Albert Bridge LondonConnecting Chelsea and Battersea : built 1871-3 by R M Ordish using a hybrid cantilever and suspension technique. Date: circa 1880
Tenebrosa variety of Vanda tricolor hybrid orchid.. Illustration drawn by C. de Bruyne and chromolithographed by P. de Pannemaeker from Lucien Lindens Lindenia, Iconography of Orchids, Brussels, 1903
Rosa Padre, a hybrid tea rose of the Rosaceae family. Seen here in close-up, showing two bright pink flowers and a bud
Amaryllis cultivar, Mlle. Yvonne Linden, Hippeastrum yvonne. Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker after an illustration by A. Goossens from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1894
Banana tree, Musa paradisiaca, Musa sapientium, Bananier. Handcoloured steel engraving by Pierre after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A. Dupuis, Fr
Hybrid clivia, Clivia cyrtanthifloraClivia cyrtanthiflora, hybrid of Clivia miniata and Clivia nobilis (Imantophyllum cyrtanthiflorum)
Salmon-pink hyacinth hybrid, Hyacinthus Excelsior.. Handcolored botanical drawn and lithographed by W.G. Smith from H.H. Dombrains Floral Magazine 1872. Worthington G
Yellow and brown and crimson pelargonium geranium hybrids: Mareschal and McMahon.. Hand-colored illustration drawn and lithographed by Worthington Smith from H.H. Dombrains Floral Magazine 1872
Yellow hybrid rose, Princesse Julie d Arenberg, Rosa indica odoratissima.. Illustration and lithograph by P. de Pannemaeker of Ghent, from Jean Lindens L Illustration Horticole, 1880s
Hybrid pitcher plant raised by Dr MastersHybrid pitcher plant raised by Dr. Masters, Nepenthes mastersiana.. Illustration by P. Stroobant, lithographed by L. Stroobant of Ghent, from Jean Lindens L Illustration Horticole, 1882
Oranges, misshapen and bulbous forms, Citrus aurantiumVarieties of oranges, misshapen and bulbous forms, Citrus aurantium
Plantains, Musa x paradisiacaPlantains growing upwards on a branch, Musa x paradisiaca
Banana fruit growing upright on the branch, Musa sapientum. Synonym of Musa -- paradisiaca
Splendid epiphyllum, Epiphyllum x splendidum. Hybrid climbing cactus raised by nurseryman Mr. Hitchen of Norwich. Native to Central and South America
Phlox paniculata hybrid, raised by nurseryman and florist Thomas Clark of East Retford, Nottinghamshire. Great flowered cordate lichnidea, Phlox cordata grandiflora
Pericallis tussilaginis. Listed as a hybrid of Cineraria tussilagofolia and Cineraria cruenta raised by James Tate, gardener to John Waterhouse of Well Head, Halifax
Monkeyflower hybrid, Mimulus -- harrisonianus auct. Hybrid of M. cardinalis and M. roseus raised at Low & Co.'s nursery, Clapton. Harrison's mimulus, Mimulus harrisonia
Pretty azalea, Azalea pulchra. Hybrid of Azalea ledifolia and Azalea indica raised by gardener William Smith of Coombe Wood, Kingston. Rhododendron ripense
Mr. Smith's monkey flower, Erythranthe -- smithiiMr. Smith's monkey flower, Erythranthe --smithii. Mimulus smithii. Possibly a hybrid of Mimulus rivularis and Mimulus variegatus (Mimulus luteus)
Provence rose, Rosa x centifoliaProvence rose, cabbage rose or Rose de Mai, Rosa x centifolia. Rose a cent feuilles
Group of carnations, Dianthus caryophyllus. Oeillet des fleuristes
Honfleur melon, Cucumis melo. Ancient variety of melon from Normandy, France, now disappeared. Le sucrin de Honfleur. Melons d'Honfleur. Handcoloured steel engraving printed by F
Granny's bonnet or yae-odamaki, Aquilegia vulgaris varietyGranny's bonnet or yae-odamaki, columbine variety, Aquilegia vulgaris, Nora Barlow hybrid
Hybrid lion and tiger cubsYoung mixed breed cubs, hybrid lion and tiger cubs, liger or tigon, Panthera leo and Panthera tigris
Hybrid variegated yellow, orange and crimson chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid orange and crimson chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid yellow and crimson chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid yellow and scarlet pompon chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid yellow and orange spider chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid pink and crimson chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid white and crimson spoon chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid yellow chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid white chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid pink quill chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid salmon-pink chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid white and pink quill chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid white and purple pompon chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid crimson and white spoon chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid white and scarlet chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid white chrysanthemum with drooping petals, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid yellow irregular chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid pink spider chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid pink curled spoon chrysanthemumHybrid pink spoon chrysanthemum with curled petals, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid salmon-pink chrysanthemum with curled petalsHybrid salmon-pink spoon chrysanthemum with curled petals, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid yellow incurve chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid scarlet and yellow chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid white and pink chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid scarlet and pink chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Variegated white and pink chrysanthemumHybrid variegated white and pink chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid purple and white quill chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid purple chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid white and pink chrysanthemum with curled petals, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid variegated white and pink chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid spotted scarlet and pink quill chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid yellow chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicumHybrid yellow chrysanthemum with paper under the flower and label, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid gold and pink pompon chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid variegated crimson and pink chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Hybrid variegated pink and scarlet spider chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum
Humboldt's lily cultivar, Lilium humboldtii var. Punctatum. Variety cultivated by William Bull
Hybrid perpetual rose, Empress of India. New crimson rose cultivar sold by William Paul and Sons nursery of Cheshunt
Camellia Eugene de Massina. Camellia japonica hybrid from Italy exhibited by William Paul of Waltham Cross
New varieties of scarlet bizarre carnationsNew varieties of carnations. Mars 1, a scarlet bizarre raised from Jackson's Captain Stott by Mr Hextall. Guardsman 2, another scarlet bizarre. Dianthus caryophyllus hybrid
Amaryllis variety, Beauty of ReigateAmaryllis hybrid, Beauty of Reigate. Hybrid raised by Mr Brown, gardener to A. J. Waterlow of Reigate
Abutilon hybrid, Boule de neige. Imported from France by Mr. Standish of the Royal Nursery Ascot
Auricula Charles Perry hybridAuricula hybrid, Charles Perry. Raised by Charles Perry of Castlebromwich and Charles Turner, Royal Nursery, Slough
Camellia hybrid, Princess Mary. Raised by John Salter, Versailles Nursery, Hammersmith
Canterbury bells, Campanula medium. Campanula medium calycanthema, a new variety raised by Waite and Burnell of Southwark Street
New varieies of Pelargoniums: Countess 1 and Duchess 2. Hybrids of popular geraniums raised by Mr Turner of Slough
Dahlia hybrid Arbitrator, raised by Mr. Turner at Keynes, Turner and Echford
Beardtongue or Penstemon hybrids: Egerton Hubbard 1, and W. M. Dalben 2. Raised at Downie, Laird and Laing's nursery, Edinburgh
Silver ragwort, Jacobaea maritima, native to the Mediterranean. As Cineraria maritima aurea marginata, a hybrid developed by Mr Drummond, foreman at Sampson's Nursery in Yeovil
Silver tricolor pelargonium, Mrs Laing. A prize-winning hybrid of this popular geranium
Hybrid perpetual rose, Oxonian. Sold by Charles Turner of Slough
Violet clematis hybrid, Clematis lanuginosa, native to Zhejiang, eastern China. Shown by Mr Noble of Bagshot. As Clematis lanuginosa violacea
Hybrid scarlet perpetual rose, Duke of Connaught. Raised from a seedling of Madame Victor Verdier by William Paul and Son nursery, Cheshunt
Hyacinth orientalis hybrid, Sultan. Sold by James Veitch and Sons Nursery, King's Road, Chelsea