A wherry-man helps an obese man on to his wherry boatA wherry-man helps an obese man from the quay on to his wherry boat, who then sinks it with his weight. The passengers include ladies with fans and parasols, men in top hats with canes
The Gas Light and Coke Co AdvertisementAn advertisement illustration for The Gas Light & Coke Co. promoting the delight and comforts of having a gas fire in Spring. Date: circa 1916
Inside a cabinet piano, Broadwood piano factory, London 1842The action or internal mechanism of a cabinet pianoforte, Broadwood piano factory, Horseferry Road, Westminster, London. 1842
Fret cutter at work, Broadwood piano factory, LondonFret cutter at work, Broadwood piano factory, Horseferry Road, Westminster, London. Date: 1842
Piano keys and action, Broadwood piano factory, London 1842Square pianoforte keys and treble action, at the Broadwood piano factory, Horseferry Road, Westminster, London. 1842
Man at work, Broadwood piano factory, London 1842Man at work cutting keys, at the Broadwood piano factory, Horseferry Road, Westminster, London. 1842
People at work, Broadwood piano factory, London 1842People at work, Broadwood piano factory, Horseferry Road, Westminster, London. 1842
Gas works retort house, Horseferry Road, Westminster, LondonMen at work in the retort house of the gas works at Horseferry Road, Westminster, London. The retort house contained the retorts (vessels) in which coal was heated to generate the gas
Gas works, Horseferry Road, Westminster, LondonScene outside the gas works in Horseferry Road, Westminster, London, at a time when the streets were lit by gas. Date: 1842
Broadwoods Pianoforte manufactory 1858John Broadwood & Sons at Horseferry Road, Westminster, London. Showing the extensive building and a large area in which it covered, employing a large number of workmen. Date: 1858