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Humble Collection

Background imageHumble Collection: Mahatma Gandhi spinning at his wheel

Mahatma Gandhi spinning at his wheel
Mahatma Gandhi, Indian nationalist and spiritual leader, spinning at his wheel (Charakha) in 1931, demonstrating his strong work ethic

Background imageHumble Collection: Insects / Bee

Insects / Bee
Humble bees; the wood bee (top) and earth bee (bottom)

Background imageHumble Collection: Mackonochie / Vfair 1870

Mackonochie / Vfair 1870

Background imageHumble Collection: Philemon Baucis Myth Classical Humble Cottagers

Philemon Baucis Myth Classical Humble Cottagers
philemon, baucis, myth, classical, humble, cottagers, hospitable, zeus, hermes, incognito, home, turned, temple, die, trees, history, historical, 10082174

Background imageHumble Collection: The Invasions of England and Ireland With al [sic] their Civ

The Invasions of England and Ireland With al [sic] their Civ
Map: The Invasions of England and Ireland With al [sic] their Civill [sic] Wars since the Conquest Corn Danckertsz sculpsit [London] George Humble, 1627 (c)

Background imageHumble Collection: An illustration of a bumble bee (Bombus terristris) hovering above some marigolds

An illustration of a bumble bee (Bombus terristris) hovering above some marigolds. Date: circa 1929

Background imageHumble Collection: Oil Field, Humble, Texas nr Houston USA - Mule-pulled tanker

Oil Field, Humble, Texas nr Houston USA - Mule-pulled tanker. Date: 1907

Background imageHumble Collection: Birthplace of Sir Titus Salt, Old Manor House, Morley

Birthplace of Sir Titus Salt, Old Manor House, Morley, West Yorkshire Date: 1877

Background imageHumble Collection: Beard Watson's Advertisement

Beard Watson's Advertisement
An illustration of a cottage dining room at Beard Watson's, interior furniture and floor covering specialists. The image shows a simple yet refined room, of a humble cottage. Date: circa 1916

Background imageHumble Collection: Room in which Joan of Arc was born

Room in which Joan of Arc was born, in Domremy, north-eastern France, as it existed in 1812. 1812

Background imageHumble Collection: Common Humble Bees

Common Humble Bees (Bombus terrestris) -- male, large female, and worker. Date: 1843

Background imageHumble Collection: Ladys legs, Tropaeolum pentaphyllum

Ladys legs, Tropaeolum pentaphyllum (Five-leaved chymocarpus, Chymocarpus pentaphyllus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Frederick W. Smith after S

Background imageHumble Collection: Cockroach, bee and cerambyx beetle

Cockroach, bee and cerambyx beetle
American cockroach, Blatta americana, common black cockroach, Blatta orientalis, bumble bee, Bombylius major, early humble bee, Bombylius medius, and leathery cerambyx beetle, Cerambyx coriarius

Background imageHumble Collection: Clinanthus humilis

Clinanthus humilis (Humble coburg lily, Coburgia humilis)

Background imageHumble Collection: Dicksons chirozema, Chorizema dicksonii

Dicksons chirozema, Chorizema dicksonii
James Dicksons chirozema, Chorizema dicksonii. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by S. Humble from Benjamin Maund and the Rev

Background imageHumble Collection: Andrew Carnegie, birthplace at Dunfermline, Scotland

Andrew Carnegie, birthplace at Dunfermline, Scotland
Andrew Carnegies birthplace at Dunfermline, Scotland

Background imageHumble Collection: Hawker test pilots alongside a Hawker Tempest. From lef?

Hawker test pilots alongside a Hawker Tempest. From lef?
Hawker test pilots alongside a Hawker Tempest. From left: Capt Hubert Stanford Broad, Sqn Ldr Richard Vivian Muspratt, Bright and William ?Bill? Humble

Background imageHumble Collection: German soldier kissing the flag, WW1

German soldier kissing the flag, WW1
A patriotic German soldier kissing his countrys flag during the First World War. Below are the words of the German national anthem, Deutschland uber alles. Date: circa 1914

Background imageHumble Collection: German propaganda postcard, Kaiser in helmet, WW1

German propaganda postcard, Kaiser in helmet, WW1
German propaganda postcard, Humble before God and happy in battle against the Enemy, depicting Kaiser Wilhelm II in uniform during the First World War, wearing a helmet surmounted by an eagle

Background imageHumble Collection: Map: The Invasions of England and Ireland - 1627

Map: The Invasions of England and Ireland - 1627
Map: The Invasions of England and Ireland With al [sic] their Civill [sic] Wars since the Conquest Corn Danckertsz sculpsit [London] George Humble, 1627 (c)

Background imageHumble Collection: Krupp family homes, Essen, Germany

Krupp family homes, Essen, Germany
Krupp family homes -- Alfred Krupps humble childhood home, and a somewhat grander family home, the Villa Hugel, both in Essen, Germany

Background imageHumble Collection: Fealty to King Richard I

Fealty to King Richard I
Robin Hood and his Merry Men kneel before King Richard I and swear their loyalty to him

Background imageHumble Collection: Women WW1 Work Our Womanhood

Women WW1 Work Our Womanhood
A tribute to the women who have filled jobs previously undertaken by men who have gone off to fight. The verse celebrates the way that women have responded to the call

Background imageHumble Collection: The Bully of the Neighbourhood by John George Brown (1831-19

The Bully of the Neighbourhood by John George Brown (1831-19
John George Brown (1831-1913). American artist. The Bully of the Neighbourhood. Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. Madrid. Spain

Background imageHumble Collection: Giuseppe Crespi (1665 1747). Searching for Fleas. 1715 / 20

Giuseppe Crespi (1665 1747). Searching for Fleas. 1715 / 20
Giuseppe Crespi (1665 1747), nicknamed Lo Spagnuolo. Italian late Baroque painter of the Bolognese School. Searching for Fleas. 1715/20. Oil on canvas. Museum of Louvre. Paris

Background imageHumble Collection: Visiting a sick woman. Colored engraving

Visiting a sick woman. Colored engraving of The Artistic Illustration, 1892

Background imageHumble Collection: Snap Playing Card - Courtier bowing

Snap Playing Card - Courtier bowing. circa 1910s

Background imageHumble Collection: Humble Quarters- Venice, Italy

Humble Quarters- Venice, Italy
Humble Quarters in Venice, Italy. Date: 1916

Background imageHumble Collection: John Ellis, Teacher

John Ellis, Teacher
JOHN ELLIS - Ragged school teacher born of humble but respectable parents who developed his own system for educating the children of the London streets. Date: 1809 - ?

Background imageHumble Collection: Krupps Birthplace

Krupps Birthplace
ALFRED KRUPP Birthplace of the German manufacturer Date: 1886

Background imageHumble Collection: Sir James Matthew Barrie, caricature in Punch

Sir James Matthew Barrie, caricature in Punch
SIR JAMES MATTHEW BARRIE (1860 - 1937) Scottish novelist and dramatist, best known for writing Peter Pan, satirised in Punch Date: 1897

Background imageHumble Collection: Izaak Walton - Stafford

Izaak Walton - Stafford
Izaak Walton (1593 - 1683) Supposed birthplace of the writer and angler, in Eastgate Street, Stafford

Background imageHumble Collection: John Bunyan / Bedford

John Bunyan / Bedford
JOHN BUNYAN English preachers cottage at Bedford Date: 1628 - 1688

Background imageHumble Collection: George Stephenson - Wylam

George Stephenson - Wylam
George Stephenson (1781 - 1848) Engineers birthplace, High Street House, Wylam

Background imageHumble Collection: Guiseppe Verdi, Roncole birthplace

Guiseppe Verdi, Roncole birthplace
Giuseppe Verdi (1813 - 1901) Italian opera composers birthplace, a cottage in the village of Roncole

Background imageHumble Collection: Mania / Director Down

Mania / Director Down
A former railway director is reduced to the humble occupation of sweeping the streets : a satire on the rise and fall of railway speculators Date: 1846

Background imageHumble Collection: Saint Geraldo Majella

Saint Geraldo Majella
SAINT GERALDO MAJELLA humble Italian lay-brother associated with miracles and prodigies galore before he died at age 29 Date: ? - 1755

Background imageHumble Collection: Mother&kids, Cottage Home

Mother&kids, Cottage Home
Mother holds baby while small child plays with cards on the floor of humble cottage home Date: 1865

Background imageHumble Collection: Cabin at Coloma, El Dorado County, California, USA

Cabin at Coloma, El Dorado County, California, USA
James Marshalls Cabin at Coloma, El Dorado County, California, USA -- Marshall first discovered gold in 1848-1849. Date: circa 1908

Background imageHumble Collection: Lincoln Log Cabin

Lincoln Log Cabin
The log cabin home of Thomas Lincoln, father of Abraham Lincoln

Background imageHumble Collection: Montgomery Home

Montgomery Home
The splendid home of JAMES MONTGOMERY, the author of The world before the flood, at The Mount, Sheffield, a far cry from his humble Scottish cottage birthplace. Date: early 19th century

Background imageHumble Collection: Montgomery Birthplace

Montgomery Birthplace
The humble Scottish cottage in which JAMES MONTGOMERY, the author of The world before the flood, first saw the light of day. Date: 1771

Background imageHumble Collection: Richard Humble

Richard Humble
RICHARD HUMBLE Merchant and alderman of the city of London. Date: ? - 1616

Background imageHumble Collection: Samuel Butlers Home

Samuel Butlers Home
The full moon rises globularly over the battlements of Ludlow Castle, home of the poet Samuel Butler though he was born in a humble cottage) Date: 1612

Background imageHumble Collection: Elizabeth / Colonial Exhib

Elizabeth / Colonial Exhib
Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, photographed when Duchess of York, at the Colonial Exhibition in Paris. She is presented with a bouquet from a loyal colonial subject. Date: 1931

Background imageHumble Collection: Panoramic view of St. Petersburg, dedicated by permission to

Panoramic view of St. Petersburg, dedicated by permission to his Imperial Majesty Alexander 1st. by his much obliged humble servant J.A. Atkinson

Background imageHumble Collection: Statue to Bishop Sailer, Dillingen, Bavaria, Germany

Statue to Bishop Sailer, Dillingen, Bavaria, Germany
View of the statue to Bishop Johann Michael Sailer (1751-1832), in Dillingen an der Donau, Bavaria, Germany. He rose from humble beginnings to become a Roman Catholic Bishop of Regensburg

Background imageHumble Collection: Martin Nadaud / Gill

Martin Nadaud / Gill
Martin Nadaud (1815-1898) rose from humble beginnings, becoming a revolutionary and Member of Parliament. An advocate of public transport and public services

Background imageHumble Collection: An old peasant woman at Breton Market

An old peasant woman at Breton Market

Background imageHumble Collection: Street Scene in Whitechapel, London, 1874

Street Scene in Whitechapel, London, 1874
Engraving showing a street scene in Whitechapel, East London, in 1874. This image shows a large number of children and adults loitering on the pavement beside their humble dwellings

Background imageHumble Collection: Tribute to Heinrich II

Tribute to Heinrich II
The nations of Roma (Italy), Gaul, Germany & Sclauinia (Western Slovian states) pay tribute to Holy Roman Emperor Heinrich II

Background imageHumble Collection: Ulyssess Grant / Birthplc

Ulyssess Grant / Birthplc
ULYSSESs GRANT Humble birthplace of the American Civil War General, and later President

Background imageHumble Collection: Keats / Edmonton Home

Keats / Edmonton Home
JOHN KEATS Cottage in Church Street, Edmonton, where the poet served his apprenticeship to Hammond, the surgeon, from 1811 to 1815

Background imageHumble Collection: There was an Old Woman

There was an Old Woman
There was an old woman who rode on a broom, with a high gee ho, gee humble; and she took her old cat behind for a groom, with a bimble, bamble, bumble

Background imageHumble Collection: Census 1901 Gypsies

Census 1901 Gypsies
The census in humble life, an enumerator in gypsy encampment

Background imageHumble Collection: Myth of Urashima

Myth of Urashima
The legend of Urashima Taro, a humble fisher-lad, resembles that of Rip van Winkle : he is carried by a tortoise to the Dragons Palace where he lives with the Princess for ages

Background imageHumble Collection: Wall Street Cleaner

Wall Street Cleaner
Sam Kattler was a street cleaner around Wall Street. He amassed a little fortune, lost it in the Wall Street Crash, and went back to Wall St. in his former occupation

Background imageHumble Collection: Copperfield / Uriah Heep

Copperfield / Uriah Heep
Uriah Heep rubbing his hands and generally being " ever so humble"

Background imageHumble Collection: Chas Brandon Suffolk

Chas Brandon Suffolk
CHARLES BRANDON, duke of SUFFOLK NORFOLK statesman, graceful in person, valiant, humble, bountiful and unaffected. with his autograph

Background imageHumble Collection: Fantasy Looms

Fantasy Looms
The humble artisan toils at his loom - and lo ! he weaves a creation of beauty !

All products are expertly crafted, using premium materials, tailored to your specifications and promptly shipped