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Human Collection

Background imageHuman Collection: Sensory homunculus

Sensory homunculus
This model shows what a mans body would look like if each part grew in proportion to the area of the cortex of the brain concerned with its sensory perception

Background imageHuman Collection: Skull of Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis)

Skull of Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis). Krapina. Croatia. Natural History Museum. London. United Kingdom

Background imageHuman Collection: Jesus as Light of World

Jesus as Light of World
Jesus of Nazareth, religious leader of Jewish origin who preached Christianity, depicted here as The Light of the World, knocking at the door of the human soul

Background imageHuman Collection: Motor homunculus

Motor homunculus
This model shows what a mans body would look like if each part grew in proportion to the area of the cortex of the brain concerned with its movement

Background imageHuman Collection: British Prime Minister Winston Churchill V for victory salut

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill V for victory salut
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill making his V for victory salute

Background imageHuman Collection: Diagram of the lungs and bronchial tubes

Diagram of the lungs and bronchial tubes
A diagram of the lungs and bronchial tubes, with a section of the windpipe

Background imageHuman Collection: Wartime poster of Churchills famous words

Wartime poster of Churchills famous words: Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few, referring to the pilots of the Royal Air Force, fighting the Battle of Britain

Background imageHuman Collection: Homo erectus (Sangiran 17), H. sapiens (?) H. neanderthalens

Homo erectus (Sangiran 17), H. sapiens (?) H. neanderthalens
L to R, cast of Homo erectus, (Sangiran 17), Sangiran, Java, 700, 000 years old; cast of recent Homo sapiens skull from South East Asia; cast of Neanderthal skull from La Ferrassie, France, 50

Background imageHuman Collection: Winged Assyrian Bull

Winged Assyrian Bull
Winged, human-headed bull, from the facade of the Palace of King Sargon II, Khorsabad, Late Assyrian Period, c.725 BC (gypsum)

Background imageHuman Collection: Human body with bones and arteries

Human body with bones and arteries
A diagram of the human body, with details of bones and arteries

Background imageHuman Collection: Diagram of the human brain and spinal column

Diagram of the human brain and spinal column
A diagram of the brain and spinal column, including the vertebrae

Background imageHuman Collection: Zazel / Human Cannonball

Zazel / Human Cannonball
Zazel at the Royal Aquarium, London. " A beautiful Lady shot from a monstrous cannon." This is thought to be the earliest photograph of a human cannonball act

Background imageHuman Collection: Satan at the Sabbat

Satan at the Sabbat
Satan presides at the Sabbat, attended by demons in human or animal shapes

Background imageHuman Collection: Alice, c. 1918, by Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920)

Alice, c. 1918, by Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920)
Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920), Italian painter. Alice, c.1918. National Museum of Art. Copenhagen. Denmark

Background imageHuman Collection: Landscape painting by Claude Lorrain

Landscape painting by Claude Lorrain (1600-1682), with a shepherd and his sheep in the foreground, and cattle on a road in the middle ground. Date: 17th century

Background imageHuman Collection: Moloch

MOLOCH the Phoenician deity to whom live children were sacrificed by fire Date: 7th century BC

Background imageHuman Collection: Russian - Zascha The Colossal Woman

Russian - Zascha The Colossal Woman
Zascha - The Colossal Woman from Russia Date: circa 1910s

Background imageHuman Collection: Swan Lake ballet, Siegfried and Odette fall in love

Swan Lake ballet, Siegfried and Odette fall in love
Siegfried and Odette fall in love while the little swans dance. Because of an evil spell, they are swans by day, and only resume human shape at midnight

Background imageHuman Collection: Oracle of Zeus, Dodona

Oracle of Zeus, Dodona
ZEUS / JUPITER DODONEUS whose oracle at Dodona was the oldest in Greece : the prophecies came from the sacred oak, which is depicted here as having human form

Background imageHuman Collection: Fat Lucy Moore

Fat Lucy Moore
Lucy Moore, the American Fat Girl, weighs 292 kg (46 stone) and is still growing. Where will it end ?

Background imageHuman Collection: WW2 poster, Per Ardua Ad Astra, Winston Churchill speech

WW2 poster, Per Ardua Ad Astra, Winston Churchill speech
WW2 poster, Per Ardua Ad Astra. Never in the field of human conflict have so many owed so much to so few. Winston Churchill speech, 20 August 1940. Date: 1940

Background imageHuman Collection: Australopithecus and the Rhodesian Man

Australopithecus and the Rhodesian Man
Reconstructed: Australopithecus and the Rhodesian Man

Background imageHuman Collection: Liver

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a section through a liver (x 7000), an organ that has over 500 functions in the human body (x 800)

Background imageHuman Collection: Cro-magnon and Neanderthal skull comparison

Cro-magnon and Neanderthal skull comparison
Side view comparison of casts of Cro-Magnon skull from Brno, Czech Republic, Upper Palaeolithic (right), and Neanderthal skull from La Chapelle, France, Middle Palaeolithic (left)

Background imageHuman Collection: Human cell

Human cell
Illustration of a highly magnified section through a human cell. Page 8 from Human Biology, 1977

Background imageHuman Collection: Austria. Vienna. Vienna

Austria. Vienna. Vienna

Background imageHuman Collection: Silhouette, Hope Springs Eternal in the Human Breast

Silhouette, Hope Springs Eternal in the Human Breast
Hope Springs Eternal in the Human Breast -- silhouette showing a shipwrecked man standing on a raft, waving to a ship on the horizon

Background imageHuman Collection: French poster, The Future Lies in Socialism

French poster, The Future Lies in Socialism
A French poster which declares that The Future Lies in Socialism, showing men who have fought in the First World War facing up to the octopus monster of commercialism, foreign gold

Background imageHuman Collection: Releasing carrier pigeon from tank, France, WW1

Releasing carrier pigeon from tank, France, WW1
A human hand releasing a carrier pigeon through the porthole of a tank, near Albert, Somme, northern France, during the First World War. Date: 9 August 1918

Background imageHuman Collection: Hall of Man sculptures by Malvina Hoffman

Hall of Man sculptures by Malvina Hoffman
Double page spread from The Illustrated London News featuring editorial and photographs relating to the range of sculptures by the American female sculptor, Malvina Hoffman

Background imageHuman Collection: Monkey driving a toy car

Monkey driving a toy car
A rather surreal photograph of a monkey driving a model vintage car

Background imageHuman Collection: Diagram of the heart, lungs and windpipe

Diagram of the heart, lungs and windpipe

Background imageHuman Collection: Anatomy / Head / Tongue

Anatomy / Head / Tongue
MOUTH A medical diagram of the human tongue (lower and upper surfaces), with the specific zones of taste and sensation marked by their Latin names

Background imageHuman Collection: Spontaneous Combustion

Spontaneous Combustion
SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION The remains of Dr John Irving Bentley (age 92) almost totally burnt in his home at Coudersport, Pennsylvania

Background imageHuman Collection: Daniel Lambert (2)

Daniel Lambert (2)
DANIEL LAMBERT fat Englishman

Background imageHuman Collection: Anatomy / Various Parts

Anatomy / Various Parts
Diagrams of various organs, the skull and human body

Background imageHuman Collection: Goddess Kali

Goddess Kali
The Goddess Kali, the malevolent aspect of Shivas wife Parvati. she wears a necklace of 50 human skulls & frequents cremation grounds

Background imageHuman Collection: Two skeletons, human and gorilla

Two skeletons, human and gorilla
A human skeleton compared with that of a gorilla

Background imageHuman Collection: Diagrams of the bones of hand and arm

Diagrams of the bones of hand and arm
Diagrams of the bones of the left arm and hand, showing the position of the radius and ulna when the thumb is turned inwards. The shoulder blade and part of the collar bone can also be seen

Background imageHuman Collection: Daniel Lambert (3)

Daniel Lambert (3)
DANIEL LAMBERT fat Englishman

Background imageHuman Collection: Anatomy / Muscles

Anatomy / Muscles
First layer of muscles in the human body (back view)

Background imageHuman Collection: Under the Microscope / C18

Under the Microscope / C18
Animacules : microscopic creatures as seen under a microscope; the last two rows are human sperm

Background imageHuman Collection: Patrick Cotter O brien

Patrick Cotter O brien
The celebrated Irish Giant Patrick Cotter O Brien. Aged 38 years, 8 feet 7 inches high

Background imageHuman Collection: Paranormal / Phrenology

Paranormal / Phrenology
The mystery of the human head

Background imageHuman Collection: Paranormal / Combustion

Paranormal / Combustion
ALARMING CASE OF SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION Papa - emerging from a gin palace - is spontaneously combusted, to the surprise of his wife and child

Background imageHuman Collection: Anatomy / Heart / Sibly

Anatomy / Heart / Sibly
Diagram of a human heart

Background imageHuman Collection: Customs / Sacrifice / Human

Customs / Sacrifice / Human
AZTECS OF MEXICO Priests of Tenochtitlan sacrifice victims to the god Huitzilopochtli

Background imageHuman Collection: Diagram of the bones of the right leg and hip

Diagram of the bones of the right leg and hip
Diagram of the bones of the right leg, showing the joint with the pelvis at the hip

Background imageHuman Collection: A Cannibal Feast, Charles E Gordon Frazer

A Cannibal Feast, Charles E Gordon Frazer
A Cannibal Feast on the island of Tanna in the New Hebrides, by Charles E Gordon Frazer (1863-1899)

Background imageHuman Collection: World War II Yalta, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin

World War II Yalta, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin
Vintage World War II photograph: The Yalta Conference, also known as the Crimea Conference and code-named Argonaut, held February 4-11, 1945

Background imageHuman Collection: The Pain-Proof Man & Captain Ringman Jack - Ripley s

The Pain-Proof Man & Captain Ringman Jack - Ripley s
Arthur Plumhoff The Human Pincushion - The Pain-Proof Man (left) and Captain Ringman Jack, who lifted weights through holes through his breasts

Background imageHuman Collection: Fairies Steal a Child

Fairies Steal a Child
A fairy flies off carrying a baby human on her back Date: 1908

Background imageHuman Collection: Bone objects. Maglemosian Culture, 9500-6500 BC

Bone objects. Maglemosian Culture, 9500-6500 BC
Bone objects. C. 8700 BC. Skottemarke, Lolland. Maglemosian Culture, 9500-6500 BC. Mesolithic. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark

Background imageHuman Collection: Mrs. Ples skull

Mrs. Ples skull
Mrs. Ples. Reproduction of a skull of a Plesianthropus transvaalensis. Found at Sterkfontein. South Africa

Background imageHuman Collection: Peking Man A new link in human evolution

Peking Man A new link in human evolution. Chimpanzee, Pithecanthropus, Peking Man and Piltdown Man (later shown to be a hoax). Date: 1929

Background imageHuman Collection: Unfolding female anatomy

Unfolding female anatomy
x Date: 19th century

Background imageHuman Collection: Skeleton of Negrillo or pigmy

Skeleton of Negrillo or pigmy
A skeleton of a female pygmy from the Akka Tribe, Monnattu, central Africa. Specimen presented by Dr Emin Pasha, 1887. Photograph by J Benjamin Stone in 1907

Background imageHuman Collection: Engraving of a human skull

Engraving of a human skull
Collected from the Admiralty Islands in the south-western Pacific, on The Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) was funded by the British Government for the purpose of scientific discovery

Background imageHuman Collection: Hominid reconstructions in chronological order

Hominid reconstructions in chronological order
From left to right: Australopithecus, Early Homo erectus (Java Man), Late Homo erectus (Peking Man), Homo heidelbergensis (Rhodesian Man), Neanderthal man and Homo sapiens (Cro-Magnon)

Background imageHuman Collection: Triatoma infestans, kissing bug

Triatoma infestans, kissing bug
This insect is a member of the Triatomine group, which are associated with the transmission of disease to humans

Background imageHuman Collection: Fossil molar of Nebraska man

Fossil molar of Nebraska man
Drawing of a fossil molar found in Nebraska, believed belong to early man - hesperopithecus (Ape-Man of the Western World)

Background imageHuman Collection: Giant Machnow at Taylors Depository

Giant Machnow at Taylors Depository, Pimlico, London. Feodor Machnow, (Fyodor Makhnov) was born in 1878 at the village of Kostyuks in the Ukraine

Background imageHuman Collection: Von Daniken Cover

Von Daniken Cover
Erich von Danikens book Chariots of the Gods in which he argues that UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft which have been visiting Earth throughout human history

Background imageHuman Collection: Water Babies / Fairies

Water Babies / Fairies
The fairies came flying in at the window & brought her such a pretty pair of wings

Background imageHuman Collection: Resemblance of animals and their owners

Resemblance of animals and their owners
Animals who resemble their owners - or vice versa -- a sheep and a cat

Background imageHuman Collection: Man falling off a broken chair at a dinner party

Man falling off a broken chair at a dinner party causing a servant to spill a soup tureen over him. Other guests shocked, servants amused. More Miseries

Background imageHuman Collection: Terrible accident - Lady ablaze - Figure 1

Terrible accident - Lady ablaze - Figure 1
Figure 1 of 2. Terrible accident - Lady ablaze, her dress has caught fire and she is engulfed by the inferno

Background imageHuman Collection: Are you nervous? If so, find the nerve! Photograph of Dr

Are you nervous? If so, find the nerve! Photograph of Dr. Rufus Weaver showing the nervous system of a man. Date: 1906

Background imageHuman Collection: Human vegetable figure

Human vegetable figure. circa 1825

Background imageHuman Collection: Henry Jenkins (169)

Henry Jenkins (169)
HENRY JENKINS of Ellerton-upon-Swale, Yorkshire : in his last century he was a keen fisherman, and swam in the river after reaching 100. Date: 1501 - 1670

Background imageHuman Collection: Anatomical drawing of musculature, side view

Anatomical drawing of musculature, side view
Secunda Musculorum Tabulae (Anatomical drawing of musculature, side view) Source: Andreae Vesalii Bruxellensis, scholae medicorum Patauinae professoris

Background imageHuman Collection: Advert for Universal hair extensions 1915

Advert for Universal hair extensions 1915
Using human hair extensions to change your hairstyle, in a range of colours. 1915

Background imageHuman Collection: Ripley Odditorium - New York, USA - A Shrunken Human Head

Ripley Odditorium - New York, USA - A Shrunken Human Head
Ripley Odditorium - New York, USA - An Amazonian Shrunken Human Head. According to the card caption, although many years old, the hair still grows... Date: 1939

Background imageHuman Collection: Goddess Sekhmet, Sculpture. Medinet Habu. Egypt

Goddess Sekhmet, Sculpture. Medinet Habu. Egypt
Goddess Sekhmet, goddess of war, represented with head of a lioness and the human body and crowned with the solar disk. Sculpture in the mortuary temple of Ramses III (1187-1156 BC). New Kingdom

Background imageHuman Collection: Earliest man tracked by tooth, discovery in Pliocene strata

Earliest man tracked by tooth, discovery in Pliocene strata
The earliest man tracked by a tooth: an astounding discovery of human remains in Pliocene strata. An artists vision of Hesperopithecus (the ape-man of the western world) and contemporary animals

Background imageHuman Collection: Young Australopithecus africanus

Young Australopithecus africanus
Reconstruction drawing of the head of the young Australopithecus africanus, represented by the Taungs skull discovered in Bechuanaland. Date: 1925

Background imageHuman Collection: Sinanthropus, perhaps the lowest man known to science

Sinanthropus, perhaps the lowest man known to science: excavating Choukoutien Cave where Peking Man dwelt 100, 000 years ago, and moulding his image. Date: 1939

Background imageHuman Collection: Piltdown Man reconstructed, 1912

Piltdown Man reconstructed, 1912
Piltdown Man, as imagined by Illustrated London News special artist Amedee Forestier, soon after the discovery of the bones was made public in 1912

Background imageHuman Collection: Human red blood corpuscles

Human red blood corpuscles
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) of red blood cells showing their characteristic biconcave shape which increases the surface area for diffusion

Background imageHuman Collection: A naturalist being mobbed by Pteroglossus beauharnaesii, cur

A naturalist being mobbed by Pteroglossus beauharnaesii, cur
Illustration from Henry Walter Bates The Naturalist on the Amazons (1884)

Background imageHuman Collection: THORs STONE

Thors Stone, a natural rock formation, where Vikings are reputed to have offered human sacrifices to Thor, the god of thunder; Thurstaston, Merseyside, England. Date: BC

Background imageHuman Collection: Piltdown man reconstructed

Piltdown man reconstructed
The Piltdown man sketched by A. Forestier after Professor Keiths reconstruction, and an inset showing an alterative reconstruction after Dr. A. Smith Woodward

Background imageHuman Collection: Village of Moveen during the 1840 s

Village of Moveen during the 1840 s
A landscape view of the village of Moveen during the forced evictions of the 1840 s

Background imageHuman Collection: Muscles of Human Body

Muscles of Human Body
Physiological diagram of the muscles, joints and animal mechanics of the human body

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