heath Humble-bee, Bumble-bee), cf. male Bombus subterraneus (seemingly not the Mainland-European B. hypnorum ssp. ericetorum)

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 552

Curtis British Entomology Plate 552
Hymenoptera: Callimome subterraneus = Torymus nobilis (Cynips Parasite) [Plant: Rosa pimpinellifolia (Rosa spinosissima, Burnet Rose)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 536

Curtis British Entomology Plate 536
Hymenoptera: Pezomachus hopei = Agrothereutes abbreviator (Short-winged Ichneumon) [Plant: Urtica pilulifera (Roman Nettle)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 532

Curtis British Entomology Plate 532
Hymenoptera: Sapyga clavicornis (Club-horned Sapyga) [Plant: Hieracium officinarum (Hieracium pilosella (Mouse-ear Hawkweed)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 524

Curtis British Entomology Plate 524
Hymenoptera: Gorytes bicinctus [Plant: Cladium mariscus (Schoenus mariscus, Prickly Bog-rush)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 516

Curtis British Entomology Plate 516
Hymenoptera: Epeolus variegatus [Plant: Ophrys insectifera (Ophrys muscifera, Fly Ophrys)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 507

Curtis British Entomology Plate 507
Hymenoptera: Hecabolus sulcatus (4-stigmared Ichneumon) [Plant: Daphne mezereum (The Mezereon)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 504

Curtis British Entomology Plate 504
Hymenoptera: Heriades truncorum (Larger Heriades) [Plant: Legousia hybrida (Campanula hybrida, Corn Bell-flower)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 496

Curtis British Entomology Plate 496
Hymenoptera: Diodontus gracilis = Passaloecus gracilis [Plant: Hypericum pulchrum (Upright St. John?s Wort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 480

Curtis British Entomology Plate 480
Hymenoptera: Oxybelus argentatus [Plant: Leontodon hispidus (Apargia hispida, Rough Apargia)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 476

Curtis British Entomology Plate 476
Hymenoptera: Leiophron apicalis (Black-tailed Leiophron) [Plant: Lysimachia nummularia (Money-wort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 472

Curtis British Entomology Plate 472
Hymenoptera: Smiera macleanii = Chalcis biguttata (Essex Chalcis) [Plant: Bolboschoenus maritimus (Scirpus maritimus, Salt-marsh Club-grass)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 468

Curtis British Entomology Plate 468
Hymenoptera: Psithyrus rupestris (Black-winged Bumble-bee) [Plant: Digitalis purpurea (Purple Foxglove)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 464

Curtis British Entomology Plate 464
Hymenoptera: Mesochorus sericans = Astiphromma sericans [Plant: Cuscuta epithymum (Less Dodder)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 460

Curtis British Entomology Plate 460
Hymenoptera: Oryssus coronatus = Oryssus abietinus (A mainland-European species) [Plant: Phalaris sp. (Phalaris canariensis, Manured Canary Grass)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 457

Curtis British Entomology Plate 457
Hymenoptera: Cladius pilicornis = Priophorus pilicornis (Simple Hairy-horned Cladius) [Plant: Vicia cracca (Tufted Vetch)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageHymenoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 448

Curtis British Entomology Plate 448
Hymenoptera: Lasioglossum tricingulum Curtis (Long-tongued Melitta), = Halictus xanthopus

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