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Hothouses Collection

Background imageHothouses Collection: Monkey puzzle tree, Araucaria araucana. Endangered

Monkey puzzle tree, Araucaria araucana. Endangered
Monkey puzzle tree, Araucaria araucana (Araucaria imbricata). Endangered

Background imageHothouses Collection: Seychelles stilt palm, Verschaffeltia splendida

Seychelles stilt palm, Verschaffeltia splendida

Background imageHothouses Collection: Stanhopea martiana orchid

Stanhopea martiana orchid. Native to Mexico

Background imageHothouses Collection: Banana tree, Musa paradisiaca

Banana tree, Musa paradisiaca (Musa vittata)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Glory bush, Tibouchina elegans

Glory bush, Tibouchina elegans (Pleroma elegans)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Acanthophoenix crinita palm tree

Acanthophoenix crinita palm tree

Background imageHothouses Collection: Thorn apple, Datura innoxia

Thorn apple, Datura innoxia (Datura meteloides). Mexico

Background imageHothouses Collection: Tiger-like stanhopea orchid, Stanhopea tigrina

Tiger-like stanhopea orchid, Stanhopea tigrina

Background imageHothouses Collection: Golden trumpet flower, Allamanda nobilis

Golden trumpet flower, Allamanda nobilis

Background imageHothouses Collection: Downy rattlesnake plantain orchid, Goodyera pubescens

Downy rattlesnake plantain orchid, Goodyera pubescens

Background imageHothouses Collection: Cabbage-tree palm, Livistona australis

Cabbage-tree palm, Livistona australis

Background imageHothouses Collection: Paphiopedilum philippinense orchid

Paphiopedilum philippinense orchid (Cypripedium laevigatum)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Chilean bellflower or copihue, Lapageria rosea

Chilean bellflower or copihue, Lapageria rosea, pink and white varieties

Background imageHothouses Collection: Morning star lily, Lilium concolor

Morning star lily, Lilium concolor

Background imageHothouses Collection: Java paphiopedilum orchid, Paphiopedilum javanicum

Java paphiopedilum orchid, Paphiopedilum javanicum (Cypripedium javanicum)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Wattle, Acacia urophylla

Wattle, Acacia urophylla

Background imageHothouses Collection: Bigleaf hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla

Bigleaf hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla (Hydrangea otaksa)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Hybrid clivia, Clivia cyrtanthiflora

Hybrid clivia, Clivia cyrtanthiflora
Clivia cyrtanthiflora, hybrid of Clivia miniata and Clivia nobilis (Imantophyllum cyrtanthiflorum)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Paphiopedilum stonei orchid

Paphiopedilum stonei orchid (Cypripedium stonei)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Thief palm, Phoenicophorium borsigianum

Thief palm, Phoenicophorium borsigianum (Stevensonia sechellarum)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Lady s-slipper orchid, Cypripedium calceolus

Lady s-slipper orchid, Cypripedium calceolus

Background imageHothouses Collection: Paphiopedilum dayanum orchid

Paphiopedilum dayanum orchid (Cypripedium dayanum)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Bicton rhynchostylis orchid, Rhynchostele bictoniensis

Bicton rhynchostylis orchid, Rhynchostele bictoniensis (Odontoglossum bictoniense)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Esmeralda cathcartii orchid

Esmeralda cathcartii orchid (Vanda cathcarti)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Thorny gardenia, Hyperacanthus amoenus

Thorny gardenia, Hyperacanthus amoenus (Gardenia amoena)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Fairy lantern, Calochortus albus

Fairy lantern, Calochortus albus (Cyclobothra alba)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Rose mallow, Hibiscus lavaterioides

Rose mallow, Hibiscus lavaterioides (Hibiscus marmoratus)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Chilean jasmine, Mandevilla laxa

Chilean jasmine, Mandevilla laxa (Mandevillea suaveolens)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Bush honeysuckle or ukon utsugi, Weigela middendorfiana

Bush honeysuckle or ukon utsugi, Weigela middendorfiana (Diervilla middendorffiana)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Wilcannia lilies, Calostemma purpureum and Calostemma luteum

Wilcannia lilies, Calostemma purpureum and Calostemma luteum
Purple and yellow wilcannia lilies, Calostemma purpureum and Calostemma luteum. Australia

Background imageHothouses Collection: Seersucker plant, Geogenanthus poeppigii

Seersucker plant, Geogenanthus poeppigii (Dichorisandra undata)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Varieties of squash, pumpkin and gourd, Cucurbita pepo

Varieties of squash, pumpkin and gourd, Cucurbita pepo and Cucurbita maxima

Background imageHothouses Collection: Coelogyne cristata orchid

Coelogyne cristata orchid

Background imageHothouses Collection: Round-leaf fountain palm, Saribus rotundifolius

Round-leaf fountain palm, Saribus rotundifolius (Livistona altissima)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Dead horse arum lily, Helicodiceros muscivorus

Dead horse arum lily, Helicodiceros muscivorus (Dracunculus crinitus) with blow flies

Background imageHothouses Collection: Three-coloured Indian cress, Tropaeolum tricolor

Three-coloured Indian cress, Tropaeolum tricolor (jaratti)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Red angels trumpet, Brugmansia sanguinea

Red angels trumpet, Brugmansia sanguinea. Extinct in the wild

Background imageHothouses Collection: Lepanthes calodictyon orchid

Lepanthes calodictyon orchid (Lepanthes calodyction). Colombia and Ecuador

Background imageHothouses Collection: Prickly castor oil tree, Kalopanax septemlobus

Prickly castor oil tree, Kalopanax septemlobus
Prickly castor oil tree or kireha harigiri, Kalopanax septemlobus f. maximowiczii (Aralia maximowiczi)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Ladys purse or slipper flower, Calceolaria varieties

Ladys purse or slipper flower, Calceolaria varieties

Background imageHothouses Collection: Bleeding glory-bower, Clerodendrum thomsoniae

Bleeding glory-bower, Clerodendrum thomsoniae
Bleeding glory-bower or beauty bush, Clerodendrum thomsoniae (Clerodendron thomsonae)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Japanese maple or iroha momiji, Acer palmatum

Japanese maple or iroha momiji, Acer palmatum (Acer palmatum fol. atropurpureum)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Eastern correa, Correa reflexa var. cardinalis

Eastern correa, Correa reflexa var. cardinalis (Correa cardinalis)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Madagascar laceleaf, Aponogeton madagascariensis

Madagascar laceleaf, Aponogeton madagascariensis
Madagascar laceleaf, lattice leaf or lace plant, Aponogeton madagascariensis (Ouvirandra fenestralis)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Chinese peony, Paeonia lactiflora

Chinese peony, Paeonia lactiflora
White Chinese peony, Paeonia lactiflora (Paeonia albiflora festiva)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Oeillet Louis Napoleon carnation hybrid, Dianthus

Oeillet Louis Napoleon carnation hybrid, Dianthus caryophyllus

Background imageHothouses Collection: Method of cutting paper material in China

Method of cutting paper material in China (after a Chinese illustration)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Zenobia dahlia hybrid, Dahlia coccinea

Zenobia dahlia hybrid, Dahlia coccinea

Background imageHothouses Collection: Sumatra phalaenopsis orchid, Phalaenopsis sumatrana

Sumatra phalaenopsis orchid, Phalaenopsis sumatrana

Background imageHothouses Collection: Spanish shawl, Centradenia floribunda

Spanish shawl, Centradenia floribunda

Background imageHothouses Collection: Mashua or tuberous nasturtium, Tropaeolum tuberosum

Mashua or tuberous nasturtium, Tropaeolum tuberosum

Background imageHothouses Collection: Mrs. Abby Wilder, hybrid camellia, Camellia japonica

Mrs. Abby Wilder, hybrid camellia, Camellia japonica

Background imageHothouses Collection: Satyrium carneum orchid

Satyrium carneum orchid

Background imageHothouses Collection: Phalaenopsis equestris var. rosea orchid

Phalaenopsis equestris var. rosea orchid (Phalaenopsis rosea)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Cup of Beauty, hybrid camellia, Camellia japonica

Cup of Beauty, hybrid camellia, Camellia japonica

Background imageHothouses Collection: Souvenir de la Malmaison, hybrid carnation

Souvenir de la Malmaison, hybrid carnation, Dianthus caryophyllys

Background imageHothouses Collection: Satsuki azalea, Rhododendron indicum

Satsuki azalea, Rhododendron indicum (Azalea indica)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Azalea rustique de Gand, Rhododendron indicum

Azalea rustique de Gand, Rhododendron indicum
Azalea rustique de Gand, Madame Mina van Houtte, Satsuki azalea hybrid, Rhododendron indicum

Background imageHothouses Collection: Varieties of maize or corn, Zea mays (Zea mais)

Varieties of maize or corn, Zea mays (Zea mais)
Varieties of maize, Zea mays (Zea mais)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Humboldts lily, Lilium humboldtii

Humboldts lily, Lilium humboldtii

Background imageHothouses Collection: Azalea hybrid, Charles Leirens, Rhododendron indicum

Azalea hybrid, Charles Leirens, Rhododendron indicum
Azalea indica hybrid, Charles Leirens, Satsuki azalea, Rhododendron indicum

Background imageHothouses Collection: Konjac or konnyaku, Amorphophallus konjac

Konjac or konnyaku, Amorphophallus konjac (Amorphophallus rivieri)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Azalea hybrid, Comtesse Eugenie de Kerchove

Azalea hybrid, Comtesse Eugenie de Kerchove
Azalea indica hybrid, Comtesse Eugenie de Kerchove, Satsuki azalea, Rhododendron indicum

Background imageHothouses Collection: Plectopoma myriostygma and Plectopoma ruban rose

Plectopoma myriostygma and Plectopoma ruban rose

Background imageHothouses Collection: Java cissus vine, Cissus javana

Java cissus vine, Cissus javana (Cissus discolor)

Background imageHothouses Collection: David Douglas, Scottish plant hunter

David Douglas, Scottish plant hunter

Background imageHothouses Collection: Gigantic water lily variety, Victoria amazonica

Gigantic water lily variety, Victoria amazonica (Nymphaea gigantea or Victoria fitzroyana)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Bertolonia marmorata

Bertolonia marmorata in flowerpot (Eriocnema marmoraea)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Rhynchoglossum notonianum

Rhynchoglossum notonianum (Klugia notoniana). Native to Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Menzies Himalayan cinquefoil, Potentilla atrosanguinea

Menzies Himalayan cinquefoil, Potentilla atrosanguinea var. menziesii flore pleno

Background imageHothouses Collection: Ribboned peony of Flanders, Paeonia moutan vittata

Ribboned peony of Flanders, Paeonia moutan vittata
Ribboned peony of Flanders, hybrid, Paeonia moutan vittata, var. rubanee de Flandre. Handcoloured lithograph by L

Background imageHothouses Collection: Plantain-leaved alstroemeria, Alstroemeria plantaginea

Plantain-leaved alstroemeria, Alstroemeria plantaginea. Brazil. Handcoloured lithograph by L

Background imageHothouses Collection: Orange trumpet flower, Pyrostegia venusta

Orange trumpet flower, Pyrostegia venusta (Bignonia venusta). Handcoloured lithograph by L

Background imageHothouses Collection: African iris, Dietes bicolor

African iris, Dietes bicolor
African iris or fortnight lily, Dietes bicolor (Moraea bicolor). Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Handcoloured lithograph by L

Background imageHothouses Collection: Elegant restrepia orchid, Restrepia elegans

Elegant restrepia orchid, Restrepia elegans

Background imageHothouses Collection: Farmers dendrobium orchid, Dendrobium farmeri

Farmers dendrobium orchid, Dendrobium farmeri (Dendrobium farmerii)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Benthams cornel, Cornus capitata

Benthams cornel, Cornus capitata
Benthams cornel or Himalayan flowering dogwood, Cornus capitata (Benthamia fragifera)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Oxyanthus tubiflorus

Oxyanthus tubiflorus

Background imageHothouses Collection: Tasmanian snow gum, Eucalyptus coccifera

Tasmanian snow gum, Eucalyptus coccifera

Background imageHothouses Collection: Coral reef araucaria or Cook pine, Araucaria columnaris

Coral reef araucaria or Cook pine, Araucaria columnaris

Background imageHothouses Collection: Toothedthread, Odontonema rutilans

Toothedthread, Odontonema rutilans (Thyrsacanthus rutilans)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Hadwens scuticaria orchid, Scuticaria hadwenii

Hadwens scuticaria orchid, Scuticaria hadwenii (Bifrenaria hadwenii)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Azorina vidalii, endangered plant

Azorina vidalii, endangered plant (Campanula vidalii)

Background imageHothouses Collection: Golden dryandra, Dryandra nobilis

Golden dryandra, Dryandra nobilis

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