Albrecht Durers RhinocerosAn Indian rhinoceros, is the largest of the Asian species, as depicted by Albrecht Durer. It has a thick, dark grey hide, which folds like armour
Horn & Hardart Automat, New York City, USAHorn & Hardart Automat, 57th Street and 6th Avenue, New York City, USA, one of a large chain of cafes and restaurants serving over half a million people per day. Date: circa 1930
Setting off on a Fox Hunt - leaving the ChateauA group of Upper Class French Gentlemen and lady set off on a Fox Hunt - leaving the Chateau along with attendant handlers, Master of the hounds, horn bearers
The Black Rhinoceros Charging, by Thomas Baines (1820-1875). (4 of 5) Date: 1874
Various musical instruments
Arpad - King of HungaryARPAD First ruler of Hungary. Probable leader of the Magyar tribe and founder of the Arpad Dynasty
Valve Horn on its OwnThe VALVE HORN (French : Cor a pistons) was introduced in the 1830s and completely replaced the Natural Horn used by Mozart and Beethoven
Queen Boudicca inciting the Britons to revoltQueen Boudicca of the Iceni tribe inciting the Britons to revolt against Roman domination. circa 60 AD
A group of Cameron HighlandersA group of Queens Own Cameron Highlanders
Bubo coromandus, dusky eagle owlA watercolour of the dusky eagle owl (Bubo coromandus) by an unknown artist, (c. 1840), part of the Lord Ashton Collection held in the Natural History Museum, London
The Skye crofters Land League AgitationSketches in the Isle of Skye: the Crofters Land League. 1.Staffin, from the Bay. 2.Crofters huts in Portree. 3.Women of the crofters. 4. A Skye landlord. 5
Musical Instruments 1883Various musicians playing various instruments: a harp, a lyre, pipes, hunting horn. Pipes of Pan are also in evidence
Horn-bearing datura, Datura cornigera Angel sHorn-bearing datura, Datura cornigera. Angels trumpet, Brugmansia arborea
Sioux Indian Chief - Hollow Horn Bear (18501913) - a BruleIakota leader during the Indian Wars on the Great Plains of the United States. Date: 1906
Cladognathus sp. stag beetleA specimen of a large stag beetle from Asia. Stag beetles belong to the family (Lucanidae). Only male stag beetles have horns or antlers
Venus of Laussel. 25 mil. -18 mil. BC. Venus holding a horn. Upper Paleolithic. Solutrean. Relief on rock. FRANCE. Bordeaux. Mus饠 d Aquitaine (Aquitaine Museum). Proc: FRANCE. LOT-ET-GARONNE
Automat Dining Room - Broadway, New York, USAAutomat Dining Room - 1557 Broadway, New York, USA. Horn & Hardart was a food services company of the USA noted for operating the first food service automats in Philadelphia and New York City
Suicide on the Little Big Horn
Quiet music practice / W H RobinsonWhen practicing ones musical instrument, there is only one person who wants to hear it - the aspiring performer
Dennis Brain / PhotoDENNIS BRAIN Musician: legendary French horn player
Illicit / Cuckold 1840The hunter and his horns
Hms Beagle / Cape HornHMS Beagle, the ship in which Charles Darwin sailed, off Cape Horn
Wonders of the cinema organ by G. H. DavisNoises played for films: wonders of the cinema organ. Thunder, shots and tom-toms controlled by an organist: a film-theatre organ that creates sound effects. Date: 1929
Alpine HornMan blowing a traditional horn in the Alps. Date: 1930s
George Ernest Studdy, Bonzo with loudspeakerGeorge Ernest Studdy, Bonzo listening to a loudspeaker -- his masters voice, no doubt. The pencil marks/lines show potential cropping of the image for onward design usage
Illustration by Cecil Aldin, Tatters chasing the carIllustration by Cecil Aldin -- Tatters, a wire-haired fox terrier, not wishing to be left behind, chasing his masters car on hearing the horn sounding. Date: 1927
Exterior - Automat Dining Room, Times Square, New York, USAThe exterior of the Automat Dining Room - Times Square branch, New York, USA
Horn, WurlitzerThree Mellophones or Concert Horns from the Wurlitzer range; the Professional, the Lyric, and the American. Available in various finishes
Horn Lesson in a Wine CellarA group of gentlemen and a small boy congregate in a wine cellar to practice playing the horn whilst enjoying a drink or two (non-alcoholic for the small boy of course)
Viking on British ShoreA formidable Viking warrior stands on a British shore, with a longship behind him
Corno Di BassettoThe CORNO DI BASSETTO (sometimes called the Bassett Horn) is virtually an alto clarinet
Imperial Stag HuntImperial Stage Hunt in the Forest of Compiegne. Huntsmen and women, dressed in red and green follow the hounds who have a stag in their sights
Customs / Horn DanceAbbots Bromley Horn Dance
Statue of the Roman goddess Abundantia with cornucopiaStatue of the Roman goddess Abbondanza or Abundantia with the cornucopia (horn of plenty). In the Belvedere Courtyard in the Vatican. Copperplate engraving by Gio. Petrini after an illustration by A
Sir Robert Baden-Powell playing the Kudu Horn, Birkenhead, 1Photograph showing Sir Robert Baden-Powell (1857-1941) (centre), the English soldier and founder of the Boy Scouts, playing the Kudu horn at a Scouts World Jamboree, Birkenhead, July 1929
London Trade Card - William Bull, Musical Instruments - trumpets, kettledrums, French horns, speaking trumpets, hearing horns for deaf people, powder flasks
Mycenaean art. Greece. Silver rhyton as head of a bull with golden horns and forehead adorned with a gold rosette. Royal Tomb IV at Mycenae. 16th century BCE. National Archaeological Museum. Athens
Phasianus colchicus decollatus, common (Chinese ringless) phPlate 57 by Joseph Wolf from Daniel Giraud Elliots A Monograph of the Phasianid, or Family of the Pheasants, (1872)
Blowing an Alpenhorn, SwitzerlandA Swiss alphorn (alpenhorn, alpine horn or labrophone) player
Queens Bargemaster and Watermen in Queen Victoria sThe Queens Bargemaster of the Royal Household and 48 Watermen in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Alpine horn Grindelwald Switzerland early 1900s
Three ladies on a 1908 Phelon & Moore motorcycleThree ladies pose for a photograph on a 1908 Phelon & Moore 500cc 4-stroke motorcycle on Brighton Parade circa 1912
Roman military standard-bearer with the aqulia or signum of the legion, trumpeter and horn player
View of Golden Horn with Breslau and Hamidie, WW1View of the Golden Horn at Istanbul, Turkey, with the German light cruiser SMS Breslau and the Turkish light cruiser Hamidieh, during the First World War. Date: 1914-1918
Warning HornA watchman at Kunszentmiklos, Hungary, blowing his horn during times of danger due to serious flooding over 200, 000 acres of low-lying acres of arable and meadow land. Date: 1930s
Little Big HornGeneral Custers last stand Date: 25 June 1876
Small boy with chrome shiny silver pedal carSmall boy in a beautiful silver chrome pedal car with his proud Father alongside
Turkish Musicians - SalonicaA fun card depicting a group of three Turkish Musicians in Salonica
Dennis Brain Letter 1955A letter from Dennis Brain, French horn player, to an admirer, enclosing his photograph
Cheerful Land GirlA cheerful Land Girl cycles to work with her spade over one shoulder
Play / Hugo / HernaniScene from the play by Victor Hugo
Spring Announced 1876Spring is announced to a pretty lady at a window
Noise PollutionA knife-grinder, a milkmaid, dogs, beggars, musicians, a coalman, and a dustman, a postboy with his horn and a child with her rattle - noise pollution in the 18th century
Iron Age ArtifactsA drinking horn and other Iron Age artifacts from Norway
Margaret Vergh Gryffyth, horned womanMargaret Vergh Gryffyth, Welsh woman who exhibited herself with a 10 centimetre horn growing from her forehead
Edith Wynne in Red Riding Hood, Gaiety Theatre, Dublin Date: 1890s
Two Swaledale rams behind a farm gate, CoverdaleTwo Swaledale rams behind a farm gate, in Coverdale, Yorkshire Dales, England. Both have a fine set of horns Date: 1991
Steam engine with crew, Southgate, North LondonSteam-driven fire engine with crew -- SDFB, Southgate District Council fire service. The date on the vehicle is 1894. The driver standing on the appliance is D Gibbons. Third from right is G Walton
Brochure cover, W Barratt & Co Ltd, NorthamptonBrochure cover design, W Barratt & Co Ltd, Northampton, advertising Footshape boots by post. Depicting an 18th century scene with a coach and horses and a road sign: Boots by Post in 1780
The Pera and Galata Districts of Istanbul, Turkey. Date: circa 1910
Semioptera wallacei, standardwingPlate 52, hand coloured lithograph by John and Elizabeth Gould from John Goulds The Birds of Australia, Supplementary volume, (1840-1848)
View across the Golden horn toward Topkapi PalaceView across the Golden Horn (with Topkapi Palace in background) looking over the done and minarets of a Constantinople Mosque
Istanbul Skyline, Turkey - SunsetIstanbul Skyline at sunset, dominated by the domes and minarets of two of the principal Mosques - Turkey. Date: 1910s
Istanbul, Turkey - Galata Ferryboats - Golden HornFerryboats and boatmen moored close to the Bridge and Quay at Galata, Constantinople, Turkey, ready to provide transport across the Golden Horn. Date: circa 1920s
Hailing taxis / W H Robinson -test editThe fitting of the new Heath Robinson taxi hailer dissolves all difficulties of inadequate whistles (due in some cases to dental work)
Invitation - Reception for Sultan Aziz in LondonInvitation to a reception given by the City of London in honour of Sultan Aziz during his stay in London in July 1867
A Happy Party of Little Motorists. Six young children are taken for a spin in an open-top car. They are all wrapped up warm against the elements. Date: circa 1905
Istanbul - Galata BridgeA view across the Galata Bridge and Golden Horn, with motorbuses, trams, cars and pedestrians packing the crossing
Horn Buffers for Cattle, 1921Illustration showing an invention, patented in 1921, designed to give any bull, using his horns in an aggressive fashion, a bash on the nose
Land Army 1941Two former mill workers, sisters Ava and Blanche Horn, (" first Bevin girls" - Land Army conscripts & volunteers) are photographed in London enroute for the south
Natural Trumpet on OwnThe NATURAL TRUMPET is only half the length of the Horn, consequently its pitch is an octave higher : it is bent in quite a different way
Roman Foot SoldiersTWO FOOT SOLDIERS with ornamented helmets and shields, one with a curved horn
Hunter Blowing his HornHuntsman blows his horn to start the hunt
Golden Horn Bay, Vladivostok, Russia, with battleships
Boys riding carabaos, a type of water buffalo, in the Philippines Date: 1930s
Adler post office delivery van, used for postbox collections, Finland Date: circa 1911
Africa - Festival Dancers. Date: circa 1970s
Africa - Topi (Damaliscus lunatus), a large African antelope of the genus Damaliscus and subfamily Alcelaphinae in the family Bovidae, with a number of recognised geographic subspecies
Istanbul, Turkey - the Sweet (Fresh) Waters of Europe, a popular resort on the banks of the two streams, the Alibey Suyu and the Kagithane Suyu, which fed the Golden Horn. Date: circa 1910s
Young French girl driving her green pedal carA young girl in full driving gear (including cap and goggles!) reversing her cute green metal toy pedal car - studio shot. Date: 1943
Neolithic Period. Temple Period (3600 to 2500)Neolithic Period. Temple Period (3600 to 2500 BC). Tarxien Temple Complex. Malta. Built in honour of a mother goddess of fertility
Neolithic Period. Temple Period (3600 to 2500)Neolithic Period. Temple Period (3600 to 2500 BC). Tarxien Temple Complex. Malta. Built in honour of a mother goddess of fertility. Architectural fragment decorated with reliefs depicting animals